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Bezzy members are excited to meet you, share advice and stories about their experiences living with type 2 diabetes. Join a judgment-free space with a free profile.

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Should You Try a Clinical Trial as a Treatment Option? What to Know

Should You Try a Clinical Trial as a Treatment Option? What to Know

Clinical trials may offer cutting-edge treatment options for your condition. Here's what to know.

February 21, 2025

by Beth Ann Mayer

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Treatment and Management
Hi! My a1c went from 6.8 to 6.4 last 3 months. Is it considered a good drop? I am trying to get under 6 (No meds) diet and exercise Thanks a bunch
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Casual Conversation
About to spend time with in- laws for brunch! All of you have a sweet, and joyous weekend!
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Nutrition and Fitness
I have intermittent burning sensations on the bottom of my feet. Does that mean my sugar is high when that happens? I feel like I don’t notice it when I’m hiking, so I’m wondering if exercise helps to burn up calories and brings the sugar down.
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Casual Conversation
Hello Bezzy Team. I was very happy to find Bezzy Community. I was a member of this only in Dec 2024. My Mother was a type 2 Diabetic and I had to look after her since last 2 years when she got Hip Furmer Fracture. Though she was not completely bedridden before two months. I got in touch with Bezzy Team and was really interested to share my Moms Sugar Reading everyday and what she ate in a day as she was Diabetic since last 35 years. My Mother again fell down in 21 Dec 2024 and got Hip Bone Fracture. Again she had to be operated and put plates. But unfortunately her implant got failure and she passed away on 26 February 2025. I was very happy to communicate with Bezzy Team and was always excited to share photos of what she ate in a day. But sadly now, may she be remembered throughout her life. She was a caring mother and a very good human being. She was a Nurse for more than 30 years herself and helped many people in her life time. I still want to be Bezzy Community Team members and help and share few Diabetic recipes what my moms used to take. Also, what I want to ask is is Diabetic heredity …………????????? Since I am her daughter can I get. Till now I am not Diabetic. Of course we do have to check Pre Diabetic how often. And I am 47 years old. Is there any age to get Diabetic. As I am already 47 years old and my mother got when she was very young. Thanks I would like to open discussion forum.
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Casual Conversation
A glimpse of paradise to brighten your day… this is the Windward side of O’ahu. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, eat well, get some exercise, and above all, be happy and at peace 🌈 🌺 ☮️
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