Ibuprofen is a pain reliever and fever reducer that’s available without a prescription. This drug may increase the risk of heart attack when taken often or at high doses.
Ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used to treat inflammation, pain, and fever from health issues like arthritis, headaches, and colds or flu.
While ibuprofen is available over-the-counter (OTC) and generally considered safe, it may increase the risk of heart attack for some people.
Here’s what you need to know about the relationship between ibuprofen and heart attack, how much is safe to take, and what questions you may want to ask your doctor.
Maybe. Taking ibuprofen or other NSAIDs may
According to the
Labels have been revised to include the following about heart attack and stroke:
- risk may arise within a few weeks of taking the drug
- risk may be higher at higher doses
- risk increases for people with and without existing heart disease (but is greatest for those with existing heart disease)
- risk differences are unclear between NSAIDs; more research is needed to determine whether some types are safer than others
- individuals treated with NSAIDs after a heart attack have a higher death rate within 1 year than those not treated with NSAIDs after a heart attack
- risk may also include heart failure
NSAIDs work by reducing the production of prostaglandins in the body. To do this, drugs like ibuprofen inhibit the production of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX) in the kidneys. Researchers explain that this may increase blood pressure and fluids, leading to cardiovascular events.
Again, the FDA says there’s insufficient evidence to suggest that any one type of NSAID has a greater effect on heart attack risk than another. That said, researchers point out that ibuprofen may carry less risk than other nonselective NSAIDs, like diclofenac.
The classic symptoms of heart attack include chest pain. This “pain” may be sharp, dull, or merely feel like discomfort in the left side of the chest. For some, it may feel like fullness, squeezing, or pressure.
These sensations
You may also experience the following symptoms:
- difficulty breathing
- pain in the jaw, neck, or back
- pain in the arms or shoulders
- weakness or feeling faint
- unexplained tiredness (women)
- nausea or vomiting (women)
A heart attack is considered a medical emergency. Seek immediate care if you experience these symptoms, whether or not you have recently taken ibuprofen.
People who already have heart disease may be at
They’re quick to point out, however, that even people without heart disease or associated risk factors may be at risk of a heart attack after taking NSAIDs.
Other risk factors specifically related to ibuprofen:
- taking high doses of ibuprofen
- taking ibuprofen for long periods of time
Other risk factors for heart attack include:
- having obesity or overweight
- having a diet high in saturated fat
- being a smoker
- not getting enough physical activity
- high cholesterol
- high blood pressure
- high blood sugar
- high triglycerides
- being over age
45Trusted Source (men) or55Trusted Source (women) - having a family history of early-onset heart disease
- having certain infections
A heart attack is
Additional tests may include blood tests to look for proteins associated with heart attack and chest X-rays or computed tomography (CT) scans to observe the heart.
Your doctor may or may not be able to determine whether your heart attack was caused by ibuprofen. If you have been taking high doses of the drug for long periods of time, your doctor may suspect taking it has played a role.
Treatment for heart attack aims to break up blood clots, raise blood oxygen levels, open or widen arteries, and improve blood flow to the heart.
Treatment may include:
With prompt treatment,
Experts warn that individuals who have experienced heart attacks are more likely to die
There’s also an increased risk of heart failure with the use of ibuprofen and similar medications. Speak with your doctor if you have experienced a heart attack and plan to take NSAIDs to discuss the benefits versus risks.
How much ibuprofen is safe for the heart?
Which is worse for your heart, Tylenol or ibuprofen?
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) does not have a cardiovascular risk warning on its packaging. According to the manufacturer, it also does not interfere with daily aspirin therapy for cardiovascular disease.
According to
Can ibuprofen cause heart rhythm problems?
Yes. There’s
Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs may
Speak with your doctor if you have chronic pain or other long-term conditions you are treating with ibuprofen. Your doctor can discuss the risk factors in more detail and may suggest alternative medications that carry less cardiovascular risk.