Sugarcane juice is a sweet, sugary beverage commonly consumed in parts of India, Africa, and Asia. You might be surprised to learn that some believe it can even be helpful for diabetes.

As this drink becomes more mainstream, it’s being marketed as an all-natural beverage with many health benefits. Traditional Eastern medicine may recommend sugarcane juice to treat liver, kidney, and other diseases.

This article explains sugarcane juice and whether it’s a good choice for people with diabetes — or anyone who’s watching their blood sugar.

Sugarcane juice is a sweet, syrupy liquid pressed from peeled sugar cane. It’s often sold by street vendors who mix it with lime or other juices and serve it over ice for a tasty drink.

It’s processed to make cane sugar, brown sugar, molasses, and jaggery

Sugarcane can also be used to make rum, and in Brazil, it’s fermented and used to make a liquor called cachaça.

Sugarcane juice isn’t pure sugar. It contains water, zero grams of fiber, and sugar in the form of sucrose — the same as table sugar. In fact, it’s a major source of most of the world’s table sugar.

In its unprocessed form, it’s also a good sourceTrusted Source of phenolic and flavonoid antioxidants, which are the primary reason some people claim it has health benefits.

Because it’s not highly processed like most sugary drinks, sugarcane juice retains its vitamins and minerals.

As it also contains a small amount of electrolytes, such as potassium, it has been studied for its hydrating effects. In a small older 2013 studyTrusted Source involving 15 cycling athletes, sugarcane juice was as effective as a sports drink in improving exercise performance and rehydration.

Yet, it raised athletes’ blood sugar levels during exercise. Its benefits were largely linked to its carb content and its ability to restore energy reserves in your muscles after a workout.


Sugarcane juice is made by pressing the liquid out of sugar cane. It’s a source of antioxidants and other nutrients, but there is little clinical evidence to support claims about its health benefits.

Although it provides several nutrients, sugarcane juice remains high in sugar and carbs.

A 1-cupTrusted Source serving offers:

  • Calories: 184
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 50 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 50 grams

As you can see, just 248 g contains a whopping 50 grams of sugar — the equivalent of 12 teaspoons.

This is significantly more than the 9 and 6 teaspoons of total sugar per day that the American Heart Association (AHA)Trusted Source recommends for men and women, respectively. It is important to read the nutrition facts panel on a product since many sugarcane beverages contain added sugar on top of the sugarcane juice.

Still, it’s best to get fiber from plant foods rather than a sweet beverage. If you want a beverage with fiber, it’s best to choose a powdered fiber supplement without added sugar and mix it with water. Smoothies also contain a good amount of fiber, depending on the ingredient list.

Sugar is a carb that your body breaks down into glucose. Some high carb foods and beverages may raise your blood sugar excessively, especially if you have or are at risk for diabetes. Thus, it’s important that people with diabetes monitor their sugar intake carefully.

Although sugarcane juice has a low glycemic index (GI), it still has a high glycemic load (GL) — meaning that it will have a significant effect on your blood sugar levels.

Glycemic load measures the impact of specific portion sizes of food on your blood sugar rising, while GI does not take the actual portion size of food eaten into account.


Sugarcane juice is very high in sugar and has a high glycemic load despite having a low glycemic index. Therefore, it affects blood sugar significantly.

Like other high-sugar drinks, sugarcane juice is a poor choice if you have diabetes.

The large amount of sugar could raise your blood sugar to harmful levels. Thus, it’s advised that those with diabetes avoid this beverage.

While test-tube studies on sugarcane extract suggest that its polyphenol antioxidants may help pancreas cells produce more insulin — the hormone that regulates your blood sugar — this researchTrusted Source is preliminary. It does not make it safe for people with diabetes.

If you still prefer a sweet drink, you can consider using fresh fruit to infuse your water with natural sweetness.

Here are some frequently asked questions about sugar cane juice and diabetes.

Is sugarcane juice okay for those with diabetes?

The large amount of sugar in sugar cane juice can raise blood sugar to harmful levels. It’s advised that those with diabetes avoid this beverage.

Is cane sugar bad for blood sugar?

All types of sugar, including “good” ones found in fruits and vegetables, can have negative health effects in excess. However, “good” sugars tend to be those which occur naturally in fruits and vegetables. Cane sugar has a nutrition similar to white table sugar, which means people with diabetes are advised to avoid it.

Which juice is good for those with diabetes?

People with diabetes can use fresh fruit and vegetables to infuse water with natural sweetness and flavor, particularly those with a low GI, such as cucumber, berries, or carrots.


Despite some lab research that points to possible anti-diabetes effects, sugarcane juice is not an appropriate beverage for those with diabetes.

Sugarcane juice is an unrefined drink extracted from sugar cane.

While it serves up a healthy dose of antioxidants, it’s extremely high in sugar. This makes it a poor choice for people with diabetes.

Instead of sugarcane juice, you can consider unsweetened coffee, tea, or water infused with fruit. These beverages can still taste good without increasing your blood sugar levels.