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Truth or Hype? How to Spot Health Misinformation

Truth or Hype? How to Spot Health Misinformation

False health claims are out there, but you can sharpen your spidey sense so you don't fall for the fictions.

February 21, 2025

by Stephanie Orford

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Figuring Out Life with Multiple Chronic Illnesses: How I Did It

Figuring Out Life with Multiple Chronic Illnesses: How I Did It

Take it from me, pacing yourself is key.

February 21, 2025

by Hannah Shewan Stevens

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10 Ways to Embrace Uncertainty When You Experience Chronic Illness

10 Ways to Embrace Uncertainty When You Experience Chronic Illness

Chronic illness isn't predictable, but you can learn to surf the waves for greater well-being.

February 21, 2025

by Stefanie Remson

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Hello I am just wondering if anyone has any experience with rosacea? I have psuriaticic arthritis. I had a bad flare a month ago and it manifested as rosacea. I never had this before I am just wondering what works. Derm next week
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Introduce Yourself
I'm a 73 yr old married female with Type II Diabetes. I have been diagnosed with having severe arthritis in my hands & feet...although that was news to me! I am the 24/7 caretaker for my 76 yr old husband with Parkinson's Disease. I am fearful that if I allow myself to become disabled then I will not be able to care for him. So, I am turning my life around to restart exercising, eating better, drinking less alcohol so that I can stay healthy. I'm hoping to learn all kinds of tips from the people on this site. My name is Julia & my Username is JuliaBelle. Funny name for a Japanese/hispanic gal!!
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28 yo female with hair loss and now stunted hair growth with hair course and brittle. Small cysts on scalp that can drain. Redness on toes. Single long hairs on feet and back. Fluid under skin.
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Looking for answers. I've No diagnosis as yet only research on my part, which led me here. Affecting the palm of only my left hand, just the palm intermittently peels. I can't contribute anything in my day to day that would cause this. It's a guess that it's a form of Psoriasis? When I asked my Dermatologist she said "You just happen to have skin that peels". I said, " You mean like a snake shedding?" Lol
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Well hello. Going on 11 years now with scrotal psoriasis. Anyone else know that hell? Can't get the doctors around my area to diagnose it, "Just jock itch" or "could be gonorrhea"šŸ˜šŸ˜, I found a cream that helps the symptoms but it's not great. And I'm just looking to see if anybody knows about this and how they treat it. To my knowledge there's no specific cream designated for the genital area targeting psoriasis.
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