Sleeping next to a partner who snores can be challenging and affect your sleep quality. It’s understandable that this can lead to feelings of frustration or even concern for your health. Here’s what may help.

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It’s nighttime. You should be asleep. But you’re not. Because your partner, who’s lying next to you, is snoring, and you can’t sleep through the racket.

So what can you do besides glare at your partner?

As it turns out, you do have options that may help you get a better night’s sleep. Here are seven tips to try.

Yes, this may be easier said than done. Sometimes, though, you can put the power of the mind to work and train yourself to ignore or downplay the sound of your partner’s snoring.

There are a few strategies you can try to distract yourself:

You may eventually be able to train yourself not to focus on the sound of snoring—or at least tune it out enough to fall (and stay) asleep.

One of the easiest and quickest solutions is to stuff your own ears with earplugs to muffle or eliminate the sound of your partner sawing wood next to you.

There are several good choices, depending on your needs (and the volume of your snoring).

You can opt for inexpensive soft foam earplugs at the drugstore or silicone noise-reducing earplugs designed for people who spend time in very noisy environments (think rock concerts or airport runways).

If you don’t like the feeling of something inserted into your ear, slip on your noise-canceling headphones.

A white noise machine generates a steady consistent noise that’s soothing to listen to. If it works right, you’ll be lulled into sleep.

Some white noise machines offer options, too. You can choose to listen to the sound of ocean waves crashing on the sand or a waterfall.

If you don’t want to invest in a separate white noise machine, download a white noise or mediation app for your smartphone and let that play instead.

For some people, sleeping in the supine position — that is, lying on their backs — makes snoring worse.

Although it’s become a cliché to elbow your snoring partner in the ribs so they’ll roll over onto their stomachs and (hopefully) stop snoring, sometimes changing position is truly all it takes.

Positional therapy (PT) is a treatment option specifically designed to help snorers avoid lying on their backs. There are several options you could try.

  • Snore-reducing trainer. Imagine a padded weight belt that you sleep in. That’s basically the premise behind the trainer. It makes it hard for the wearer to sleep on their back, so they must roll over onto their side, where they may be less likely to snore.
  • A tennis ball. In the middle of the night, when you’re eager to try anything, slip a tennis ball (or any other smooth object) underneath your partner’s back, which will make it uncomfortable for them to lie on their back. Unfortunately, it may cause back pain in the snorer.
  • Head-positioning pillow. A head-positioning pillow, also sometimes called an anti-snore pillow, may help to properly align the user’s neck so they’re less likely to snore. You can order one online or pick one up at a local store, depending on how desperate you are for a good night’s sleep again.

It’s recommended that you explain your concern and ask your partner to visit a doctor to be evaluated. Assuring them that you’ll go with them if they’re uncomfortable going alone may help.

A sleep study can determine how much a person snores and assess the possible causes of their snoring. If the evaluation reveals that they have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), they can learn more about treatment options.

If your partner is diagnosed with OSA, your partner may be a candidate for:

Surgery is also a possibility when other therapies don’t work.

It’s important to recognize that snoring can affect anyone, regardless of gender. Research shows that women often underestimate or underreport their snoring, which can lead to fewer of them seeking help at sleep clinics.

Remember the old adage about how desperate times call for desperate measures? When all else fails, you might have to leave the room at night.

This doesn’t mean it needs to be every night, but on days you are feeling especially exhausted because you were kept awake by your partner’s snoring, you may want to consider finding a different place to sleep for the night, if possible.

If you’re feeling lonely, though, be sure to let your partner know that you’d rather be together. This can encourage them to make adjustments.

Research has found that people who sleep next to partners with OSA often experience poorer quality sleep and daytime functioning.

Sleep deprivation can cause memory problems, disrupt your mood, and even increase your risk of developing:

  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure

A 2018 study even notes that people who got less than 5-6 hours of sleep per night were more likely to have obesity, which can also raise the risk of certain chronic health conditions.

Poor sleep can also lead to heart problems. For instance, a 2023 study found that compared to healthy sleepers, men developed cardiovascular disease (CVD) 2.3 years sooner, and women developed CVD 1.8 years sooner.

When you treat your partner’s snoring, you’re more likely to get a better night’s sleep. And your own health will improve when you get enough high quality sleep.

If you’re struggling to sleep next to a partner who snores, know that you’re not alone in this challenge. It can be really tough, and it’s important to address it together.

There are various strategies you can explore to lessen the impact, so don’t hesitate to try different ones until you find what works best for you.

Also, consider having an open conversation with your partner about potential solutions. They may have ideas that could help, and working together can strengthen your connection while finding a resolution.