Ginseng is an herb rich in antioxidants. It may offer benefits for brain health, immune function, blood sugar management, and more. However, more research is necessary.

Ginseng has been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for centuries. It’s a slow-growing short plant with fleshy roots that, depending on how long it’s grown, can be classified as fresh, white, or red.

There are many varieties of this herb, including American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng).

American and Asian ginseng vary in their concentration of active compounds and effects on the body.

Ginseng contains two significant compounds: ginsenosides and gintonin. These compounds complement one another to provide possible health benefits.

Read on to learn about the possible benefits of ginseng.

Ginseng has beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

A 2022 studyTrusted Source in 12 physically active males found that short-term supplementation with American ginseng extract reduced exercise-induced muscle damage and decreased markers of inflammation compared with a placebo.

Another 2022 studyTrusted Source in mice also suggests that ginseng root extract could help reduce inflammation, though more research is necessary.

Ginseng could helpTrusted Source improve brain functions like memory, behavior, and mood.

A 2018 studyTrusted Source of 6,422 older adults found that regular consumption of ginseng for at least 5 years was associated with improved cognitive function later in life.

According to a 2017 reviewTrusted Source, ginseng could also help ease stress and may offer benefits for depression and anxiety.

A small Trusted Source2015 studyTrusted Source showed that taking 200 milligrams (mg) of American ginseng significantly improved working memory after 3 hours compared with a placebo.

A 2018 reviewTrusted Source explains that ginseng can have a positive effect on brain function in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

A 2021 studyTrusted Source suggests that ginseng may be a useful alternative for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED).

A 2022 studyTrusted Source shows that ginseng may promote the production of nitric oxide, a compound that improves muscle relaxation in the penis and increases blood circulation.

A 2021 reviewTrusted Source suggests that nitric oxide may play a role in erectile dysfunction.

Still, research on the effects of ginseng on ED has turned up mixed results, and more high quality studies are needed.

A 2021 reviewTrusted Source of nine studies found that ginseng could improve self-reported ability to have intercourse in men.

However, researchers also noted that ginseng had little to no effect on ED or satisfaction with intercourse compared with a placebo.

Learn more about treatments for ED.

According to a 2020 reviewTrusted Source, ginseng possesses potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It may enhance the function of the immune system.

Interestingly, a 2018 animal studyTrusted Source found that black red ginseng extract (BRGE) increased the number of immune cells and enhanced antioxidant levels in the liver.

Similarly, a 2020 studyTrusted Source of 100 people showed that taking 2 grams (g) of Korean red ginseng per day for 8 weeks significantly increased levels of immune cells compared with a placebo.

However, more studies in humans are necessary to understand the potential effects of ginseng on immune function.

Ginseng may be helpful in reducing the risk of certain cancers.

Ginsenosides in this herb may help reduce inflammation and provide antioxidant protection, according to a 2021 reviewTrusted Source.

The cell cycle is the process by which cells normally grow and divide. Ginsenosides could benefit this cycle by preventing abnormal cell production and growth.

The review also suggests that ginseng may help reduce some side effects of chemotherapy, such as fatigue.

A 2016 review of several studies concluded that people who take ginseng may have a 16%Trusted Source lower risk of developing cancer.

However, while studies on the role of ginseng in cancer prevention show some benefits, more research is necessary.

Ginseng has been shown to help ease fatigue and increase energy levels.

A 2021 animal studyTrusted Source has linked some components in ginseng, like polysaccharides and oligopeptides, with lower oxidative stress and higher energy production in cells, which could help decrease fatigue.

A 2018 review of 10 studies concluded that ginseng could significantly improve symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome compared with a placebo, even after just 15 days.

A 2021 reviewTrusted Source showed that taking American or Asian ginseng could decrease symptoms of cancer-related fatigue when taken in doses of 2,000 mg or 3,000 mg per day, respectively.

Learn more about ways to reduce tiredness.

According to a 2019 reviewTrusted Source, ginseng seems to be beneficial in the management of blood sugar levels in people both with and without diabetes.

American and Asian ginseng may improve pancreatic cell function, boost insulin production, and enhance the uptake of blood sugar in tissues.

An 8-week study from 2019Trusted Source showed that taking 3 g per day of American ginseng significantly reduced fasting blood sugar levels. It’s important to note that participants in the study were continuing with their regular treatment for diabetes while also taking American ginseng.

The study showed ginseng improved hemoglobin A1c, a marker of long-term blood sugar regulation, compared with a placebo in people with type 2 diabetes. Larger studies using standardized preparations of ginseng are necessary to verify these results.

Ginseng root can be consumed in many ways. It can be eaten raw or lightly steamed to soften it. You can also stew it in water to make tea. To do this, just add hot water to freshly sliced ginseng and let it steep for several minutes.

Ginseng can be added to various recipes, such as soups and stir-fried dishes. The extract is also available in powder, tablet, capsule, and oil forms.

How much you should take depends on the condition you want to improve. For example, researchTrusted Source suggests that 2,000 mg of American ginseng daily for up to 8 weeks can help manage cancer-related fatigue.

Overall, daily doses of 200 mgTrusted Source of ginseng root extract may be suitable. It’s best to start with lower doses and increase over time.

Look for a standard ginseng extract that contains 2% to 3% total ginsenosides, and consume it before meals to increase absorption and reap the full benefits.

According to 2018 researchTrusted Source, ginseng appears to be safe and should not produce any serious adverse effects.

However, people taking diabetes medications should monitor their blood sugar levels closely when using ginseng to ensure these levels do not go too low. It’s important to talk with your doctor first before taking ginseng.

Additionally, ginseng may reduceTrusted Source the effectiveness of anticoagulant drugs. It may also interact withTrusted Source:

  • calcium channel blockers and other high blood pressure medications
  • statins
  • some antidepressants

Note that, due to the lack of safety studies, ginseng may not be suitable for children or people who are pregnant or nursing.

It’s best to talk with a healthcare professional before taking ginseng.

Possible benefits of ginseng include reducing inflammation, improving brain function, and boosting the immune system. It may also help treat erectile dysfunction, lower blood sugar, reduce tiredness, and prevent side effects from chemotherapy.

More research is necessary to better understand the possible health benefits of ginseng. It’s best to speak with a medical professional before taking ginseng or adding it to your diet. They can advise on how much they recommend you take, how frequently, and whether any other treatments may help based on your specific circumstances.