Chia seeds contain large amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, some protein, and many essential minerals and antioxidants. They may help improve digestive health, lower blood pressure, and improve blood sugar control.

Chia seeds are the tiny black seeds of the chia plant (Salvia hispanica).

Native to Mexico and Guatemala, they were a staple food for the ancient Aztecs and Mayans.

Chia seeds are small, flat, and oval-shaped with a shiny and smooth texture. Their color ranges from white to brown or black.

These seeds are highly versatile. They can be soaked and added to porridge, made into pudding, used in baked goods, or simply sprinkled on top of salads or yogurt.

Because of their ability to absorb liquid and form a gel, they can also be used to thicken sauces or as an egg replacement.

This article provides everything you need to know about chia seeds.

Chia seeds contain 138 calories per ounce (28 grams).

By weight, they are 6%Trusted Source water, 42%Trusted Source carbohydrates (of which 82%Trusted Source is fiber), 31%Trusted Source fat, and 17%Trusted Source protein.

The nutrients in one ounce (28.35 grams)Trusted Source of chia seeds are:

  • Calories: 138
  • Protein: 4.7 grams
  • Carbs: 11.9 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 9.8 grams
  • Fat: 8.7 grams
    • Saturated: 0.9 grams
    • Monounsaturated: 0.7 grams
    • Polyunsaturated: 6.7 grams
    • Omega-3: 5 grams
    • Omega-6: 1.7 grams

Notably, chia seeds are also free of gluten.

Carbs and fiber

More than 80% of the carb content of chia seeds is in the form of fiber.

A single ounce (28.35 grams) of chia seeds boasts 9.75 gramsTrusted Source of fiber, which is a significant portion of the Daily Value (DV) of 28 gramsTrusted Source per day.

Chia seeds contain 85-93% insoluble and 7-15% soluble fiber.

Chia fiber may also be fermented in your gut, promoting the formation of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and improving colon health.


One of the unique characteristics of chia seeds is their high content of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

About 60% of the fats in chia seeds consist of the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), while about 20%Trusted Source consist of omega-6 fatty acids.

In fact, chia seeds are the best known plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids — even better than flaxseed.

According to a 2019 review of studies, ALA reduces cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, and is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It may also improve cognition, but more research is needed.

The ALA found in chia needs to be converted into the active forms (EPA and DHA) before your body can use it, and this process is often inefficient.


Chia seeds contain 5 grams of proteinTrusted Source per one-ounce serving — a similar amount to other seeds but more than most cereals and grains.

Studies show that high protein intake is associated with increased fullness after meals and reduced food intake.

Notably, these seeds offer all nine essential amino acids and are thus a high quality plant-based protein. However, they are not recommended as the sole protein source in anyone’s diet. Protein sources should be varied, whether you’re vegan or not.

One ounceTrusted Source of chia seeds provides significant amounts of many minerals and some vitamins, particularly thiamine (15% of the DV) and niacin (16% of the DV).

The most abundant minerals are:

  • Manganese (23% of the DV). Whole grains and seeds are rich in manganese, which is essential for metabolism, growth, and development.
  • Phosphorus (20% of the DV). Usually found in protein-rich foods, phosphorus contributes to bone health and tissue maintenance.
  • Copper (29% of the DV). A mineral often lacking in the modern diet, copper is important for heart health.
  • Selenium (29% of the DV). An important antioxidant, selenium is involved in many processes in your body.
  • Iron (22% of the DV). As a component of hemoglobin in red blood cells, iron is involved in the transport of oxygen throughout your body. It may be poorly absorbed from chia seeds due to their phytic acid content.
  • Magnesium (23% of the DV). Often lacking in the Western diet, magnesium plays important roles in many bodily processes.
  • Calcium. The most abundant mineral in your body, calcium is essential for bones, muscles, and nerves.

The absorption of some minerals, such as iron and zinc, may be reducedTrusted Source because of the phytic acid content of chia seeds.

Chia seeds contain a number of beneficial plant compounds, including:

  • Chlorogenic acid. This antioxidant, which is also found in coffee and fruit, may have benefits for heart health.
  • Caffeic acid. This substance is abundant in many plant foods and may help fight inflammation in your body.
  • Quercetin. This powerful antioxidant may protect heart health and reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Kaempferol. This antioxidant has been associated with a decreased risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Clean, dry chia seeds have an extended shelf life, as their antioxidants protect their fats from damage.

Chia seeds have become increasingly popular in recent years because of their high nutritional value and alleged health benefits.

Their main health benefits are listed below.

Increased blood levels of omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important for your body and brain, and chia seeds are an excellent source of the omega-3 ALA.

However, ALA needs to be converted into the active forms, such as EPA, before your body can use it.

A 2021 meta-analysisTrusted Source confirms that chia seeds raise blood levels of ALA and EPA in multiple studies.

Improved blood sugar control

Having healthy blood sugar levels is crucial for optimal health.

Animal studiesTrusted Source demonstrate that sprouted chia seeds reduce insulin resistance and improve blood sugar control, which are important risk factors for metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

One human studyTrusted Source found that bread made with chia seeds causes a reduced blood sugar response in people without diabetes, compared with more traditional breads.

However, results have been mixed. One meta-analysis in overweight subjects found no significant impact of chia seed supplementation on glycemic markers. And a randomized controlled trialTrusted Source of people with type 2 diabetes found no significant impact of chia seed on HbA1c, FBG, and insulin levels.

Lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for chronic diseases such as heart disease.

Chia seeds have been found in recent studiesTrusted Source to lower systolic blood pressure, but did not affect body weight or lipid levels. A study on chia flourTrusted Source produced similarly mixed results.

Increased fiber intake

Most people don’t consume enough fiber.

High fiber intake is linked to improved gut health and a lower risk of numerous diseases.

A single ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds provides 9.75 gramsTrusted Source of fiber, which is 35%Trusted Source of the DV.

Due to their soluble fiber content, chia seeds slow down the digestive process, leading to increased fullness and decreased food intake.

Chia seeds are generally considered safe to eat, and few to no adverse effects have been reportedTrusted Source from consuming them.

However, to avoid possible digestive side effects, drink plenty of water when eating them — especially if they have not been presoaked.

Chia seeds are very rich in fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

They have been linked to improvement in risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, as well as benefits for digestion and gut health.

Chia seeds are very easy to incorporate into a healthy diet.