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✨LIVE CHAT: Thursday 3/20/2025✨ Hi bezzies! 🧡 Happy first day of SPRING 🌸🌼🌿🍃🌱 speaking of which… that’s our topic for tonight! I’ll explain more in a bit… first, be sure to tap the chat bubble on this post to join in the conversation! To reply to someone else’s post in this thread, tap the chat bubble on their post. Check out our intro post below to meet the others who are joining tonight! ⚠️ Disclaimer: **Any suggestions, tips, or guidance we may discuss is for educational and information purposes only. Our chat should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, and don’t disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read or discussed during our chat. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.
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Figuring Out Life with Multiple Chronic Illnesses: How I Did It

Figuring Out Life with Multiple Chronic Illnesses: How I Did It

Take it from me, pacing yourself is key.

February 21, 2025

by Hannah Shewan Stevens

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Truth or Hype? How to Spot Health Misinformation

Truth or Hype? How to Spot Health Misinformation

False health claims are out there, but you can sharpen your spidey sense so you don't fall for the fictions.

February 21, 2025

by Stephanie Orford

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Dear Newly Diagnosed Self...

Dear Newly Diagnosed Self...

5 things PsA Bezzy community members wish they had known when they were first diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.

February 21, 2025

by Emma Satin

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Medication and Treatments
Any one take Stelara IV or injections, just want to know how well it works for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. My doctor wants to give me an IV first and then put me on injections.
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Medication and Treatments
Any one take Stelara IV or injections, just want to know how well it works for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. My doctor wants to give me an IV first and then put me on injections.
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If anyone has arthritis in your feet, this is the best! Especially after walking over 15k steps this weekend.
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Daily Life and At-Home Remedies
Psst…if anyone is looking for some good sneakers, Amazon has Brooks Adrenaline 23’s (last year’s models) running from $95-$110, that’s a pretty good discount! I just grabbed these 🥰
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Medication and Treatments
Alright, it is official! I am starting Cimzia on April 3rd. So nervous, but praying that it helps! I did ask about taking a multi vitamin and she said that was okay. Does anyone have a favorite?
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