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Should You Try a Clinical Trial as a Treatment Option? What to Know

Should You Try a Clinical Trial as a Treatment Option? What to Know

Clinical trials may offer cutting-edge treatment options for your condition. Here's what to know.

February 21, 2025

by Beth Ann Mayer

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Treatment and Management
After 15 months of persistence, healthy eating, being active, taking my medications and a no quit attitude my follow-up lab results today are as follows: A1C at normal levels (5.4). Fasting glucose 90mg/dL and other key tests all showing normal levels as well . These numbers are my reward and I couldn’t wait to tell the world.
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Daily Life
I am getting more and more frustrated with my T2D. It seems like anything I eat anymore shoots my sugars sky high so I can't eat anything that I ever enjoyed like chips, crackers, cookies, etc... I am on insulin but it seems like even when I know I'm going to enjoy some chips and try to figure how much insulin I should take, it's never enough, or it's way too much. I've been doing this for a few years now and I feel like I'm never going to get the hang of it if there's any hang to get! Oy Vey! Any thoughts? I feel like I'm going to have to eat bland and sweetless for the rest of my life and that is very discouraging because I am a total foodie! Huge fan of food. I love to eat which is probably why I'm in this mess in the first place! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!
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Treatment and Management
Does anyone know why for weeks now, none of the pharmacies, expecially my Walmart or CVS pharmacys, here in my major city of Philadelphia PA, have all Dexcom G7 sensors on back order? Yet Amazon mail order Pharmacy has plenty in stock. Everyone say they don't know, even Dexcom don't know. Could it be the new tarrifs? Dies anyone know when I'll be able to get them from Walmart or CVS again? Only two that my insurance will let me have them for free.
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Casual Conversation
My main problem give up all the carbs Sugar contains every day. I would be Heather don't food enjoy. I like food that tastes good like junk food, not junk food all pasta and things like that. I know the early grave. I won't be happy no killing me 1 day 2 late for me. my friends try to eat health. They live longer than them.
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Casual Conversation
I want to do better with Mental Illness & Diabetes so hard for me. I'm always eating and buying processed food get food stores. Last time went food shopping I got half junk & half healthy it's a Start right direction what do all think. Today is Social Day with my friend at Church so I'm thinking positively.
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