Medical cannabis use is on the rise. There’s growing evidence that it may effectively treat various medical conditions, including psoriasis.

People already use cannabis to treat conditions like Crohn’s disease, glaucoma, and nausea from chemotherapy.

The evidence is mounting that cannabis may also be effective in treating everything from multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease to schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder.

But can cannabis be used to treat psoriasis? Here, we examine the evidence.

Pain, fatigue, and sleeplessness often occur with psoriasis. Psoriasis can also take a profound toll on your mental health.

The National Psoriasis Foundation notes that people with psoriasis are at an increased risk for depression and anxiety.

According to research, as many as 84%Trusted Source of people living with psoriasis are also living with a psychiatric disorder.

Having psoriasis can cause embarrassment or shame, leading to becoming isolated and more vulnerable to harm. This, in turn, can contribute to the development of anxiety and depression.

In particular, about 20–30% of people living with psoriasis also have depression, though some studies indicate as high as 62%. Similarly, people living with psoriasis vulgaris also have a higher riskTrusted Source of developing anxiety.

Psoriasis isn’t curable and can be difficult to control.

Although there are a variety of medications and light therapies for treating the disease, some have serious side effects, and others lose their effectiveness when your body builds up resistance to them.

Given psoriasis’s physical and emotional burden, new treatment options are needed. Cannabis is one of the treatment possibilities being explored. Research into the effectiveness of cannabis addresses different aspects of the disease.

Slowing cell growth

Some studies suggest cannabis may be useful in slowing the rapid growth of keratinocytes. These are the immature skin cells found in people with psoriasis.

ResearchTrusted Source suggests that cannabinoids and their receptors may help control and limit the production of immature skin cells.

Researchers add that cannabis may be useful in treating several conditions involving keratinocytes, including psoriasis and wound healing.

Controlling pain

Many people use cannabis to control pain. Cannabis may be more effective than opioids in controlling acute and neuropathic pain. According to an article in Current Rheumatology, it may also be useful in reducing chronic pain.

A 2015 research articleTrusted Source also suggests that cannabis may effectively treat pain.

Regulating the immune system

Although more research is needed, some studies indicate that cannabis reduces the severity of inflammation associated with some conditions, including autoimmune disorders like psoriasis. ResearchTrusted Source indicates that cannabis can suppress the immune system.

Some people use cannabis oil topically to treat psoriasis, claiming that it controls the speed of skin cell production and reduces inflammation. More research is needed to support these claims.

Treatment of stress

Psoriasis and stress go hand in hand, and THC has been shown to relieve stress. But researchers note that while low doses of THC can produce stress-relieving effects, higher doses may negatively affect mood.

Cannabinoids hold the key

Cannabinoids are active chemicals found in cannabis plants. Your body makesTrusted Source cannabinoids, too. These chemical messengers are called “endocannabinoids.” They play a role in some functions in your body, including:

  • inflammation
  • immunity
  • appetite
  • the pressure in your eye
  • mood
  • reproduction

Cannabis holds promise for treating the symptoms of psoriasis. It’s well-established that cannabis can be useful in controlling pain. But more research is needed to determine if it’s safe and effective.

Cannabis hasn’t been better studied because it’s a Schedule I substance under the United States Controlled Substances Act. Schedule I substances are considered to have a high potential for abuse, have no accepted medical use, and may not be safe for use under medical supervision.

These restrictions have posed a significant obstacle to cannabis research. Still, state laws allowing the use of medical cannabis have encouraged more research and efforts to deregulate the drug.

Cannabis can’t be prescribed under federal law, but doctors may recommend or provide a referral for its use in place of a prescription.

This is legal in the following parts of the United States. Remember that the form of cannabis allowed varies by location, and the laws may change with time.

To be certain about the law regarding cannabis in your state, visit the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) website or your state’s official website. As of April 2024, medical cannabis is not allowed in the following states: KS, WY, TX, IA, WI, GA, SC, NC, IN.

Whether or not you should consider cannabis for psoriasis treatment depends on where you live. Some parts of the United States allow the use of cannabis.

Talk with your doctor to see if cannabis could be beneficial for treating your psoriasis, given your overall health and state laws.