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Live Chats
⏰ IT’S LIVE CHAT TIME Hi community friends, welcome! I’m glad you are here. Without saying your age, tell me something from your childhood that Gen Z wouldn’t understand (people born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s) ✔️ Be sure to tap the chat bubble 💬💬💬 to join in on the conversation. To REPLY to someone else’s post in this thread, tap the chat bubble 💬 on their post.😊
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I Offered to Shave My Head When My Mom Went Through Chemo — Here’s Why She Said No

I Offered to Shave My Head When My Mom Went Through Chemo — Here’s Why She Said No

I wanted to show support, but it turns out, that’s not what she needed.

February 21, 2025

by Katie Mannion

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Casual Conversations
Has anyone had the Signatera test? I'm trying to get one but no lab has ever heard of it so won't do the test.
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Mental Well-Being
Has anyone sought therapy to deal with all the emotions? It's been suggested to me by several medical professionals. I just wonder what a therapist could help me with? I'm ILC, done with radiation, but haven't had my first post surgery mammogram yet.
2 replies
Hi all. Long time no post. Saying hello and I hope everyone is hanging in there. Had my first AC chemo today. Laying in bed. So far body is quiet. Hoping that continues. To be frank I am scared. I had 9 of my 12 taxol and carboplatin treatments and they stopped that cycle bc I was hospitalized twice. Please keep me in prayer. Love to all of us going through this praying for good outcomes, saying why me and fighting to live.
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Estrogen loss/weight gain. What can be done to slow or stop the weight gain while we’re taking AI’s that knock out our estrogen?
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Medications and Treatments
Is there anyone out there who is actually doing okay on Verzenio? I was set to start Kisqali mid-April, but my EKG came back wonky so now it’s looking more like I’ll start on Verzenio for two years instead (I’ll be having cardiac follow up so still a chance it’ll be Kisqali if further testing shows it’ll be ok). I see so many negatives. I’ve been doing really well w my Anastrozole (almost 2 months now)so I’m nervous about adding Verzenio in.
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