Both nuts and seeds are versatile, easy to eat on the go, and a good source of plant-based protein, especially for those who eat few or no animal products.
Seeds are the embryos of a plant. Technically, nuts are a type of seed with a tough outer layer. So while all nuts are seeds, not all seeds are nuts.
However, the
That said, if you’re not allergic, eating either nuts or seeds can help you meet your protein needs. Protein is necessary for building bones, muscles, and skin. Protein also increases feelings of fullness, helping you stay satisfied and energized.
While all nuts contain protein, some provide more than others. This article reviews 8 nuts that are high in protein in ascending order.
Eating walnuts is a delicious way to boost your protein intake.
Walnuts are also a source of heart-healthy fats. Specifically, they contain more omega-3 fatty acids, in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), than any other nut.
Some observational studies have linked ALA intake to a lower risk of heart disease.
With their fatty texture and mouthfeel, walnuts are a good addition to ground meats and can further increase the protein content of meat-based dishes.
Pine nuts are technically not nuts, though they are seeds.
The fat in pine nuts mostly comes from unsaturated fats, which may help reduce risk factors for heart disease. Based on animal studies only, ene of the fatty acids in pine nuts
Toasted pine nuts are a delicious way to add some extra protein to salads, grain bowls, or vegetables. To toast pine nuts at home, cook them in a skillet over medium heat for a few minutes until fragrant.
Brazil nuts are also technically seeds, but not nuts. They come from a rainforest tree and are easy to spot in a bag of mixed nuts, as they’re usually the biggest ones.
Along with protein, Brazil nuts provide healthy fats, fiber, and an assortment of micronutrients. What’s more, they are one of the best food sources of selenium, an essential mineral that
Just one Brazil nut (5 g) has almost 175% of the DV for selenium necessary for people who aren’t pregnant or nursing.
Try mixing Brazil nuts with other nuts and seeds, dried mango, and dark chocolate chunks for a protein-rich trail mix.
Cashews are also technically seeds, but not nuts. They’re high in protein and contain several important vitamins and minerals.
A 1/4 cup (32 g) serving provides about 80% of the Daily Value (DV) for copper. Copper is a mineral that
Studies have also found a link between low copper intake and an increased risk of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.
Thus, getting more copper in your diet by eating cashews may be one way to help protect against this condition.
To enjoy more cashews in your diet, eat them as part of a balanced snack on top of plain yogurt with fruit.
Hazelnuts have a slightly sweet, buttery, and toasted flavor, making them a particularly delicious source of protein.
Studies have also found that adding hazelnuts to your diet may help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol, thereby helping lower the risk of heart disease.
For a high protein snack, make some homemade “Nutella” spread. Blend 1 cup (135 g) of hazelnuts with 2 scoops (60 g) of chocolate protein powder, 1 tablespoon (6 g) of cocoa powder, and two tablespoons (tbsp) or 30 milliliters (mL) of maple syrup.
Pine nuts are the seeds of certain varieties of pine cones. They’re prized for their mild, sweet taste and buttery texture, which comes from their high fat content.
Pistachios are also a seed but not a nut. A serving of pistachios provides as much protein as one egg.
Compared with most other nuts, these nuts have a
Essential amino acids
For a fun way to eat pistachios, try blending them into nut butter and spreading it on toast, apples, or crackers.
Protein: About
Almonds are also seeds, but not nuts. However, like many other options on this list, people often group them with nuts and consider them to be a high protein option.
Almonds are high in protein and loaded with antioxidants. These plant compounds
The brown layer of skin surrounding almonds contains the highest concentration of antioxidants, so it’s best to eat almonds with the skin for the most benefits.
To make a balanced snack with almonds, pair them with a piece of fruit.
Peanuts are a legume, a type of seed that grows in a pod. Botanically, they’re more similar to soybeans or lentils than to nuts.
Like most legumes, they provide a lot of plant-based protein. In fact, peanuts have the highest protein content out of all commonly consumed foods people commonly refer to as nuts.
Peanuts are also one of the best food sources of biotin, a vitamin that
For a balanced snack that provides protein, fats, and carbs, combine peanut butter and bananas on their own, or assemble them on top of toast.
Pumpkin seeds can be a highly nutritious snack with a mild flavor and a chewy texture. They contain almost double the protein as most other choices on this list.
Like other nuts and seeds, they’re high in antioxidants and contain important nutrients like selenium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and phosphorous.
Research shows these nutrients may help protect your body from inflammation, diseases like arthritis or diabetes, mood disorders like depression, heart disease, and even certain cancers.
Throw some pumpkin seeds into your salad, and try roasting them for a crunchier, nuttier flavor.
Which nuts are complete proteins?
Foods that are rich in all nine crucial amino acids are typically classified as sources of complete protein. Pistachio nuts are a complete protein. Additional seeds that are complete proteins include chia seeds and hemp seeds.
What three nuts have more protein than an egg?
One large egg (50 g) contains about
Nuts are a healthy source of plant-based protein. For anyone who isn’t allergic, they make a convenient snack, and you can add them to many dishes to boost their protein content.
The nuts on this list are all good sources of protein, with peanuts providing the most protein per serving.
If you cannot eat peanuts or want to try some different protein-rich nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, and Brazil nuts are a few interesting options.