November 22, 2021
Getty Images/Sam Spicer
Members of the Bezzy IBD community share their go-to food choices to start their day off right with inflammatory bowel disease.
You’ve likely heard countless times about how important it is to start your day with a healthy breakfast. However, if you live with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), you probably also know that this is often easier said than done.
When you’re living with IBD, it can be challenging to figure out which foods may trigger a flare-up and which foods may help ease your symptoms. Breakfast foods are no exception.
Finding a diet that meets your body’s unique needs can take some time and some trial and error.
Research suggests that following a low FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) diet can help ease digestive symptoms of IBD and help you figure out what your trigger foods are.
However, trying out a low FODMAP diet may make you feel like there are more foods you can’t eat than ones you can.
If you’re struggling to find a breakfast routine that works for you, it can be helpful to hear about what has worked for others living with IBD.
Members of the Bezzy IBD community shared their go-to breakfast choices to add some inspiration to your morning routine.
“I usually eat hard-boiled eggs with a slice of white toast and some plant-based butter. Sometimes I drink a smoothie too. Sometimes I’ll have cornflakes with blueberries when I’m not flaring up.” — Prosado
“Like everything else when it comes to IBD, everyone is different. I tolerate steel cut oats well and eat them almost every morning. I used to eat shredded wheat but discovered it was also shredding me!” — UCrunner
“Sometimes I have plain yogurt with live active cultures and no added sugar. Sometimes I flavor it with honey or add granola as long as the sugar content is low! Sometimes I’ll add some banana slices too — green bananas are particularly good.” — Taylor M.
“I always start with a soluble fiber food. When I’m flaring, I start the day with bananas, applesauce, soft cooked potatoes, or veggies. I had been having trouble with dairy, so I switched to rice milk.” — Jo A.
“I keep it simple. I almost always eat a bowl of cornflakes with lactose-free milk.” — Rose25
“I usually make scrambled eggs with some kind of meat. Lately I’ve been having chicken bacon or breakfast sausages. Sometimes I add some avocado and berries!” — Alexa
“I eat the same thing every morning: baked oatmeal with bananas, blueberries, ground flaxseed, almond milk, walnuts, and a little date sugar. I also have coffee with soy milk. I try to eat a decent amount of fiber, which definitely helps my symptoms as long as I don’t overdo it. As many people with IBD will understand, it’s a very fine line.” — dc10
“I mostly make smoothies in the morning. My go-to is kefir (for the probiotics), strawberry, banana, collagen peptides, cinnamon, and cacao powder. Personally, I find that liquids and soft foods are a lot easier on my stomach.” — Chantelle0114
It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s experience living with IBD is different. The types of food and serving sizes that work for one person may worsen symptoms for someone else.
Particularly when you’re first diagnosed with IBD, it can feel like your meal options are limited. Sometimes, figuring out a diet that works for you can be stressful and discouraging.
Talking with other people who understand firsthand what you are going through can help you start to see that you have more options than you think.
Whether you’re looking for tips about navigating doctor’s appointments, a place to vent about your most frustrating symptoms, or a recipe for the perfect IBD-friendly smoothie, the Bezzy IBD community is here to help.
Article originally appeared on July 28, 2021 on Bezzy’s sister site, Healthline. Last fact checked on July 26, 2021.
Fact checked on November 22, 2021
2 Sources
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