It’s common to lose around 100 hairs per day because of the typical growth cycle. If you’re losing more than that, talk with a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions before exploring your options.

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Many people consider a full, healthy head of hair central to their appearance and self-confidence. If your hair begins to thin or fall out, that can be distressing. But you might find it helpful to know that there are several things you can do to help prevent hair loss or encourage hair growth.

The best way to slow or stop hair loss is to find and address the underlying cause. Hair loss stemming from factors such as childbirth, surgery, and stress can be temporary in some cases — a condition called telogen effluvium.

But in other cases, it’s a little more complicated.

In this article, we break down 22 tips that can help stop hair loss. We also explore some frequently asked questions.

Language matters

In this article, we use “male” and “female” to refer to someone’s sex as determined by their chromosomes and “men” and “women” when referring to their gender (unless quoting from sources that use nonspecific language).

Sex is determined by chromosomes, and gender is a social construct that can vary between time periods and cultures. Both of these aspects are acknowledged to exist on a spectrum, both historically and by modern scientific consensus.

Learn more about the difference between sex and gender.

1. Mediterranean diet

The results of a 2017 study suggest that a diet that includes raw vegetables and fresh herbs, such as the Mediterranean diet, may reduce the risk of androgenic alopecia (female pattern baldness or male pattern baldness) or slow its onset.

The best results were observed when participants consumed large amounts of raw vegetables and fresh herbs — such as parsley, basil, and salad greens — more than 3 days per week.

2. Protein

Hair follicles are made up mostly of a protein called keratin. In one 2017 studyTrusted Source of 100 people with hair loss, the authors noted several nutritional deficiencies in participants, including deficiencies of amino acids that serve as the building blocks of protein.

While researchers note that more studies are neededTrusted Source on the subject, a protein-rich diet may help prevent hair loss. Healthy protein options include:

3. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is partly made up of retinoids, which support healthy hair growthTrusted Source and influence the hair cycle. But it’s dose-dependent, meaning that consuming too much — or too little — can damage your hair.

It’s unlikely that you’ll get too much vitamin A from dietary sources. So, fill your plate with foods rich in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, sweet peppers, and spinach.

4. Multivitamin

A 2018 research review notes that the following vitamins and minerals are important for hair growth and retention — specifically for cell turnover:

You can find daily multivitamins at most grocery stores or drugstores or ask your doctor to prescribe one for you.

5. Vitamin D

Some research, including a 2024 reviewTrusted Source, suggests that there may be a connection between vitamin D deficiency and alopecia. Although more research is needed, it’s possible that treating this deficiency could help with hair regrowth.

6. Biotin

Biotin — also known as vitamin H or B7 — is involved in fatty acid production in your body. This process is essential to the life cycle of hair, and you may experience hair loss if you have a biotin deficiency.

7. Saw palmetto

Derived from the fruit of American dwarf pine trees, this herb may help maintain levels of testosterone.

A 2020 review of seven studies suggests that saw palmetto doses of 100–320 milligrams taken once or twice daily could help with hair quality, hair count, and hair density.

The authors concluded that saw palmetto may be helpful for people with androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and self-perceived hair thinning.

8. Ginseng

Ginseng contains certain phytochemicals that may promote hair growth on your scalp. But further research is needed to recommend specific dosages.

In the meantime, talk with your doctor before adding ginseng supplements to your diet.

9. Regular washing

Washing your hair daily may protect against hair loss by keeping your scalp healthy and clean. The key is to use mild shampoo. Harsher formulas may dry out your hair and cause it to break, leading to hair loss.

10. Coconut oil

A 2019 review suggests that coconut oil may help prevent hair damage from grooming and UV light exposure.

The lauric acid found in coconut oil helps bind proteinTrusted Source in hair, protecting it from breakage at the root and strand. Massaging coconut oil into your scalp may promote better blood flow and help with regrowth.

11. Olive oil

Olive oil can be used to deeply condition hair, protecting it from dryness and associated breakage. Olive oil is also a central component of the Mediterranean diet, which may help slow down genetic hair loss.

You may want to try applying a couple of tablespoons of olive oil directly to your hair and letting it sit for 30 minutes before washing it out.

12. Gentle styling

Skip tight braids or ponytails that may pull on your hair at the root and potentially leadTrusted Source to excessive shedding.

While you’re at it, let your hair air-dry to avoid irritating your scalp. If you can, avoid heat styling tools such as curling or straightening irons, which may also damage or break the hair shaft.

13. Hair processing

Chemical treatments such as perms and hair dyes may also damage your hair and scalp.

Ask your stylist about alternatives, such as organic hair dyes and other products that don’t contain ammonia, peroxide, or para-phenylenediamine (PPD).

14. Laser therapy

Low level lasers may help improve hair density in people with genetic hair loss or hair loss due to chemotherapy. This procedure, also called red light therapy, may work by stimulating epidermal stem cells.

You can find home laser devices on the market. You may need to use the device regularly to see results.

15. Platelet-rich plasma

Getting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections into your scalp can help stimulate growth in areas already affected by hair loss. During this procedure, blood is run through a centrifuge to separate out the platelets and then injected into your scalp.

In a small 2014 study, 11 participants saw 30% moreTrusted Source growth in thinning areas after 4 PRP sessions. Pricing ranges from $1,500 to $3,500 for your first 3 treatments, and it’s unlikely to be covered by insurance.

16. Minoxidil

Also known as Rogaine, this over-the-counter drug is known to help with hair loss.

Apply the liquid or foam to your scalp each day. Possible side effects include scalp irritation and acne at the site of application. Rarer side effects include irregular heartbeat and blurred vision.

Minoxidil products are available online through Hims and Keeps.

17. Finasteride

Also known as Propecia, this prescription pill may helpTrusted Source slow down hair loss and even promote new growth.

However, you may need to use the medication for as long as 12 months before you’ll see any results. It also has various side effects, including loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.

People who are pregnant or may become pregnant should avoid this medication.

Finasteride is available online through Roman and Hims.

18. Phenylephrine

Topical phenylephrine may help with hair loss due to styling by stimulating the follicle muscles to contract. This makes it harder to pull out hairs during brushing, for example.

However, topical phenylephrine isn’t yet publicly available. Scientists have developed a specific formula called AB‐102Trusted Source, but it has not been released.

Looking for more products to encourage hair regrowth and healthier hair?

We collected some of the best over-the-counter and prescription products for reversing hair thinning and hair loss to help you find the product that best fits your needs. Find it all here: 9 Best Hair Growth Products for Hair Loss and Thinning in 2024.

19. Essential oils

Essential oils may help reduce hair loss.

A 2020 reviewTrusted Source noted that various essential oils, including chamomile, thyme, and tea tree oils, could improve conditions such as alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, and psoriatic alopecia.

Other essential oils to consider include lavender, lemongrass, and peppermint. You can try mixing a couple drops of any or all of these oils with a couple tablespoons of a carrier oil such as jojoba or grapeseed. Apply it to your scalp for 10 minutes before washing.

But make sure to do a patch test before using essential oils on larger areas of your skin. It’s possible to be allergic to essential oils.

20. Onion juice

People with alopecia areata may see regrowth after applying crude onion juice to their scalp twice per day.

While research on this remedy is limited, the juice did appear to promote hair growth in 20 of the 23 participantsTrusted Source who tried it in a small 2002 study. Scientists believe that the potential hair-growing properties may be related to the onion’s sulfur content.

21. Massage

We know scalp massage feels good, but can it help grow your hair too? Maybe.

In one small 2016 studyTrusted Source involving 9 people, participants saw results after receiving as little as 4 minutes of massage a day for 24 weeks.

22. Yoga

Hair loss caused by stress may respond well to yoga. You may want to try these stress-relieving yoga poses to help prevent or slow down hair loss:

  • Downward-Facing Dog
  • Forward Bend
  • Camel Pose
  • Shoulderstand
  • Fish Pose
  • Kneeling Pose

The hair on your head goes through a life cycle that involves growth, resting, and shedding. It’s common to lose up to 100 hairs per day.

But if you experience more sudden loss, loss in patches, or overall thinning, you may want to see a doctor.

Some shedding is temporary and may respond well to dietary changes, certain treatments, or lifestyle strategies. Other hair loss may be more permanent or may not stop until an underlying condition is treated.

Other causes of hair loss include:

  • Medical conditions such as alopecia areata, scalp infections, or trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
  • Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or thyroid issues
  • Medications or supplements such as used for cancer, high blood pressure, depression, or arthritis
  • Radiation treatment for conditions such as cancer
  • Stress, which may be physical or emotional
  • Styling practices such as wearing tight hairstyles

Some causes of hair loss are temporary and can be reversed, while others are permanent.

Permanent hair loss results from progressive damage to your hair follicles, which are the structures in your skin that house and grow your individual strands of hair.

Conditions that may cause permanent hair loss include:

  • scarring (cicatricial) alopecia, which develops when inflammation destroys hair follicles
  • trichotillomania, which involves an irresistible urge to pull out hair
  • traction alopecia, which can happen when hairstyles such as braids pull on your hair too tightly


No, hot showers do not cause hair loss. But extremely hot water can damage keratin, the protein that makes up hair strands. It may also strip away the natural oils that keep your scalp and hair healthy.

If your hair is already dry or damaged, washing it in hot water can make it more likely to break.

To avoid damage, use lukewarm water instead of hot, avoid brushing and stretching your hair while it’s wet, and use a deeply moisturizing conditioner regularly.

There’s some research to suggest that caffeine may help with hair growth and slow down hair loss.

An older 2007 study found that caffeine blocked the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in male hair follicles. DHT is a hormone that’s linked to hair loss in people of all genders.

The caffeine also boosted hair root width and prolonged the growth phase of hair. It had a growth-promoting effect when tested on female hair follicles as well.

Because it’s a vasodilator, caffeine may also help improve blood flow to your scalp, promoting hair growth.

You can make your own coffee rinse for hair or buy caffeine shampoo.

Yes, psychological stress can contribute to hair loss in several ways. It can trigger the following conditions:

  • Alopecia areata: This autoimmune disease develops when your immune system attacks the hair follicles. Alopecia areata causes hair loss on your scalp. A more severe form, alopecia universalis, causes hair loss over your entire body.
  • Telogen effluvium: This condition changes the number of hair follicles that are actively growing hair.
  • Trichotillomania: This condition is also known as hair-pulling disorder. It causes an irresistible urge to pull out your hair.

Hair transplants involve taking hair from one area of your scalp and transplanting it into an area with hair thinning or balding.

Transplants may be successful for some people depending on the cause of the hair loss. But you’ll need enough hair to donate to the transplant, and you’ll need to wait several months for it to grow.

You can expect 10–80% of transplanted hair to grow back in 3–4 months. Talk with a dermatologist or a hair restoration specialist to find out whether a hair transplant is right for you.

It’s widely known that smoking causes serious health problems, but it can also contribute to hair loss.

Smoking damages the hair follicle and reduces healthy blood flow. A 2021 study found that 425 out of 500 smokers had some degree of hair loss, while only 200 of 500 nonsmokers did.

The authors suggested that nicotine and other chemicals could speed up hair loss, but more research is needed to confirm this.

Smoking also increases the production of free radicals. These molecules react with others to cause oxidative stress, which can harm cellular DNA. A 2018 review found that cells in the hair follicles of scalps with hair loss are extremely sensitive to oxidative stress.

Talk with your doctor if you’re concerned about hair loss. They can help diagnose any health conditions that may be contributing and develop a treatment plan for you.

While sudden or extreme hair loss can be alarming, there are often simple solutions. By addressing the underlying cause and making some lifestyle changes, you may be able to stop or prevent hair loss.