You may be able to stabilize and partially reverse buildup of plaques in clogged arteries with medication and lifestyle management, including diet and physical activity.

Arteries are a major component of your circulatory system.

These tubes move oxygen-containing blood through your body, helping fuel all your body’s functions. When blood vessels are clear and open, blood can flow freely.

However, plaques of cholesterol, fat, and other substances can build up inside your blood vessels. This condition is known as atherosclerosis, which may gradually narrow your arteries.

Treatment will depend on the severity and location of your plaque buildup. The authors of a 2020 review note that reversing atherosclerosis involves managing all major risk factors, including:

Diet (eating plan), physical activity, and stress management may also help you “unclog” your arteries. However, revascularization with either angioplasty with stenting or bypass surgery may be needed to prevent or manage complications.

Keep reading to learn more about what you can do to help unclog your arteries.

Recent researchTrusted Source has called into question that a diet high in saturated fats directly impacts cholesterol levels.

However, there is a long history of evidenceTrusted Source that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats can lower coronary heart disease risk.

One possible optionTrusted Source is the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan. This diet emphasizes vegetables, fruits, and whole grains while limiting or avoiding saturated fat, sugar, and salt.

There is evidenceTrusted Source that healthy dietary patterns such as the DASH diet may lower LDL cholesterol and reduce plaque.

In a 2021 randomized study, test subjects participated in the Dietary Intervention to Stop Coronary Atherosclerosis in Computed Tomography (DISCO-CT) program, which combined the DASH diet with individualized nutritionist assessment and counseling.

Researchers found that a combination of dietary changes and increased physical activity slowed the progression of atherosclerosis, compared to a control group.

A 2022 analysisTrusted Source confirmed that inflammation contributes to arterial plaque, and pro-inflammatory foods may likely play a role in causing cardiovascular issues.

Here are some foods to consider including in your eating plan and others to consider limiting or avoiding to help prevent artery clogging or to help unclog your arteries.

The DASH diet recommends lean meats, fish, poultry, and low fat dairy products. Eggs are high in dietary cholesterol, but research is highly inconsistentTrusted Source as to whether they are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Aiming for a healthy dietary pattern that includes a variety of fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and legumes may be a more positive and realistic way to focus efforts rather than seeing a diet as a restrictive measure to remove types of foods you enjoy.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)Trusted Source, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases in males after age 45 years and in females after age 55 years.

That said, plaque can start start accumulating even during childhoodTrusted Source, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

The authors of a 2019 research reviewTrusted Source also state that having elevated cholesterol as a younger adult increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease later in life.

Aside from following a heart-healthy eating plan, here are some additional tips that may help you unclog your arteries and prevent plaque buildup.

Move more

Staying physically active, such as regular exercise, can improve your cardiovascular health and help prevent cardiac issues.

Slowly build up your routine and stamina, and make staying physically active a part of your weekly routine. Aim for at least 150–300 minutesTrusted Source of moderate intensity physical activity, 75–150 minutes of vigorous physical activity, or a combination of both.

Walking is a great way to get moving.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source also recommends practicing muscle-strengthening activities that target all muscle groups two days per week. These may include yoga and activities with:

Speaking with a doctor before starting a new activity, such as an exercise routine, is essential. They can help you develop the best physical activity plan, including intensity level. It’s important to note that some types of exercise may be physically unsafe if you have certain chronic conditions.

Manage cholesterol levels

The relationship of cholesterol and formation of atherosclerosis is complex. In general, high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels are associated with atherosclerosis and complications such as heart attacks and strokes.

Certain subtypes of LDL have a stronger association, such as small, dense LDL particles, however these subtypes are less frequently measured.

In general, decreasing your LDL and increasing your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels may help stabilize plaque, slow progression, and even partially regress plaque buildup in your arteries.

In a simplified view of cholesterol, high LDL levels, commonly referred to as “bad” cholesterol float through the blood and may deposit in arterial walls. High-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol, can help remove cholesterol deposits to combat plaque formation.

A doctor may prescribe medications to help lower your LDL cholesterol and prevent plaques.

The researchers of a 2020 studyTrusted Source noted stabilization of existing plaques in people with atherosclerosis and stable angina within 30 days of taking high cholesterol medications. Plaque shrinkage was seen 1–2 years later. A large body of evidence confirms the efficacy of cholesterol lowering medications.

Maintain a moderate weight

Following a heart-healthy eating plan and staying physically active may help you lose weight, if that’s your goal, and maintain a moderate weight. Not maintaining a moderate weight can lead to an increaseTrusted Source in your LDL cholesterol, which may increase your risk of plaque buildup.

If you are overweight or have obesity, reducing your body weight by 3–5%Trusted Source can provide health benefits. For example, it may help lower your cholesterol.

Quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake

Smoking contributesTrusted Source to the development of atherosclerosis. This makes it more likely that plaques will form, and it increases their overall growth rate. Smoking also affects the aorta, the main artery in your body.

There is not a lot of research on plaque regression after quitting smoking, but quitting smoking has drastic health benefits for the cardiovascular system.

If you smoke, the day you quit, your health is positively affected immediatelyTrusted Source. For example, quitting smoking may help raise your HDL levels. Speak with a doctor if you need help quitting smoking. They can recommend smoking cessation programs and other supportive resources.

The CDC offers a hotlineTrusted Source to quit smoking at the number 1-800-QUIT-NOW.

Drinking too much alcohol can also affect the heart. If you consume alcohol, the NHLBITrusted Source recommends limiting alcohol intake to no more than one drink per day for females and two drinks per day for males.

Alcohol can also negatively affect your cholesterol levels.

Manage stress

Your mental and emotional health can directly affect your physical health and overall well-being. It’s essential to identify and manage stress as best as you can. You might consider taking time to relax each day or seeking support from a therapist if you need help managing issues you might face every day.

Take prescribed medication

If you have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis or have risk factors, talk with a doctor about your options. In general, medication along with lifestyle changes are recommended, though some people may need revascularization.

These medications are designed for use alongside other heart-healthy measures, such as following a heart-healthy eating plan and staying physically active.

Statin medications are a common optionTrusted Source. Doctors prescribe them for adults at a higher risk of developing a stroke or coronary artery disease. Other cholesterol-lowering medications may include:

Be sure to take your cholesterol medication as prescribed. It’s vital to continue a heart-healthy eating plan and regular physical activity even if you’re taking a cholesterol-lowering medication.

If you’ve received an arterial blockage diagnosis, now is the ideal time to consider measures to stabilize or reverse plaque and prevent additional buildup.

Some lifestyle changes may help prevent your condition from worsening. However, you may need medical intervention if one or more of your arteries has a more severe blockage.

A doctor may recommendTrusted Source surgery to remove plaques or bypass the blockages, including:

If you have clogged arteries, working with a doctor to create a treatment plan is essential. If blockages remain untreated, you could experience severe health complications, includingTrusted Source:

There is no fast way to unclog arteries once plaque has built up. The best evidence for stabilizing and regressing plaque is with a combination of cholesterol-lowering medications, such as statins along with healthy lifestyle habits.

Eating a heart-healthy diet, getting regular physical exercise, managing stress may help lower your risk of complications from atherosclerosis. In some cases, revascularization procedures with angioplasty and stenting or bypass surgery may be needed.

In some cases, medications or surgery may be needed.

Chest pain, also called angina, is one of the most common symptoms of a clogged artery. Angina has been described as a squeezing tightness or heaviness centered on your chest. Pain may typically start in the area of your breastbone and radiate to your left arm or shoulder. It may also radiate to your jaw or upper back.

Angina pain from a clogged coronary artery is typically felt when you’re exerting yourself, and it usually goes away with rest. Other symptoms may include:

  • dizziness
  • feeling like your heart is racing
  • nausea or indigestion
  • shortness of breath
  • sweating
  • weakness

Symptoms of clogged arteries occur differently depending on where the plaque is.

For instance , symptoms of plaque in the carotid artery include vision impairment and stroke symptoms, while plaque in the lower extremities (peripheral artery disease) leads to tiredness and cramping of the leg muscles after exertion.

It is possible to stabilize and partially reverse plaque in your arteries. Taking cholesterol lowering medications and following a healthy lifestyle with heart healthy diet and physical exercise is the best way to start regressing plaques. Quitting smoking can also help lower your risk of complications from atherosclerosis.

What is the fastest way to unclog your arteries?

There is no fast way to unclog arteries once plaque has built up. The best evidence for stabilizing and regressing plaque is with a combination of cholesterol-lowering medications, such as statins along with healthy lifestyle habits.

Eating a heart-healthy diet, getting regular physical exercise, managing stress may help lower your risk of complications from atherosclerosis. In some cases, revascularization procedures with angioplasty and stenting or bypass surgery may be needed.

In some cases, medications or surgery may be needed.

What are the warning signs of clogged arteries?

Chest pain, also called angina, is one of the most common symptoms of a clogged artery. Angina has been described as a squeezing tightness or heaviness centered on your chest. Pain may typically start in the area of your breastbone and radiate to your left arm or shoulder. It may also radiate to your jaw or upper back.

Angina pain from a clogged coronary artery is typically felt when you’re exerting yourself, and it usually goes away with rest. Other symptoms may include:

  • dizziness
  • feeling like your heart is racing
  • nausea or indigestion
  • shortness of breath
  • sweating
  • weakness

Symptoms of clogged arteries occur differently depending on where the plaque is.

For instance, symptoms of plaque in the carotid artery include vision impairment and stroke symptoms, while plaque in the lower extremities (peripheral artery disease) leads to tiredness and cramping of the leg muscles after exertion.

Can you reverse plaque buildup in your arteries?

It is possible to stabilize and partially reverse plaque in your arteries. Taking cholesterol lowering medications and following a healthy lifestyle with heart healthy diet and physical exercise is the best way to start regressing plaques. Quitting smoking can also help lower your risk of complications from atherosclerosis.

Plaque buildup may clog your arteries. Though diet and lifestyle are major contributors to arterial blockages, your risk of atherosclerosis may also increase with age.

Adopting a heart-healthy eating plan and staying physically active, like exercising regularly, may help reduce plaques and prevent them from getting worse. These health-promoting lifestyle changes are also essential if you have a procedure to remove plaques or bypass a heavily clogged artery.

If you have questions about clogged arteries, talk with a healthcare professional.