If you’re prescribed Ozempic, it’s important to follow a balanced diet during treatment. This includes limiting foods high in added sugar and saturated fat. Limiting certain foods may also help prevent side effects from Ozempic.
Ozempic (semaglutide) is a prescription drug that’s approved to treat type 2 diabetes in adults. Doctors may also prescribe it off-label for weight loss. (With off-label use, a doctor prescribes a drug for a purpose other than what it’s approved for.) Ozempic belongs to a group of drugs called GLP-1 receptor agonists.
To manage blood sugar levels and help with weight loss, it’s important to use Ozempic along with regular exercise and a balanced diet.
You may be curious about which foods to avoid while using Ozempic. Continue reading to learn more.

In general, there are no foods that you need to completely avoid during your Ozempic treatment. However, limiting certain foods can help manage your blood sugar, boost weight loss, and prevent side effects.
Foods to avoid as part of a balanced diet
Ozempic is meant to be used along with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Following a balanced diet is great for your overall health, and it can also manage blood sugar levels and help you lose weight.
During your Ozempic treatment, it’s a good rule of thumb to limit:
- products with added sugars, such as:
- sugar-sweetened drinks like soft drinks and many fruit drinks
- candies
- desserts, including cakes, ice cream, and cookies
- breakfast cereals or breakfast bars
- foods high in saturated fat, such as:
- meats, particularly beef, pork, and lamb
- processed or cured meats
- high fat or full-fat dairy products
- butter
- fried foods
- items high in sodium, including:
- processed or cured meats
- many canned or pre-packaged items, such as frozen meals or canned soups and vegetables
- condiments and salad dressings
- alcohol (if you drink)
Foods to avoid to reduce side effects from Ozempic
Digestive (gastrointestinal) side effects are the most common side effects associated with Ozempic. These include:
If you’re having gastrointestinal side effects from Ozempic or are concerned about having them, avoiding or limiting certain foods may help prevent or reduce these side effects. Examples of foods you may want to avoid or limit include:
Additionally, if you have diarrhea or abdominal pain due to bloating during your Ozempic treatment, you may want to temporarily limit the amount of high fiber foods you eat. This is because these foods can contribute to bloating and may worsen diarrhea. Examples of high fiber foods include:
- cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage
- whole grains
- beans, peas, and lentils
- nuts and seeds
- skinned fruits like apples, peaches, and pears
There’s no specific diet plan that doctors recommend for people using Ozempic. However, it’s generally a good idea to follow a balanced diet during your treatment.
According to the
- vegetables of all kinds
- fruit, particularly whole fruits
- grains, especially whole grains
- fat-free or low fat dairy products
- protein sources such as:
- beans, peas, and lentils
- healthier cooking oils like canola, peanut, and olive oils
Your dietary needs may vary depending on factors such as your age, overall health, and level of physical activity. Additionally, food preferences, cultural traditions, and grocery budgets can also affect your food choices.
If you’re starting Ozempic treatment and are concerned about your diet, it’s important to work with your doctor to develop a diet plan. They can consider individual factors to develop a plan that works for you.
It’s safe to drink coffee during your Ozempic treatment. There’s no known interaction between Ozempic and coffee.
However, there are a few factors related to coffee consumption to be aware of. For example, drinking coffee could raise your risk of gastrointestinal side effects.
Caffeine and other compounds in coffee can cause upset stomach in some people, leading to symptoms like stomach gurgling or nausea. This could be because coffee
Coffee can also
It’s not necessary to completely avoid diet soda during your Ozempic treatment. However, it may be a good idea to limit your consumption of these drinks.
Although they’re low in calories, diet sodas do not provide any nutritional benefits. In addition, these drinks may counteract or reduce some of the benefits of Ozempic.
For example,
The exact effect of artificial sweeteners on metabolism is unclear. However, a
See below for answers to some other frequently asked questions about Ozempic and food.
What should I eat with Ozempic to avoid nausea?
Certain foods may act as a remedy for Ozempic-related nausea. Some of the best foods to eat with Ozempic to help reduce nausea include:
- dry foods, such as toast, crackers, or breadsticks
- broths
- cold foods like non-fat yogurt, gelatin, and sherbet
- rice or noodles
- mashed, baked, or boiled potatoes
- easy-to-digest protein sources like a poached egg or boiled skinless chicken breast
- fruits, including bananas or applesauce
- foods or drinks containing ginger
Other general tips include eating smaller portions more frequently and avoiding foods that are strong-smelling, high in fat, or very spicy or sweet.
Can I have fruit during my Ozempic treatment?
Yes, fruit is an important part of a balanced diet. Aim to focus on whole, fresh fruit, which may help with
Can I eat cheese while using Ozempic?
Yes, it’s fine to eat cheese while using Ozempic. But many cheeses are high in fat, so try to select low fat rather than full-fat cheese products.
Can I eat eggs while using Ozempic?
Eggs are a great source of protein and other nutrients. However, they’re also high in fat and cholesterol.
During your Ozempic treatment, doctors recommend that you follow a balanced diet. This involves limiting your intake of alcohol (if you drink) and foods that are high in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium.
Limiting or avoiding certain foods can also help lower your risk of gastrointestinal side effects from Ozempic. Examples of these foods include ones that are spicy or high in fat or sugar. Before starting Ozempic treatment, talk with your doctor about what a balanced diet looks like for you.
Your body’s response to Ozempic, including the side effects you may experience, can vary. If you experience uncomfortable side effects during your treatment, talk with your doctor about ways to reduce them.