So, first lets understand diabetes and what is causeing it. The only way to reverse your diabetes is first understand what is causing it. I discovered that there were two major factors that caused my diabetes. The lack of fiber and consuming to much high fructose corn syrup. I am 56 years old. I stopped eating fiber regularly at age 15. For the last three years I have been studying both, fiber and HFCS. Lets start with HFCS. Everyone believe HFCS is safe as sugar and can be compared to sugar because it is sweet. That is all they have in common. If you research all know studies on HFCS and the results, you will discover that HFCS is causing many of the health issues, yet it is still being put in our food. It is known to cause obesity, diabetes, fatty liver diasese, mental illness and more. HFCS is processed corn. Everyone who eats corn know that you see the corn in your stool. Everyone thinks it's only because the body can not process corn or the body can not digest corn. While both are true it is more inportant to understand why. Why do you see corn when you eat corn? Because The acid in the human digestive tract is not stronge enough to break down corn. Meaning, corn once processed becomes poison in the human body. It lines the digestive tract, clogs artieries and traps food in the digestive tract along with all the salt, sugar, butter and oil that is in the food. It is important to know food rots inside of the body like it does outside of the body. As the sits trapped in the digestive tract it rots and produces toxins. The toxins are seepink through the digestive tract wall and feeding your organs and brain toxins. Your brain and organs will become damaged or fail.
I have to go right now but later I will add some tips.
For now watch all your ingredients. Read about HFCS. You can eat regular or natural sugar. You must stay away from HFCS it is what is causing your diabetes. I am working on setting up work shops and finishing my website.