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LIVE CHAT: Nutrition and RA! 🥑 🥨 March is National Nutrition Month. Let's share: How has your diet changed while living with RA? Join in here to discuss from 8-9pm EST!
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Figuring Out Life with Multiple Chronic Illnesses: How I Did It

Figuring Out Life with Multiple Chronic Illnesses: How I Did It

Take it from me, pacing yourself is key.

February 21, 2025

by Hannah Shewan Stevens

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What the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Means for the Chronically Ill and Disabled Communities

What the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Means for the Chronically Ill and Disabled Communities

The court’s decision affects all Americans, but disabled, chronically ill, and disadvantaged people will be disproportionately affected. They face healthcare inequities, poverty, and more.

February 21, 2025

by Stefanie Remson

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Truth or Hype? How to Spot Health Misinformation

Truth or Hype? How to Spot Health Misinformation

False health claims are out there, but you can sharpen your spidey sense so you don't fall for the fictions.

February 21, 2025

by Stephanie Orford

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Anybody have shoulder pain with their RA
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Live Chats
LIVE CHAT: Vent Event! 😤 Whatever is bothering you, ticking you off, making you sad — come share it and just let it out. We are here for you! 🫶🏼
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Escape From RA
Have the best day you can🤗🤗
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Medication and Treatments
My new rheumatology provider gave me methylprednisolone, it's so much stronger than prednisone! What a relief
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Flares and Remission
Hello friends, I am extremely sick and having a very rough time lately, I went to my doctor and he did some blood work and he said my sed rate is 87 and he is trying to get inflammation down with prednisone..I'm very dizzy, no appetite ( I have lost 32) pounds in a month and still losing..anyone have similar numbers? How did you feel ? Anything specific help you? Thank you all
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