Anti-aging products are marketed for a variety of skin concerns, but only certain types may be helpful in treating and managing psoriasis.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes skin plaques from increased skin cell turnover.

While plaque psoriasis most often develops on your scalp, limbs, and trunk, psoriasis can affect any part of your body. Psoriasis flares can come and go, with management and treatment crucial to preventing severe symptoms. Sometimes, this consists of certain anti-aging products.

As their name suggests, anti-aging (or pro-aging support, as we like to say) products are skin care items used specifically to target signs of aging, such as dark spots or wrinkles. In some cases, stronger pro-aging support ingredients can help psoriasis, but it’s crucial to talk with a dermatologist first.

Here’s what you need to know about pro-aging support products for psoriasis.

Pro-aging support products may be considered for different reasons. If you have psoriasis but are also concerned about signs of skin aging, you might consider over-the-counter (OTC) products that are safe for people with this skin condition.

Also, certain classes of pro-aging support products may be effective in treating both psoriasis and signs of aging. This is especially true of retinoids.

Keeping your skin moisturized can also help treat dry skin from psoriasis and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

If you have psoriasis and are looking for pro-aging support products that won’t aggravate your skin, you don’t necessarily have to spend time and a lot of money finding a trendy serum.

Despite the seemingly endless number of serums, creams, and targeted treatments available on the pro-aging support skin care product market, the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) says that the two most important products you can try are a moisturizer and sunscreen.

Anyone with psoriasis can benefit from a good moisturizer, regardless of whether you want pro-aging benefits. Moisturizers can also help treat dry skin from psoriasis, which may, in turn, help make signs of skin aging less noticeable if these are your concerns.

When selecting a pro-aging support moisturizer for psoriasis, read product labels carefully to avoid ingredients, such as fragrances, that might irritate your skin. Heavy creams are also preferable over lotions if you have psoriasis.

Ideally, a moisturizer or sunscreen should be safe for sensitive skin, hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic (doesn’t clog pores).

Also, the ideal sunscreen should contain an SPF of 30 or higher. Wearing sunscreen every day may reduce your risk of developing more dark spots as well as skin cancer.

To reduce skin irritation, consider trying one new skin care product at a time. Also, remember that it can take at least a few weeks to start seeing results from a new product.

In addition to possibly adding pro-aging support products to your skin care routine, it’s crucial to follow your dermatologist-recommended psoriasis treatment plan.

If psoriasis is your primary reason for seeking out pro-aging support products, consider the potential benefits of retinoids.

Retinoids are types of synthetic vitamin A used in a number of different skin care products. Retinol, for example, is a common skin care ingredient marketed for the treatment of dark spots and uneven skin texture.

However, while retinol is a type of retinoid, it’s not typically a first-line psoriasis treatment. Instead, a doctor may recommend tazarotene (Avage, Tazorac), a stronger type of retinoid approved for treating psoriasis.

Tazarotene is used to treat plaque psoriasis and severe acne. This prescription topical cream is also sometimes recommended as a new treatment for adults with psoriasis who are over the age of 65.

Specifically, tazarotene can help psoriasis by decreasing:

  • plaques and scales
  • redness
  • inflammation
  • skin cell overgrowth

While tazarotene is primarily used for psoriasis and severe acne, a 2022 reviewTrusted Source also reported that the retinoid may rejuvenate aging skin. If you’re concerned with symptoms of psoriasis and skin aging, consider asking a dermatologist about tazarotene.

It’s important to discuss the possible side effects of retinoids for psoriasis with your dermatologist. The most common side effects of tazarotene include skin itching, burning, and redness. You can help minimize this by applying petroleum jelly to the surrounding areas.

Retinoids aren’t typically recommended for people with sensitive skin or for those who are pregnant.

Tazarotene and other retinoids may increase UV sensitivity, making it even more critical to wear sunscreen every day while using such products.

In addition to OTC skin care products and tazarotene, a doctor may recommend modifying your psoriasis treatment plan if you’re experiencing more frequent or severe flares. Options may include:

  • topical corticosteroids
  • topical vitamin D
  • biologics
  • immunosuppressants
  • light therapy (phototherapy)

Tazarotene is commonly prescribed with other prescription medications, such as corticosteroids. This helps to ensure you gain maximum benefits and experience fewer flares.

Psoriasis is a chronic condition that can be lifelong. Still, this doesn’t mean you have to live with flares on a regular basis.

Medical treatments and over-the-counter skin products can help with psoriasis management and reduce the frequency and severity of flares.

Talk with a dermatologist about your skin care options for psoriasis. They can help you determine the best combination of treatments and OTC products to target psoriasis, as well as any other skin concerns you may have.