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One size of earplug doesn’t fit all. From wide canal designs to custom molds, we’re vetting designs for different preferences and price points.

If honking horns or a snoring partner keep you awake, you already know what science has confirmed: Noise adversely affects sleep quality and health.

High quality earplugs are a simple fix for a loud sleep environment since they reduce noise significantly. Even better, no earplug is designed to block out noise completely, so you won’t have to worry about sleeping through your alarm clock or an emergency.

We kept an eye (and ear) out for the best earplugs available to help those seeking a quieter night’s sleep. Here’s what we found.

We zeroed in on some of the best earplug options out there by considering a range of prices, materials, and designs. We looked at features such as:

  • comfort
  • ease of use
  • noise reduction ability

Noise reduction rating (NRR) is an average reduction of noise with directed use in laboratory tests. We include an NRR with the products listed below — products with higher NRRs can reduce noise better than products with lower NRRs.

We analyzed the claims made by each product manufacturer, and we contrasted them with user critiques and reviews to provide you with accurate information.

Here are our options to get ready for your best night’s sleep.

Pricing guide

  • $ = under $10
  • $$ = $10–$20
  • $$$ = over $20

How do you get a better fit with earplugs?

Roll the ends of the earplugs into a shape and size that feels appropriate for your ear canal, and place them partially inside. Hold them in place to let them expand and create a seal.

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Here’s what to consider when choosing the best earplugs for a great night’s sleep:

  • Fit: What works best for you will probably be determined by fit. Ill-fitting earplugs won’t provide you with enough noise reduction. The size of your ear canal is an important factor. If the earplugs are too big for your ear canal, they’ll constantly slide out. Too small, and they may be uncomfortable.
  • Type: Experimenting with different types may help you find the type that provides you with the most comfort and noise reduction. Some are designed to fit into your ear canal, while others cover your ear. Both techniques can block out sound.
  • Materials: Earplugs are commonly made of foam, cotton, or silicone. Some materials may be stickier than others, and some may be less comfortable for some users.
  • Price: You can find packages of disposable earplugs for under $10. There are also reusable varieties, which tend to cost a bit more.
  • Reusable vs. single-use: There are pros and cons to both types. Of course, disposable earplugs are usually cheaper. However, they’re also not as durable or environmentally friendly. Earplugs can also build up gunk if they’re not used as intended (if they’re used more than once).
  • Noise reduction rating: Check the NRR before you buy. The higher the rating, the more sound the earplugs can block out.

Earplugs are generally considered safe. However, no matter what type of earplug you decide works best, make sure you know the potential risks.

External white noise machines can be used in addition to earplugs to completely muffle other sounds. They can also be used instead of earplugs.

Other devices are also available that you can wear for noise reduction during sleep, including earmuffs. While they typically provide high NRR, most people find earmuffs uncomfortable to wear during sleep since they fit over the head like standard headphones.

Is it safe to wear earplugs to sleep? Is it OK to sleep with earplugs every night?

Earplugs are generally thought to be safe. However, it’s important to use them correctly and clean them properly if they’re reusable.

If they’re designed to be single-use, don’t be tempted to reuse them. Instead, throw them away, and use a new pair each night.

What is an NRR?

An NRR (noise reduction rating) is a rating that shows how many decibels of noise a pair of earplugs can block. The higher the NRR, the more sound the earplugs will block when used as intended.

Can earplugs block out snoring?

Depending on the NRR, earplugs may be able to block out some sounds of snoring. However, it’s unlikely they’ll be able to block the sound of snoring completely.

What are the best earplugs to wear while sleeping?

Best is a subjective term. You may have to experiment with several types of earplugs before you land on the type that’s best for you.

In general, look for earplugs that significantly block out noise plus fit your ears comfortably and snugly. You don’t want them to fall out while you’re asleep. You also don’t want them to get pushed too far back into your ear canal.

It’s best to avoid hard silicone earplugs, which users typically find uncomfortable to sleep with.

What earplugs won’t fall out while sleeping?

The best earplugs for sleeping can be made from a variety of materials, such as:

  • foam
  • putty
  • silicone
  • wax combined with cotton

All of these types will remain comfortably in your ears, provided that they mold to your ear canal and fit well. If you have trouble finding earplugs that stay in while you’re asleep, consider getting a custom-made, reusable pair.

Are foam or silicone earplugs better?

For noise blocking during sleep, foam beats out hard silicone. However, soft silicone has many of the same benefits as foam, plus more durability.

You can experiment with soft silicone and foam earplugs to determine which provides you with the most comfort and relief from external sound.

When noise interferes with sleep, not only is it exhausting, but it’s also detrimental to health.

Earplugs are an inexpensive and effective solution, with many types of earplugs to choose from, including noise-masking options.

Factors to consider when choosing earplugs include the size of your ear canal and personal preferences about materials.