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Structured water, sometimes called magnetized or hexagonal water, refers to water with a structure that has supposedly been altered to form a hexagonal cluster.

Proponents claim structured water shares similarities with water that hasn’t been polluted or contaminated by human processes. They believe these qualities make it healthier than tap or filtered water.

According to structured water proponents, this type of water exists naturally in mountain springs, glacier melt, and other untouched sources.

Others believe you can turn regular water into structured water by:

  • magnetizing it through a process called vortexing
  • exposing it to ultraviolet (UV) or infrared light
  • exposing it to natural heat and energy, such as sunlight
  • storing it in gemstone water bottles

But does structured water really live up to the hype? Read on to find out.

Supporters of structured water believe that it offers many health benefits, claiming that it:

  • increases energy
  • improves concentration and memory
  • promotes weight loss and weight maintenance
  • promotes better sleep
  • supports a healthy immune system
  • helps detoxify the body
  • promotes good digestion and reduces constipation
  • promotes longer life
  • improves skin complexion and circulation
  • helps stabilize blood sugar

According to the idea behind structured water, vortexing water charges it and allows it to hold energy. Allegedly, this energy then recharges the body and hydrates it more thoroughly than ordinary drinking water.

Much of the claims about structured water come from a book, “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key: Scientific Evidence of Hexagonal Water and Its Positive Influence on Health,” by Dr. Mu-Shik Jhon, which has received serious criticism from experts.

There aren’t any high quality human studies that support the many health-related claims made about structured water.

Some proponents cite a 2013 studyTrusted Source on magnetized, structured water. According to the study, magnetized water seemed to decrease blood glucose levels and reduce damage to blood and liver DNA in rats with induced diabetes after 8 weeks.

A 2021 reviewTrusted Source concluded that animal research has consistently shown health benefits of drinking magnetized water but that more research is needed to demonstrate how these effects occur and if it’s safe to consume long-term.

However, the author is an employee of The Nutraceutical Alliance, a company that offers services to brands, including designing supplements and conducting research.

In additon, this particular review was completed as part of a contract between The Nutraceutical Alliance and Defiance Brands, Inc., which sells structured water.

A few recent human studies have shown potential benefits. In a 2017 studyTrusted Source, children who used magnetized water as mouthwash for 2 weeks showed significant reductions in Streptococcus mutans (a bacteria that contributes to tooth decay) in plaque and saliva. However, there was no control group.

In a 2023 studyTrusted Source, men with hair loss applied a topical lotion containing 95% magnetized saline water to the scalp daily for 12 weeks. This “activated scalp autophagy” and significantly increased hair count.

However, once again there was no control group, and it’s unclear whether the lotion might have contained other ingredients that could contribute to the results.

In another 2023 studyTrusted Source, women applied a facial serum containing 93% magnetized saline water every day for 12 weeks. They experienced improvements in skin hydration, reduced transepidermal water loss, and a reduction in sebum, as well as reduced redness.

Again, there was no control group, and it’s unclear what else the serum might have contained.

Overall, it’s fair to say that the only available human research is low quality and doesn’t evaluate the main health-related claims being made by proponents of structured water.

Plus, current scientific knowledge can counter most claims made about structured water.

For example:

  • The chemical formula for water is H2O, which means each water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The formula for structured water is said to be H3O2. But water’s chemical formula has always been H2O. A different chemical formula would indicate a different substance that chemists haven’t identified.
  • Proponents of structured water claim that it holds a unique hexagonal shape. But water molecules are in constant motion. This means that its structure is frequently changing.
  • A 2008 study conducted by undergraduate students and published in the Journal of Chemical Education looked at water before and after it was magnetized to see if magnetizing the water actually altered its composition. According to their results, the magnetized water didn’t show any significant variations in hardness, pH, or conductivity.

Medical research has long supported the health benefits of water. And it doesn’t have to be structured to support good health.

You’ve probably heard the recommendation to drink eight glasses of water per day, but this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule.

For example, you may need to drink more water if you:

  • are very active
  • are pregnant or nursing
  • live in a hot or humid climate
  • have an illness, including a viral or bacterial infection

But generally, you’re most likely getting enough water if you:

  • drink water throughout the day or whenever you feel thirsty
  • eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which naturally contain water
  • aren’t thirsty often
  • usually have pale or clear urine

Staying hydrated is important, but it’s possible to drink too much water.

Companies selling structured water make some extreme claims about its benefits.

However, there’s no evidence behind them, nor is there compelling evidence that such a substance as “structured water” even exists.

Regular drinking water, both filtered and from the tap, offers real benefits at a fraction of the price.