Sugary, nutrient-poor breakfast foods can make you feel tired and hungry soon after eating them. To avoid cravings and aid weight loss, choose nutritious options like eggs, yogurt, fruit, vegetables, and healthy grains.

When you’re trying to lose weight, breakfast can set the tone for the rest of your day.

Here are 14 healthy breakfast foods that can help you lose weight.

Rich in proteinTrusted Source and important vitamins and minerals, such as selenium and riboflavin, eggs are a true powerhouse of nutrition.

ResearchTrusted Source has also found that thanks to their high protein content, eggs may help reduceTrusted Source appetite when eaten with breakfast. This can give weight loss a serious boost.

Learn more about eggs and weight loss.

2. Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is a component of the wheat kernel that contains a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals, including manganese, thiamine, and selenium.

ResearchTrusted Source suggests that eating cereal grains may benefit weight loss, partly because it increases your fiber intake, among other possible mechanisms. However, more researchTrusted Source is needed to understand how grains affect metabolism and weight.

High in fiber but low in calories, one medium banana has just over 100 calories yet packs 3 g of dietary fiber — knocking out up to 11%Trusted Source of your daily fiber needs in one shot.

ResearchTrusted Source has found that upping your intake of fiber from fruits and vegetables is associated with increased weight loss.

Additionally, unripe bananas are a good source of resistant starch, a type of starch that your stomach and small intestine don’t digest. ResearchTrusted Source suggests that resistant starch may help reduce food intake and decrease belly fat.

Learn more about bananas and weight.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt makes an excellent addition to a weight-loss diet. In particular, Greek yogurt delivers a hearty chunk of protein in every serving, making it an ideal weight-loss breakfast food.

Research has found that eating Greek yogurt, especially when combined with exerciseTrusted Source and as part of an overall balanced dietTrusted Source, may help support weight loss.

Learn more about yogurt and weight.

Smoothies can give you a concentrated dose of nutrients. Since you can customize your ingredients, you can tailor your drink to fit your personal preferences.

Filling your smoothies with veggies and low calorie fruits can boost your fiber intake, benefitingTrusted Source your gut microbiome and helping you feel full longer.

Throw in some high protein ingredients like yogurt, tofu, or protein powder to promoteTrusted Source fullness and fight off cravings.

However, smoothies can be high in calories if you use too many calorie-dense ingredients. For a simple weight loss smoothie, blend one cup (285 g) of Greek yogurt with some leafy greens, two tablespoons (tbs) or (28 g) of chia seeds, and one cup (144 g) of strawberries.

Discover the most nutritious smoothie recipes.

In addition to providingTrusted Source many important vitamins and minerals, berries are rich in fiber, which may help reduce hunger and food intake.

Eating them regularly may also help reduce the chanceTrusted Source of developing various diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

Besides being low in calories, grapefruits have a high water and fiber contentTrusted Source — both of which can be beneficial for weight loss.

Research suggests eating citrus fruit may help people lose or maintainTrusted Source their weight.

In particular, this may be because citrus fruits like grapefruit contain polyphenols such as naringeninTrusted Source, which are compounds that can help protect metabolism.

That said, the research on grapefruit is inconsistentTrusted Source, so more study is needed specifically on this fruit and weight.

If you are taking any drugs, make sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist before eating grapefruit. Certain drugs may interactTrusted Source with grapefruit, potentially causing some adverse effects.

Learn more about grapefruits and weight.

Because of its caffeine content, coffee may aid weight loss by boostingTrusted Source metabolism and fat burning.

Drinking it may help support weight lossTrusted Source, especially when combined with other strategies such as eating a balanced diet and exercising.

Just make sure not to overdo it with the sugar or creamer, as they add calories and negate some of the coffee’s potential health-promoting properties.

Learn more about coffee and weight.

High in vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium, kiwis are also an excellent source of fiber — just one cup (180 g) provides up to 19%Trusted Source of your daily needs.

ResearchTrusted Source shows eating kiwis can help reduce body fat mass, help improve blood pressure, and reduce inflammation in people with obesity.

What’s more, kiwis have been shown to help enhance feelings of fullness, decrease appetiteTrusted Source, and lower blood sugar.

They also act as a natural laxative by stimulatingTrusted Source the movement of your digestive tract to support regularity.

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Take a look at the ingredients in almost any diet pill or fat-burning supplement, and there’s a good chance you’ll spot green tea.

Green tea has been studiedTrusted Source extensively for its metabolism and fat-burning capacities. For example, a recent 2022 studyTrusted Source found that people who drank more green tea had less belly fat.

Try adding a squeeze of lemon, drizzling on a bit of honey, or brewing your tea with ginger or mint to bring a tasty twist to your cup.

Learn more about green tea and weight.

Chia seeds are an excellent breakfast supplement. They’re high in fiberTrusted Source and can absorb water to form a gel, which expands in your stomach to help keep you feeling fuller longer

They’re also rich in protein, which can reduceTrusted Source levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stimulating hunger.

A 2021 animal studyTrusted Source found that chia seeds may help the body metabolize fat better.

Additional researchTrusted Source on humans found that chia seeds can help support weight loss, though other researchTrusted Source suggests conflicting results. More studies on chia seeds and weight are needed.

Learn more about chia seeds and weight.

Oats are low in calories but high in fiber and protein — two nutrients that impact appetite and weight control.

In particular, oats are an excellent sourceTrusted Source of beta-glucan, a type of fiber shown to impact everything from immune function to heart health.

Research shows that beta-glucan can help balance blood sugar levels, working to prevent spikes and crashes that may drive up your appetite.

This means that eating oats may helpTrusted Source you manage your appetite and avoid overeating, which in turn can support weight loss.

Learn more about oatmeal and weight.

Flaxseeds are loaded with viscous fiber, a type of soluble fiber that absorbs water to form a gel in your gut.

Studies show that soluble fiber is especially effectiveTrusted Source at slowing digestion, which could help decrease appetite and lower calorie intake to aid weight loss.

Research suggests that adding flaxseed to your diet can have a powerful effect on weight loss and appetite control.

Nuts provide the perfect balance of fiber, protein, and heart-healthy fats. Adding them to your balanced diet can helpTrusted Source support your weight loss goals.

That said, remember that nuts are also very calorie-dense, so limit your intake to about one ounce (28 g) at a time to keep the calories from stacking up.

Learn more about nuts and weight.

While there isn’t one single dish that’s necessarily the healthiest to eat, you have plenty of healthy ingredient choices to give you a variety of nutritious breakfast options.

Select from these resources to get started:

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Starting your day on the right foot and with the right food can make a world of difference regarding weight loss.

Eating healthy breakfast foods can make it easier to curb cravings and stick to your weight loss goals.

Remember that following a weight loss diet doesn’t just end with a healthy breakfast. Be sure to fill your diet with nutritious whole foods throughout the day to optimize your health and help you lose weight quickly.