Borderline diabetes is another name for prediabetes, a condition that makes it more likely that you’ll develop type 2 diabetes. People with borderline diabetes have some insulin resistance, but their blood sugar levels are not high enough for a diabetes diagnosis.

Some people use the term “borderline diabetes” to refer to prediabetes, a condition that may be a risk factor and eventually develop into type 2 diabetes.

Prediabetes is also known as impaired fasting glucose or glucose intolerance. It means your blood sugar levels are higher but not quite high enough to lead to an official diabetes diagnosis.

Your pancreas produces enough insulin to respond to any carbohydrates you eat. But the insulin is less effective at removing sugar from the bloodstream, so your body becomes insulin resistant and your blood sugars stay higher.

Having prediabetes doesn’t mean you’ll definitely develop diabetes. But you can help prevent type 2 diabetes by adjusting your eating habits, physical activities, and other lifestyle changes.

Any of these risk factors may raiseTrusted Source your chances of developing prediabetes:

Prediabetes is a silent condition, so getting a regular wellness checkup is important for early detection. If you think you might have borderline diabetes, it’s best to discuss your concerns with a doctor.

If a doctor suspects you may have prediabetes, they’ll most likely perform a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test or oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).

HbA1c shows your blood sugar management during the past few months. This can be a better way to get an overall picture of your blood sugar trends over time rather than a single fasting blood sugar check.

An HbA1c level between 5.7% and 6.4%Trusted Source can indicate prediabetes.

Potential complications related to prediabetes

High blood glucose levels over time can affect your body in many ways. Undiagnosed or unmanaged diabetes can lead to several complications, including:

Read more about the possible complications tied to type 2 diabetes, which can possibly develop from prediabetes.

A large, multicenter research study called the Diabetes Prevention ProgramTrusted Source investigated how lifestyle changes could help prevent diabetes. Its findings offer encouragement to people at risk of diabetes.

With modest weight loss and exercise, study participants lowered their risk of developing diabetes by 58% over 3 years.

That means you can adjust diet and exercise habits to potentially reverse prediabetes and help support blood sugar management and overall health.

Adjust your eating habits

Try to focus on nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and heart-healthy fats. When choosing grains, be sure to choose complex carbohydrates, like whole grains.

Consider limiting your intake of added sugars, like those in processed baked goods or sugar-sweetened beverages. Foods high in added sugar can raise blood sugar levels and often lack important nutrients.

You may also consider scheduling an appointment with a dietitian for help planning meals to prevent diabetes. The American Diabetes Association also offers simple tips for diabetes-friendly cooking.

Stay active

Try to aim for 150 minutesTrusted Source of exercise each week, or around 30 minutes of exercise for 5 days per week.

This can include various activities, including walking, biking, swimming, hiking, or dancing.

Be honest about weight management

While prediabetes can develop regardless of body composition, having overweight or obesity can increaseTrusted Source the risk.

Talk with a doctor or dietitian about whether making changes to your diet or exercise routine may be beneficial. This is to help you reach or maintain a moderate weight and lower your risk of developing diabetes.

Consider medications

If you do have prediabetes, a doctor may prescribeTrusted Source a medication to help lower your blood sugar levels and keep them in range.

These may include metformin (Glumetza, Glucophage, Fortamet, Riomet) to help increase insulin sensitivity and keep blood glucose levels in check.

You may have prediabetes or borderline diabetes without knowing it. Consider talking with your healthcare team regularly, especially if you have any diabetes-related risk factors or a family history of the condition.

You may experience higher blood sugars, and that could mean borderline diabetes — which might eventually develop into type 2 diabetes.

Consult your healthcare team about making changes to your lifestyle, including your eating habits, physical activity, weight management, and other factors.

Taking action through some simple steps could lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It could also reduce any potential complications from unmanaged or undiagnosed diabetes, should you develop the condition in the future.