Maca is a plant that originated in Peru. Its root is a natural remedy that some people use to treat specific health issues, including infertility and low sex drive. However, more research is needed.

Maca is a plant that some populations in Peru
In the last few decades, maca has grown in popularity. This article explains what maca root is, highlights some potential benefits, and answers whether it’s safe to add to your diet.
The maca plant, called Lepidium meyenii or “Peruvian ginseng,” is a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale.
Native to the high Andean plateaus, it has been cultivated for over 2,000 years and can survive the harsh weather of the Peruvian Andes above 4,000 meters (m) or 13,123 feet (ft). Traditionally, the Andean people
Maca products have increased in popularity due to claims they may help increase libido and fertility. Maca is now grown worldwide, including in China’s Yunnan province.
It contains beneficial compounds, including:
- fiber
- vitamins and minerals
- bioactive compounds, such as macamides, macaridine, alkaloids, and glucosinolates
However, research on its benefits has been mixed, with more studies needed to support the claims.
Here are some potential benefits of maca.
SummaryPeople in Peru have used maca for thousands of years as food and natural medication.
It’s still unclear whether maca has any real benefit for treating low libido, sexual dysfunction, or infertility in either males or females. The available studies have shown mixed results.
Are sex and gender the same thing?
People often use the terms sex and gender interchangeably, but they have different meanings:
- “Sex” refers to the physical characteristics that differentiate male, female, and intersex bodies.
- “Gender” refers to a person’s identity and how they feel inside. Examples include man, woman, nonbinary, agender, bigender, genderfluid, pangender, and trans. A person’s gender identity may be different from the sex they were assigned at birth.
What does maca do for male sexual function?
While many studies on maca have not been conducted on human subjects, some research suggests it may benefit males with low sexual desire or libido.
A 2020 study suggests that taking 2 grams (g) of maca per day for 12 weeks may
What does maca root do for a female sexual function?
However, larger studies in humans are still needed to investigate the effects of maca on female libido and sexual function.
SummaryLimited evidence suggests that maca may help improve sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, and fertility. However, research is limited at this time.
Menopause happens naturally in people who menstruate. It’s the time of life when menstrual periods stop permanently.
SummaryAccording to limited findings, maca may help reduce some menopausal symptoms. However, there’s not enough evidence to determine its true effectiveness.
Limited evidence suggests that maca may help improve energy levels and enhance mood.
A 2022 study in young adult females also showed that maca extract might reduce fatigue. Meanwhile, a 2016 study of 175 people living at either low or high altitudes demonstrated that taking 3 g of red or black maca daily for 12 weeks improved mood and energy scores compared with a placebo.
However, there is not enough evidence yet to draw firm conclusions about maca’s impact on energy or mood.
SummarySome evidence suggests that maca may help improve energy and positively affect mood. However, research is limited at this time.
Human research investigating the potential health benefits of maca is limited.
However, initial findings from test tube studies and animal studies in mice and rats suggest maca may benefit health by:
helping preserveTrusted Source cognitive functionsupportingTrusted Source treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)helpingTrusted Source wound healingcontainingTrusted Source anti-inflammatory properties- containing prebiotic nutrients that may support digestion
Keep in mind that there’s currently no evidence that these potential benefits apply to humans, so research on humans would be needed to investigate them.
SummaryLimited evidence from animal research suggests that maca may have benefits for BPH, brain health, and skin health.
Maca is an edible plant and is also available in other forms, including capsules and powders.
You can add maca powder to smoothies, oatmeal, baked goods, energy bars, and more. Its nutty, butterscotch-like taste pairs well with many sweeter flavors.
The optimal dose for medicinal use of maca has not been established. However, the dosage of maca root powder used in studies generally ranges from
If you want to ensure you choose higher-quality maca or get a personalized dosage recommendation, speak with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian or physician. Because supplements are not regulated like medications, it’s best to choose brands verified by third parties to ensure they contain what they say on the label.
Read more about how to choose high quality supplements.
SummaryMaca root powder is widely available and easy to incorporate into your diet.
What happens if I take maca every day?
Maca is generally safe to eat as part of your regular diet. Research has found it safe to take as a supplement of up to
Who should not take maca?
It’s important to research the product you use, especially if you are pregnant or nursing. It isn’t known whether maca is safe to consume during pregnancy or nursing. Talk with a doctor before trying maca or any other supplements, especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications.
Does maca increase testosterone?
How long does it take for maca to work?
The length of time before you see a positive effect depends on the type of effect you’re interested in. However, various research studies have found noticeable positive effects after
Although research on the potential health effects of maca is limited, some evidence suggests maca supplements may help improve certain aspects of sexual health and fertility, reduce menopause symptoms, and improve mood in certain people.
However, scientists need to study maca more extensively before recommending it for treating any health condition or symptom.
If you’re interested in taking maca, consult a healthcare professional first. They can help you determine whether maca is the right choice for your health needs.
Just one thing
Try this today: Add maca powder to energy balls for a delicious and filling snack. You can find many recipes for energy balls online to suit your tastes. You can combine maca with nutritious ingredients such as hemp, cacao, and flaxseed.