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Bezzy members are excited to meet you, share advice and stories about their experiences living with type 2 diabetes. Join a judgment-free space with a free profile.

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Should You Try a Clinical Trial as a Treatment Option? What to Know

Should You Try a Clinical Trial as a Treatment Option? What to Know

Clinical trials may offer cutting-edge treatment options for your condition. Here's what to know.

February 21, 2025

by Beth Ann Mayer

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Treatment and Management
i was just diagnosis with colon cancer and had part of my small intestine remove. I am presently in recovery, but what worries me is that I am unable to take my Ozempic or my insulin pen, so no shots and I am afraid that my diabetes will be out of range and it will cause problems. I have asked my doctor when I can start on them,but i only get a soon
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Casual Conversation
How do other people Accept we have Diabetes, It's a tough time Acception. I was dingoes 25 years old in I still didn't accept it.
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Treatment and Management
I have figured out how to prevent, treat, and reverse obesity and type two diabetes. Three years ago, I was dying from obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I figured out how to take fiber and cleaned out my digestive trat. I flushed out 140 pounds of toxic waste from my body. By doing so I reversed my diabetes and obesity. You can too. I have started a company called Lose Weigh with Fiber Inc. My mission is to save as many people as possible. My mom died from complications of diabetes. I am looking for places or spaces to start workshops that teaches people how to prevent, treat, and reverse obesity and diabetes. I am also reaching out to the medical community to let you all know that obesity, diabetes and most if not all wll-known common diseases are preventable and reverseable. i am living proof and my medical records confirm it.
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Casual Conversation
To brighten your day… the beautiful Hibiscus flower. My state flower. 🌈 🌺 ☮️
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Daily Life
I have been living with T2D for a while and recently developed a disfunction erection, (DE) as a consequence Anyone please tell me what to do, to take care of DE
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