Research concludes starving yourself is not a sustainable solution to weight loss and can lead to serious health risks in the long run.

If you listen to the many fitness gurus online, you’ve probably heard “calories in versus calories out” as the only way to lose weight.
While the saying holds some merit, it doesn’t fully explain the most healthy and effective approaches that will lead to sustainable, long-term weight loss.
As a result, many people have resorted to starving themselves of calories, which can be incredibly harmful to health.
In this article, learn why starving yourself isn’t a good idea for weight loss and how to implement healthier weight loss strategies.
To lose weight, your body needs to be in a calorie deficit, which means expending more calories through exercise, consuming fewer calories from food, or both. However, a larger calorie deficit doesn’t always mean you’ll lose weight and keep it off.
Though you may experience significant weight loss in the beginning, you may find it difficult to sustain this weight loss in the long term.
If you starve yourself, your body’s survival mechanisms may adapt to stark calorie deficits. This may interfere with your intended weight loss plan in the first place.
May harm your mental health
Starvation and other harmful dieting behaviors can be detrimental to mental well-being.
Dieting through starvation
In severe cases, prolonged starvation can develop into an eating disorder, such as:
If you believe you are beginning to develop an eating disorder or disordered eating patterns, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional who can refer you to a specialist. You can also contact the National Alliance for Eating Disorders for support.
Your body works less effectively
Depending on the severity of starvation, the
- Hair and nail growth: Your hair and nails may become brittle.
- Immunity: Your immune system may have a harder time fighting infection and illness.
- Digestion and hunger regulation: You may experience irregular or intensified hunger, recurring bloating, or stomach discomfort.
- Reproductive health: Your menstrual cycle may change or stop.
- Skin health: You may experience improper or delayed wound healing or premature aging.
- Bone health: Your bones may become weakened.
Starvation puts your body in an unhealthy state that it desperately wants to get out of. Though at first you may lose weight quickly, your body needs enough calories to function properly. It will work hard to restore your weight and health as quickly as possible.
Your metabolism slows down
During long-term calorie deprivation, your body begins to use its fat stores as a primary energy source and muscle and skeletal tissue as secondary energy sources.
This was shown in a
Although they regained an average of 90 lb (41 kg), their average RMR remained suppressed (1,903 calories per day).
These results suggest the participants would need to consume fewer calories and expend more calories to maintain their weight, making it more difficult to sustain weight loss.
Additionally, a slower metabolism can make you feel more fatigued, a
Ultimately, your body will work hard to prevent further weight loss by slowing your metabolism, especially during times of prolonged starvation.
Instead of putting your health at risk in the name of weight loss, you’re better off adopting healthy, sustainable habits.
Here are some
- Aim for a small calorie deficit:
Most researchTrusted Source suggests a 10% to 20% deficit is sustainable and manageable. For example, if your maintenance calories are 2,500 calories per day, aim for a deficit of 250 to 500 calories per day through a balanced diet and exercise. - Increase physical activity: Aim for a combination of strength training and cardiorespiratory exercise (running, walking, etc.) for
at least 150 minutesTrusted Source per week. - Add strength training to your routine: Strength training
helps preserve and buildTrusted Source muscle tissue during weight loss. Building more muscle mass can increase your metabolism. - Limit processed foods: Try to make most of your meals from whole, minimally processed foods, which are usually lower in calories and higher in protein, fiber, and healthy fats to promote fullness.
- Eat more protein: A high protein diet
can help preserveTrusted Source muscle tissue during a calorie deficit. - Drink mostly water: Limit sugary beverages, energy drinks, and specialty drinks, which tend to be high in sugar and calories. Instead, opt for water, flavored water, coffee, and tea most often.
- Go slow:
Most researchTrusted Source shows that a sustainable and healthy rate of weight loss is around 1 to 2 lb (0.45 to 0.9 kg) per week. Therefore, slowly add new healthy habits to help you stick to your weight loss goals.
The best diets are affordable, enjoyable, and sustainable. Remember that not all weight loss is healthy. Focus on adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors that make you feel energetic and that you enjoy doing.
Starving yourself in the name of weight loss isn’t healthy or sustainable.
While it may be tempting to try, your body will suffer. After prolonged starvation, your body’s metabolism may slow down, your body may not function properly, and your mental health may decline. Though you may lose weight initially, you’ll likely gain it back.
If you’re struggling with establishing healthy eating habits or find yourself developing concerning eating behaviors, work with a healthcare professional who can help you live at your healthiest.
Just one thing
Try this today: It’s best to focus on healthy, sustainable habits that you enjoy and can see yourself doing long term, such as exercising regularly, eating a nutritious diet, and allowing yourself time to lose weight slowly and safely.