There are several benefits of yoga for heart conditions, such as improved flexibility and strength. However, there are also important safety considerations to keep in mind.
Yoga is often advertised for its ability to calm the mind. But research has shown that these benefits may extend to your heart.
Healthcare professionals commonly recommend cardiovascular exercise (also called aerobic exercise) to improve heart health.
But it doesn’t always address one of heart disease’s top underlying causes: stress. Yoga has a long list of stress-reducing benefits. These include clarity of mind, improved mood, and improved sleep.
But not every aspect of yoga is appropriate for people with heart conditions, and some practices may worsen issues.
Let’s look at the reported benefits of yoga for heart conditions, as well as some important safety considerations.
The term yoga is an umbrella term for multiple modalities which include stretching, breathing, and meditation.
Styles of physical yoga range from slower-moving restorative yoga — which involves supporting the body with props and holding shapes for extended periods — to faster-moving Vinyasa flows.
You should consider both the type of yoga one you want to do and your specific heart condition. It’s also important to work with a skilled instructor.
Here are a few styles of yoga or breathwork that need to be carefully considered if you have underlying heart problems.
Hot yoga
In 2020, the European Society of Cardiology released extensive guidelines for engaging in physical activity with heart conditions. They observed that people with Brugada syndrome, which disrupts the heart’s natural rhythms, should avoid heated activities where one’s core temperature is raised beyond 102.2℉ (39℃).
Most hot yoga classes are heated to 95℉ (35℃), but some Bikram yoga classes have been reported to be as high as 105℉ (40℃).
According to researchers, fluid balance is important for people with heart conditions. Dehydration, and overcorrecting by drinking too much water, are more likely to occur in hot settings.
Certain Pranayamas
There’s a style of Pranayama (yogic breathing) called Kapalabhati breath (breath of fire), in which practitioners forcefully exhale in succession.
A 2020 study had some reports of an increased symptomatic nervous system response from practicing Kapalibhati. If the response remained persistent over time, it could cause harm to the cardiovascular system. However, this was a very small study, and more research is needed.
It should be noted that the patients in these studies did not have heart conditions, and these events seem more likely to be one-off occurrences than a consistent danger of the practice.
Regardless, be sure to practice pranayamas like Kapalabahti with a trained instructor.
Since yoga is a blanket statement for a wide variety of practices and there are many different cardiovascular diseases, there are no one-size-fits-all modifications for heart conditions.
Still, there are some general considerations to keep in mind:
- Avoid overheating: Heat is hard on the heart. It makes the heart work harder, which for people with heart conditions can be dangerous.
- Use a wall for balance: A wall or partner for additional support can be especially helpful for people who have low blood pressure and have a tendency to get light-headed easily.
- Avoid any stressful classes or poses: Despite its reputation for reducing stress, yoga can be stressful if you’re doing a class or pose that’s inappropriate for your abilities.
Make sure to always let your instructor know which medical conditions you have prior to class. If you’re experiencing any adverse symptoms during class, call your doctor right away.
Aside from the specific exceptions listed later in this article, some types of yoga may offer heart-healthy benefits. As always, speak with your medical team about your specific symptoms or condition — especially before beginning a new exercise routine or yoga practice.
Here are some benefits of yoga for heart conditions:
1. Cardiovascular conditioning
Most people think of walking or bicycling when they hear the term “cardio” exercise, but a 2022 study confirms that moderate-intensity yoga can be an effective alternative to strengthen one’s heart.
2. Lowered cholesterol
A 2021 study of Vinyasa flow found the style to significantly lessen lipid concentrations (fat stores), lowering cholesterol.
3. Controlled blood pressure
For people with hypertension and arrhythmia, maintaining one’s blood pressure can be critical.
4. Improved quality of life
Additional symptoms that accompany heart conditions can include edema (swelling of joints and limbs), headaches, and exhaustion. All of these affect people’s day-to-day and quality of life.
A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis found yoga significantly improved quality of life for multiple coronary heart disease patients.
5. Possibly reduced mortality rates
Though there is a call for larger studies to replicate findings, there’s promising data that yoga may help reduce morbidity and mortality rates among CVD patients.
6. Potentially fewer cardiac distress episodes
Yoga is good at bringing people into the present moment and “tuning them into what their body is feeling.” This could be a critical skill for someone with a heart condition, helping them recognize more quickly when something isn’t right.
Yoga — whether it’s the physical poses, breathwork, or meditation — is helpful for cultivating body awareness and presence, as well as for lowering stress. These can be critical skills for someone facing a cardiovascular condition.
If you find the right style of yoga based on your unique condition, you could see improvements in more than just your mental health. Your heart health may improve, too.
It’s important to talk with your doctor about the type of yoga you’re considering. Your doctor can more specifically advise you on how to adjust their practice and when you may need to stop.