Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by your liver and found in certain foods. Your body needs it to produce certain hormones and tissues. But, too much may increase your risk for high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack.

With all of the bad publicity cholesterol gets, people are often surprised to learn that it’s actually necessary for our existence.

What’s also surprising is that our bodies produce cholesterol naturally. But cholesterol is not all good, nor is it all bad — it’s a complex topic and one worth knowing more about.

Cholesterol is a substance made in the liver that’s vital to human life. You can also get cholesterol through foods.

Because plants cannot create it, you can only find it in animal products, like meat and dairy.

In our bodies, cholesterol serves three main purposes:

  1. It aids in the production of sex hormones.
  2. It’s a building block for human tissues.
  3. It assists in bile production in the liver.

These are important functions, all dependent on the presence of cholesterol. But too much of a good thing is not good at all.

There are different types of cholesterol that can impact your health. They can be determined through screenings and blood tests.

When people talk about cholesterol, they often use the terms “LDL and HDL.” Both are lipoproteins, which are compounds made of fat and protein that are responsible for carrying cholesterol throughout your body in the blood.


LDL is low-density lipoprotein, often called “bad” cholesterol.

LDL is known as the “bad” cholesterol because too much of it can lead to hardening of the arteries.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA)Trusted Source, LDL leads to plaque accumulation on the walls of your arteries. When this plaque builds up, it can cause two separate and equally bad issues.

First, it can narrow your blood vessels, straining the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. Second, it can lead to blood clots, which can break loose and block the flow of blood, causing a heart attack or stroke.

When it comes to your cholesterol numbers, your LDL is the one you want to keep low — ideally less than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)Trusted Source.


HDL is high-density lipoprotein, or “good” cholesterol.

HDL helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy. It actually aids in the removal of LDL from the arteries.

It carries the bad cholesterol back to your liver, where it’s broken down and eliminated from your body.

High levels of HDL have also been shown to protect against stroke and heart attack, while low HDL has been shown to increase those risks.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HDL levels of 60 mg/dL and higherTrusted Source are considered protective, while those under 40 mg/dL are a risk factor for heart disease.

When you have your cholesterol checked, you’ll receive measurements for both your HDL and LDL, but also for your total cholesterol and triglycerides.

The screening involves a simple blood test, also known as a lipid profile. Before the test, you should not eat or drink for up to 12 hours. Your doctor will advise you if they want you to do anything else before getting your blood drawn.

The test will help doctors determine your levels of HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. Measuring these types of cholesterol can help determine if you need to make lifestyle changes to try to normalize these levels.

Typical blood cholesterol level

An ideal total cholesterol level is lower than 200 mg/dL. Anything between 200 and 239 mg/dL is borderline, and anything above 240 mg/dL is high.

There are a few risk factors that can impact your cholesterol levels. These can include:

What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are another type of fat in your blood. Like cholesterol, too much is a bad thing. But expertsTrusted Source are still unclear on the specifics of these fats.

High triglycerides usually accompany high cholesterol and are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. But it’s not clear if high triglycerides are a risk factor.

Doctors generally weigh the importance of your triglyceride count against other measurements, like obesity, cholesterol levels, and more.

Risk factors that can impact your triglyceride levels can include:

There are several things that influence your cholesterol numbers, some of which you have control over. While heredity and weight may play a role, lifestyle choices around diet and exercise can also raise or lower your overall numbers.

Eating foods that are low in cholesterol and saturated fats, getting regular exercise, and managing your weight are all associated withTrusted Source lower cholesterol levels and lower risks of cardiovascular disease.