High cholesterol is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular conditions like heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis. If your doctor has recommended lowering your cholesterol, this guide can get you started.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance essential for healthy cellular functions throughout your body. It’s transported in the bloodstream by lipoproteins, compounds that carry cholesterol to and from different destinations like your muscles, liver, and intestines.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are the two main types of lipoproteins that transport cholesterol. You’ve probably heard of LDL referred to as the “bad” cholesterol and HDL referred to as the “good” cholesterol.

When your doctor says you have high cholesterol, it usually means you have high LDL and low HDL. High LDL increases the likelihood that excess cholesterol will remain in your bloodstream rather than being transported by HDL to the liver to be broken down. Over time, this can cause cholesterol to build up inside your vessels, contributing to cardiovascular disease (CVD).

In many cases, you can manage your cholesterol levels successfully with lifestyle modifications and medication.

This guide to lowering your cholesterol can help you to get started.

After you’ve been diagnosed with high cholesterol, your doctor will recommend a treatment plan consisting of lifestyle modifications and medication, depending on your overall health and cardiovascular risk factors.

You may be prescribed a statin. Statins are a type of medication that lowers cholesterol by inhibiting cholesterol production in the liver. Start taking any medications as directed by your doctor during week 1.

In addition to taking any recommended medications, you can also begin making adjustments to your eating habits. Saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol from animal products are all dietary ingredients that raise LDL. Saturated fat, in particular, raises your LDL more than any otherTrusted Source dietary factor.

Focus on heart-healthy foods and reducing or eliminating sources of saturated and trans fats and cholesterol, which are heavily concentrated in the fat of animal meats and in certain processed foods.

Here’s what eating to lower your cholesterol and cardiovascular risk can look like:


  • fruits and vegetables
  • whole grains
  • no-fat dairy
  • lean protein
  • nuts, seeds, and legumes
  • liquid non-tropical vegetable oils


  • alcohol
  • salt (sodium)
  • added sugars
  • saturated fats (full-fat dairy, processed meats, poultry skin, baked goods, palm and coconut oil)
  • trans fats (fried foods, potato chips, margarine, shortening)
  • processed foods

You don’t need to overhaul your diet all at once. Instead, start out by making small changes during the first week. Set a reasonable goal for yourself, like making the move to skinless chicken or switching from coconut oil to olive oil.

Changes to try for week 1

Here are examples of small changes that could be made in the first week:

  • swap full fat milk for almond milk in your coffee or tea
  • add a vegetable side to one daily meal
  • use olive oil for cooking instead of butter or coconut oil
  • buy whole grain bread instead of white
  • replace sweetened beverages with water or unsweetened tea

During week 2, dietary changes are still a priority, but it’s time to build on them (set some new goals) and add another area of focus for lowering cholesterol.

The next step is to get your body moving. Aerobic exercise may helpTrusted Source raise your HDL levels and lower your LDL. It also promotes weight management, supports overall cardiovascular health, and reduces inflammation in the body.

A position statementTrusted Source from the American Heart Association (AHA) in 2021 recommends exercise be a first-line therapy for all people working to lower their cholesterol.

How much do you need? The AHA recommendsTrusted Source 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity a week.

Like week 1, week 2 is about attainable goals. Getting more exercise than usual, at a pace suitable for your health and physical fitness level, is where you should start.

Walking or other gentle cardiovascular activities are a great starting point. Go at your own pace, gradually increasing your time and effort as your fitness improves.

Changes to try for week 2

Week 2’s plan might look like:

  • finding dairy substitutes
  • focusing on lean proteins
  • eating vegetables at every meal
  • moving for 15 minutes each day, whether taking a walk or doing some other movement that elevates your heart rate

During week 3, your diet and exercise goals should progressively gain traction. You probably haven’t completely overhauled your meal plan yet, and you might still be exploring different ways to increase your activity — and that’s all OK. Consistency is key.

If you haven’t already, week 3 is a good time to incorporate stress reduction strategies and weight loss habits.

Psychological stress can increaseTrusted Source your LDL and lower your HDL. Finding effective management options is helpful.

Stress management options to consider include:

  • meditation
  • deep breathing or breath exercises
  • structured counting
  • mindfulness
  • mind-body arts, like Tai Chi

Weight management should also become a priority once you’ve gotten into healthier eating and activity habits. Obesity is linkedTrusted Source to high LDL and low HDL. It’s also a factor for conditions like type 2 diabetes that can also elevate LDL levels.

A good way to start orienting yourself toward weight loss is to start tracking your calories consumed versus your calories utilized. To lose weight, you’ll want to strive for a caloric deficit. A food tracking app may help you keep track of what you are consuming. There are many free options as well as fee-based apps.

Changes to try for week 3

Week 3’s plan might look like:

  • eating heart-healthy meals at each meal
  • walking for 30 minutes a day or transitioning to light jogging
  • testing relaxation strategies several times a week
  • tracking calorie consumption and usage with a journal or tracking app

By week 4, your core lifestyle modifications and medication therapy should be well underway. If you haven’t finalized your diet, now’s the time. Make that final switch to fruits and veggies, cut out the salt, and avoid those processed meats.

Increase your exercise as appropriate. Moderate-intensity exercise should increase your heart rate and respiration. You should still be able to talk but not sing during the activity. If it feels too easy, consider increasing your effort or exercise duration.

Keep practicing your stress management. It can take time to become proficient, but working at it every day, or at least on a regular schedule, can help you see steady improvements.

Week 4Trusted Source is also when you’ll be able to have your first fasting lipid panel monitoring done if you were started on a statin, though your doctor may wait up to 12 weeks depending on your individual circumstances.

Changes to try for week 3

Week 4’s plan might look like:

  • eating heart-healthy meals at each meal
  • regularly adjusting exercise as your fitness improves
  • practicing stress management regularly during the week
  • speaking with your doctor about lipid testing

Your second month of lowering cholesterol is about the details. You’ve been including heart-healthy foods and cutting out foods that increase your cholesterol. Your exercise routine is regular and you’re feeling your fitness level improve.

Now it’s time to start adding other healthy lifestyle habits, like monitoring portion sizes, tracking your caloric intake, and monitoring your progress with journals or fitness monitors.

By 12 weeks, or the 3-month mark, your doctor will have re-assessed your cholesterol levels. Your progress is reviewed, and adjustments are made to your lifestyle or medications as needed.

Make any changes suggested and consider setting new goals to keep yourself motivated. Lifestyle modifications for lowering cholesterol are life-long. Even if your LDL successfully lowers, keeping up with your healthy habits is what will keep it within its desired range.

Stay motivated by trying new recipes, taking a culinary class, or signing up for an event, like a charity walk or run.

Sticking to a cholesterol-healthy lifestyle can be challenging, but these tips can help you maintain your progress long-term:

  • Be kind to yourself. If you slip up on your healthy lifestyle habits, forgive yourself and then make it a point to get right back on track.
  • Get creative with alternative ingredients. It’s still possible to enjoy flavorful meals with cholesterol-friendly substitutions, like milk alternatives or non-alcoholic “mocktails.”
  • Recruit a workout buddy. Having a companion when you exercise can help you stay motivated and can add a level of social enjoyment.
  • Reward yourself. Rearranging your lifestyle is hard. Celebrate your successes, but keep those rewards cholesterol-friendly.
  • Learn more about high cholesterol. An in-depth understanding of cholesterol, its role in the body, and the health complications that come from high cholesterol can reinforce your determination.
  • Take medications on time, as directed. Only change your medication routine if your doctor directly advises you to.
  • If you smoke, stop smoking. While current research suggests smoking doesn’t affect LDL significantly, it can lower your HDL levels and increase triglycerides, another type of fatty molecule associated with cardiovascular disease risk.
  • Speak with a therapist or counselor. A mental health professional can help you develop positive thought patterns and coping mechanisms while you manage cholesterol.

The most important part of sticking to your cholesterol-healthy lifestyle is to keep up with your doctor visits. If you’re on statins, your cholesterol levels are checked every 3 to 12 monthsTrusted Source, and it can take 6 to 12 monthsTrusted Source to see the benefits of lifestyle changes.