Adderall is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. The effects can be positive when taken as intended but dangerous if you use it without medical supervision.
Adderall is the brand name for the combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It’s a prescription stimulant approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating ADHD or narcolepsy.
The effects of the medication can be positive when Adderall is taken as intended, but for people who may use the drug without medical supervision, the effects can be dangerous.
Keep reading to learn more about the range of effects this stimulant has on your body.

Adderall is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. This class of drugs helps boost mood, alertness, attention, and energy by raising the levels of certain chemicals in the brain.
How each CNS stimulant works varies. In this case, Adderall contains amphetamine, which raises the level of norepinephrine and dopamine and prevents these neurotransmitters from being reabsorbed. The other component, dextroamphetamine, is another version of amphetamine with slightly different molecular properties.
Dopamine helps the brain reinforce rewarding behaviors, whereas norepinephrine affects heart rate, blood vessels, blood pressure, and breathing.
Adderall is often prescribed for both ADHD and narcolepsy because these conditions
That said, medications for ADHD like Adderall may be
When prescribed and taken as directed, Adderall’s effects on the central nervous system can be positive. You may feel more awake during the day and become more focused and calm. In people with ADHD, this calmness can also sometimes result in greater sleepiness rather than alertness.
Still, there are
- stomach ache
- decreased appetite
- nervousness
- restlessness
- headaches
- problems getting to sleep or staying asleep
- dizziness
- dry mouth
- hoarseness
- slowed speech
- changes in vision
- irritability
- increased heart rate
- hair loss
Adderall can also slow a child’s growth.
Serious side effects can include fever and weakness or numbness of the limbs.
Allergic reaction
An allergic reaction to Adderall may cause swelling in the tongue, throat, or face. This is a medical emergency and requires prompt emergency medical treatment.
If you’re sensitive or allergic to other stimulant medications, you should not take Adderall.
Other serious side effects of Adderal can include:
- uncontrollable shaking, tics, or seizures
- hallucinations, paranoia, and other thought problems
- worsening mental health conditions, like depression or anxiety
- eyesight changes or blurred vision
- stroke and heart attack in adults
- increased blood pressure and heart rate
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact a doctor or emergency medical services immediately.
Stimulants can constrict your blood vessels, raise your blood pressure, and make your heart beat faster. They can also increase your breathing.
In some cases, Adderall
Serious side effects of Adderall can include heart attack and stroke. Adderall can lead to sudden death in people with preexisting heart conditions.
If a person has a preexisting heart condition, the psychiatrist may require a cardiology consultation. This can help determine whether starting the stimulant is safe and whether other precautions are necessary.
Heart attack and stroke
In some people, taking Adderall can cause a heart attack or stroke.
If you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or fainting, contact your local emergency medical services immediately.
Adderall and alcohol
Drinking alcohol while taking Adderall can decrease the benefits of the medication while increasing adverse effects like sedation.
Taking Adderall alongside alcohol may also increase your chances of having heart problems like cardiomyopathy, according to a
Learn more about Adderall interactions: Alcohol, medications, and others.
Adderall increases the amount of glucose released into your system. This can increase your blood sugar and lead to:
Side effects like loss of appetite and weight loss can also occur while taking Adderall. In children, this can cause slow weight gain and growth. That’s because an increase in dopamine can interfere with growth hormone secretion. Treatment may be stopped if there’s a problem with growth.
Weight loss in adults can be a temporary side effect of Adderall, and appetite should increase as your body adjusts to the medication.
Some people can experience allergic reactions, which can cause the skin to itch. Taking Adderall may also result in:
Seek immediate medical care for serious side effects like an allergic reaction. If you’re sensitive or allergic to other stimulant medicines, you should not take Adderall.
Using Adderall without a prescription can lead to misuse or dependence, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) database for prescription and nonprescription drugs.
Misusing or overusing Adderall and then stopping suddenly can cause symptoms of withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal can include:
- feeling uneasy
- insomnia (trouble falling or staying asleep) or sleeping too much
- hunger
- anxiety and irritability
- panic attacks
- fatigue or lack of
energy - depression
- phobias or panic attacks
- suicidal thoughts
Medication to treat Adderall withdrawal
There’s currently no treatment for an Adderall withdrawal. Instead, you may have to wait out the symptoms, which can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Maintaining a regular routine can help with the withdrawal.
Learn more: Can you overdose on Adderall?
What are the positive effects of Adderall?
Adderall can help boost alertness, wakefulness, and concentration. By increasing the production of dopamine in the brain, the drug can also cause feelings of euphoria and improved mood.
What does Adderall do to a normal person?
In people whose levels of dopamine or norepinephrine are more typical, Adderall can overstimulate the brain. This can lead to negative symptoms like restlessness, losing your appetite, and difficulty sleeping.
Taking Adderall can be dangerous if it’s not prescribed for a medical condition.
What are the downsides of Adderall?
Adderall can cause negative side effects, some of which can be serious. Taking can also cause dependence, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms.
Amphetamines may lower your sex drive. However, it may also trigger hypersexuality in some cases.
Does Adderall affect your physical performance?
According to
You should only take it in consultation with a doctor as part of a prescription and never more than the amount prescribed.
Adderall can be effective at treating ADHD and narcolepsy. It may help people with ADHD maintain their attention and focus and decrease hyperactivity. In people with narcolepsy, Adderall may help prevent daytime sleepiness.
But Adderall and other stimulants also have side effects. Talk with a doctor if you’re experiencing any side effects from Adderall. They’ll be able to help adjust your dosage or suggest alternative remedies for your concerns.
Adderall has been linked to serious side effects, including heart attack and stroke, in people with heart defects.
Stimulants can be addictive, and it’s possible to become dependent on them if your dosage isn’t monitored by a doctor. Misuse of prescription stimulants can cause an overdose.