On average, people urinate 6 or 7 times a day, but this will depend on the individual, how much fluid they consume, and other factors. A change in frequency may indicate an underlying health condition.

Several factors can influenceTrusted Source how often an individual pees throughout the day. Medications, supplements, foods, and beverages can all play a role, as can certain medical conditions. Age and bladder size also matter.

The medical community uses the term “urinary frequency” to describe how often a person pees. In this article, we discuss healthy and unhealthy frequencies and how to manage the symptoms.

Most people pee 6 or 7 times every 24 hours. Peeing between 4 and 10 times daily may be considered healthy if the frequency does not interfere with the person’s quality of life.

Urinary frequency can change over time. The hormonal changes and pressure on the bladder in pregnancy may also increaseTrusted Source urinary output. This high urinary frequency may continue for up to 8 weeks after giving birth.

Peeing too rarely or frequently may indicateTrusted Source an underlying condition, especially when accompanied by the following symptoms:

For anyone who notices a dramatic change in urinary frequency or output, even if it still falls within their typical range, it is essential to seek medical advice.

Urinary frequency depends onTrusted Source the following factors:

However, dramatic changes in urinary frequency can sometimes indicateTrusted Source an underlying condition.

Underlying medical conditions

The following conditions may be responsible for changes in urinary frequency:


Diuretics are drugs that make people peeTrusted Source more often. Diuretics take fluid out of the bloodstream and send it to the kidneys.

Doctors often prescribe these medications to people with high blood pressure, kidney disease, or heart disease.

Examples of diuretics include:


Consuming a lot of fluid can increase urinary output, while not consuming enough can cause dehydration and diminished output.

Alcohol and caffeine have diuretic effects and increase urinary frequency. A person with no underlying condition may pee more frequently during or shortly after drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages.

Foods containing caffeine include:

The kidneys continuously make urine as a way of removing waste products from the body. How efficient the kidneys are, how much water a person drinks, and other factors determine how quickly water becomes urine.

Frequent urination usuallyTrusted Source does not require treatment if there is no underlying condition and the frequency is not affecting happiness or quality of life.

Pregnant people also do not require treatment, as the symptom should disappear a few weeks after giving birth.

For those who do need treatment, the options depend on the cause. A doctor may suggest:

  • drinking more or less fluids
  • avoiding or limiting caffeine and alcohol
  • lifestyle changes, such as urinating on a schedule or at regular intervals
  • practicing Kegel exercises to strengthenTrusted Source weak pelvic floor muscles
  • taking medications to treat an infection or underlying condition, such as diabetes
  • surgery to treat an enlarged prostate

It may be helpfulTrusted Source to record fluid intake, urinary frequency, urgency, and other symptoms before an appointment. This can help a doctor when they are diagnosing and treating a person.

If a person has recurring UTIs, it may help to make changes that make infections less likely, such asTrusted Source:

  • wiping from front to back when using the bathroom
  • peeing after sexual intercourse
  • avoiding using fragranced products around the genitals
  • avoiding douches inside the vagina
  • wearing loose cotton underwear and loose clothing to prevent infection and irritation

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding urinary frequency.

Why do I still feel like I need to pee after urinating?

If people still feel like they have to pee after urinating, they may have a health condition, such as overactive bladder or a UTI. A doctor can assess the symptoms and provide advice.

How long can you hold urine?

Some people can hold urine for a long time, but they should not do this regularly. Holding urine can weakenTrusted Source the bladder muscles over time.

What color is healthy urine?

The color of healthy urine is usuallyTrusted Source light yellow, or darker if a person has had less to drink. Many things can change the color of urine. Very dark yellow or amber urine can be a sign of dehydration.

People usually pee between 6 and 7 times per day, although as much as 10 times may be typical for some people. Changes in urinary frequency are common in pregnancy and with age, but a dramatic increase or decrease could be a sign of an underlying condition.

Anyone concerned about their urinary output should see a doctor as soon as possible to reduce the risk of complications, particularly if they have a fever or other concerning symptoms.