Statins are drugs commonly used to treat high cholesterol. Some people have reported memory loss as a side effect, but current research is limited.

Memory loss is not listed as side effect on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Cholesterol Medicines Guide, which includes statins. It is also not listed on the American Heart Association’s Cholesterol Medications pageTrusted Source.

At present, research does not show a link between statins and memory loss. Some older research even shows the opposite effect. However, research is limited. Read on to learn more.

While statin users have reported memory loss to the FDA, studies haven’t found evidence to support these claims. Research has actually suggested the opposite — that statins may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

In an 2020 review, researchers looked at various studies on statins to see if there was a link between taking the medication and dementia risk. They found no evidence that using statins caused dementia. In fact, they found that statins may actually be beneficial in preventing it.

Scientists believe this is because certain types of dementia result from small blockages in blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. Statins may help reduce these blockages.

There remains some uncertainty about whether statins affect memory.

A 2023 reviewTrusted Source concluded that smaller studies showed both positive and negative effects on memory. When looking at data in a large-scale, long-term way, there was no significant link between statins and cognition.

According to the American College of Cardiology, elderly statin-users had no difference in the rate of memory or cognitive decline compared to those who never took statins.

This study found that statins had a protective benefit on memory in patients with cardiovascular disease who used them compared to patients with cardiovascular disease who did not use statins.

There was no difference between statin use and non-statin use if the patient did not have cardiovascular disease.

Despite the large amount of research showing that statins do not cause memory loss, some people may still experience this side effect. If your statins are affecting your cognition, speak with your doctor about options. It’s best to have medical supervision before making any changes to your medication.

It’s also important to note that the FDA statesTrusted Source that while some people have reported memory loss and confusion, these effects were generally not serious. They resolved after people stopped taking the drug.

A variety of other medications and conditions can cause memory loss, so if you’re finding it hard to remember things, consider the possible causes. Even if you are taking statins, there may be another reason for your memory loss.


Memory loss can be a side effect of different types of medication. It’s most likely to occur with drugs that interact with your brain’s neurotransmitters.

For example, researchTrusted Source has shown that drugs that interfere with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine might raise your risk of certain diseases linked with memory loss, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter involved with memory and learning.

Medications that can affect memory includeTrusted Source:

Sometimes, combining multiple types of medications can also lead to adverse reactions like confusion or memory loss. Symptoms associated with memory loss include:

  • confusion
  • difficulty concentrating
  • forgetfulness
  • difficulty doing daily activities

While these lists are useful starting points, they’re not exhaustive. There may be other reasons that you have memory loss, and they can cause varying symptoms.

Health conditions

Conditions that can affect memory include:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • urinary tract infections
  • heart and kidney conditions
  • menopause
  • head injuries
  • nutritional deficiencies, particularly B12
  • stroke
  • underactive or overactive thyroid
  • dementia and Alzheimer’s

There are certain lifestyle habits that may help prevent memory loss. If you want to reduce your risk of memory loss, consider making some healthy changes.

Steps you can take include:

  • staying physically and mentally active
  • socializing regularly
  • staying organized
  • getting enough sleep
  • following a healthy, balanced diet

Treatments for memory loss vary depending on the cause. For example, memory loss caused by antidepressants is treated differently than memory loss caused by dementia.

In some cases, memory loss is reversible with treatment, and this usually depends on the cause. If statins are causing problems with your memory, changing your medication can be a solution.

Statins are an effective treatment for lowering high cholesterol and improving heart health, but they still have risks. While some people have reported memory loss when taking statins, there’s currently no evidence confirming this link.

If you think statins are affecting your memory, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor. They can make recommendations on adjusting your dosage or switching to a different drug.