For monitoring blood sugar levels at home, you can’t go wrong with tests from LetsGetChecked or Everlywell. Learn more and see what other A1C tests we recommend.

If you have diabetes or prediabetes, regularly monitoring your A1C blood sugar level is important for managing your condition and maintaining optimum health. A1C monitoring can also be used to diagnose these conditions, which can be lifesaving.

Using an at-home A1C test eliminates the need to go to a doctor’s office or lab for testing. But choosing a test you can trust is essential.

We reviewed a wide variety of at-home A1C tests. These five meet our criteria for accurate results, ease of use, and privacy protection. Due to state laws and restrictions, not every test is available in every state.

Staying on top of your health is important. Read on for our recommendations and to learn more about what’s important to consider when choosing an at-home A1C test.

A1C test
$89 Diabetes Test,
$99 Diabetes and Heart Test
2 to 5 days
5 to 7 days
varies by card provider
2 to 5 days
varies by card provider
24 to 48 hrs
about $75
5 minutes

To select the best A1c test kits, we considered the following factors:

We reviewed the type of testing offered and whether testing was done at home or by going to a lab. The variety of these test kits allows for options for every person’s unique needs.

Testing your A1C levels at home can save you the trouble of needing to go to a medical office or lab, making it easier to manage your health. But there are some things to consider when deciding whether this is a good option for you.

For example, you need to feel comfortable drawing your own blood via a finger prick. Also, home A1C tests aren’t covered by insurance. You may, however, be able to use a health savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA) toward your purchase.

If you feel that a home A1C test might be right for you, it’s important to know that not all tests provide the same level of support. Some tests, like those from LetsGetChecked and DTILaboratories, offer consultations with healthcare professionals.

Finally, if you feel that a home A1C test might be right for you, make sure to purchase your test from a reputable retailer. Don’t buy from a resale site or seller you don’t know or trust.

Are A1C home tests accurate?

Home A1C testing can be as accurate as in-person laboratory testing. However, it’s important to follow the test instructions exactly to get accurate results. Readings from at-home A1C tests should never be used to diagnose diabetes.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesTrusted Source, some factors can skew results. These can include natural fluctuations in your blood glucose level, which can happen when you eat or exercise and when you’re sick or stressed. These kinds of short-term changes to your blood glucose level are more likely to affect the results of an A1C test.

Certain health conditions can also affect the accuracy of A1C results, including:

In addition, people of African, South and Southeast Asian, and Mediterranean descent may be more likelyTrusted Source to have hemoglobin variants that can affect the results of this test.

Keep in mind that it’s possible to have a false A1C reading.

Certain conditionsTrusted Source, such as hemolytic anemia or an enlarged spleen, can cause a false low reading. Other factors, such as older age or obesity, can elevate A1C levels too, even if you do not have diabetes.

A1C readings: What do they mean?

Your A1C, or HbA1c as it’s sometimes referred to, is a snapshot of your average blood sugar levels over a 2- to 3-month period. While blood glucose can fluctuate throughout the day, your A1C is an average of these readings. The higher the level, the higher the risk of diabetes complications.

A1C by range:

  • normal: below 5.7%
  • prediabetes: 5.7% to 6.4%
  • diabetes: 6.5% or more

Your A1C can fluctuate with:

  • lifestyle changes
  • certain medications
  • hormonal changes

Because of this, it’s important to check your levels at least twice per year if you have diabetes. Your doctor may also recommend checking your A1C more often.

A blood test is the only way to test your A1C levels. But you can purchase a home A1C test that allows you to do the finger-prick blood collection yourself.

For home A1C test kits, like LetsGetChecked and myLAB Box options on our list, you collect a small blood sample and send it to a lab using the provided return packaging. Your results will be available within a few days.

At-home monitoring devices, like the PTS Diagnostics option, allows you to collect a small blood sample and insert it into the monitor, where your results will be displayed within minutes.

Yes. In addition to the at-home A1C tests listed in our roundup, which can be purchased online, you can buy A1C test monitors and some A1C test kits at retail stores, such as Walgreens, Walmart, and CVS.

It might. A few small studies have shown that ingesting apple cider vinegar can affect fasting blood sugar levels.

But as this article explains, there is no concrete evidence that apple cider vinegar will for sure lower A1C levels in people with type 1 diabetes.

It’s important to use your A1C as part of your diabetes monitoring, but it does not replace daily blood sugar checks.

There are instances when your A1C might not be accurate. Always make sure you’re informing your doctor of your results and any symptoms you may be having.