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Babies have a reputation for having ideal skin, so it surprises most new parents to find out baby-soft skin is a bit of a myth. Skin blemishes are actually fairly common in the first year of life.

Below are some tips you can use to help make sure your baby’s skin stays smooth and healthy.

It’s important that you limit your baby’s time in the sun as much as possible. When you do take them outside, try to keep their skin out of the sun, even in the winter.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source, you should not apply sunscreen to a baby under 6 months old. Instead, the agency recommends the following:

  • keeping your baby in shaded areas as much as possible
  • putting your baby in a hat that covers the neck and ears
  • dressing your baby in loose-fitting, lightweight clothing that covers the arms and legs
  • limiting sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when ultraviolet (UV) rays are strongest

It’s also important to keep your baby hydrated with breastmilk or formula if you’re spending more than a few minutes outside.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) gives similar advice. They recommend avoiding putting sunscreen on babies younger than 6 months old, but they do recommend that older children use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

If you have questions about using sunscreen on your infant, your baby’s doctor should be able to help.

Not all babies need to have a moisturizer applied. It’s typical for babies to develop small patches of dry skin in the first few weeks after coming home. These patches will often go away on their own, without the need for any additional moisturizer.

If your baby has very dry or cracking skin, you can apply petroleum-jelly-based products. You can also apply a moisturizing lotion free of perfumes and dyes to the skin. Perfumes and dyes can irritate your baby’s skin even more.

Stick to best practices for infant bathing. You should give your baby regular baths, but you don’t need to bathe them every day.

You can use a soft washcloth and lukewarm water to keep their hands, face, genitals, and other body parts clean between washings in the tub. However, in some cases, washcloths may cause more skin irritation and dryness.

The AAP recommends the following basic tips for bath time:

  • holding your baby securely and never leave them unattended
  • using water that’s lukewarm, not hot
  • performing the bath in a warm room
  • keeping baths short, between 5 and 10 minutes
  • washing your baby’s eyes and face with water only
  • considering adding a fragrance- and dye-free baby soap when washing your baby’s hair and body

After bathing, pat your baby completely dry before putting them in clothing or a diaper.

Cradle cap is a common skin condition in babies that usually develops between ages 3 weeks and 3 months.

With cradle cap, you’ll notice yellowish, greasy-looking patches called plaques around your baby’s scalp and the crown of their head. Cradle cap can also appear on the forehead, eyebrows, and around the ears.

In most cases, cradle cap will clear up on its own. Before bathing your baby, it may help to apply a small amount of emollient, such as mineral oil, to the affected area before washing your baby’s scalp and head with a gentle shampoo.

If you don’t see improvements with the condition after a few washes, you should talk with your baby’s doctor about other possible treatments.

Contact dermatitis means that something has caused an allergic reaction on your baby’s skin. It may appear in many different ways, including red and swollen skin or skin that’s dry, cracked, and peeling.

The following are common irritants and allergens that may cause contact dermatitis:

  • saliva
  • urine
  • soaps or detergents
  • lotions
  • dyes
  • perfumes
  • cosmetics
  • latex
  • some metals

If you can’t determine what caused the reaction, you should talk with your child’s doctor.

Treatment often involves at-home remedies and recommendations, such as the following:

  • dressing your baby in loose-fitting clothes and avoid rough fabrics such as wool
  • using unscented and dye-free moisturizers on the skin
  • giving your baby regular baths in lukewarm water until the rash starts to go away
  • avoiding the substance(s) that caused the rash if known

Even though your baby’s nails are small and thin, they might still be sharp. Long or sharp nails can cause scratches on the face or body, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on how your baby’s nails are growing.

Baby nails grow quickly, so you may need to file or trim them every week or more often. You can use a non-metal nail file to gently smooth and shorten the nails or a baby nail clipper to reduce the length.

It’s recommended that you smooth or file your baby’s nails while they’re asleep or very relaxed to prevent sudden jerking movements that may cause injury.

A heat rash can occur if your baby becomes overheated. It often appears near skin folds or areas where clothes rub up against the skin. A heat rash looks like tiny red spots on the skin and is often most noticeable in babies with a light skin tone.

Heat rash occurs when the sweat glands become blocked. Hot and humid weather, oils, or other ointments can cause the sweat glands to become overworked or blocked, leading to a rash.

To treat your baby’s heat rash, you should keep the skin cool and avoid using oil-based products. A cool bath or washcloth can help alleviate any itchiness and clear the rash.

You should contact your baby’s doctor if the rash does not improve within 3 days, if the skin appears infected, or if your baby develops a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher.

When you first bring your baby home, the umbilical cord will still be attached at the belly button. You’ll need to keep the area as clean and dry as possible until the cord falls off in about 1 to 3 weeks.

It’s important that you don’t pull on or try to force the umbilical cord to fall off. It will come off on its own. You don’t need to apply any substance — not even rubbing alcohol — to prevent infection or aid in the drying process.

You should call your baby’s doctor if you notice:

  • pus
  • redness or swelling
  • fever of 100.4°F or higher
  • foul-smelling discharge
  • large amount of bleeding

The skin is the largest organ on your baby’s body, so it’s important to look after its health.

Remember to keep your baby’s skin clean, dry, and out of the sun. It’s also important to not overdo it with moisturizers or other skin products, which can sometimes worsen skin problems.

Babies are prone to several different skin conditions in the first year of life. If a rash appears with a fever of 100°F or higher or an infection, or if it does not go away within a few days, you should contact your baby’s doctor for more information.