A lingering cough can result from many conditions, including bronchitis or chronic allergies. Some medications and natural remedies, such as drinking tea with honey, may help.
When you’re sick or your lungs have become irritated, your body reacts by coughing.
This is your body’s
There are
- Acute cough: Up to 3 weeks.
- Subacute cough: 3 to 8 weeks.
- Chronic cough: Longer than 8 weeks for adults or 2 weeks for children.
A cough can clear up in as few as 2 or 3 days, but one study found that the median duration of a cough caused by an illness is about
Keep reading to learn more about why a cough can linger and what you can do to feel better.
Bronchitis is a type of infection that causes the airways of the lungs, known as the bronchi, to become irritated and inflamed.
This can cause a hacking cough, which may also bring up clear, green, or yellow-gray mucus. It can also cause symptoms similar to a common cold, including:
Symptoms typically improve after 3 weeks, but see a healthcare professional if your cough lasts longer.
Risk factors, such as smoking and exposure to fumes, chemicals, or pollutants, can increase your risk of developing chronic bronchitis, which can lead to a chronic cough.
Coughing is a common symptom of pneumonia and may be dry or produce green, yellow, or bloody mucus.
Other possible symptoms of pneumonia include:
Symptoms typically last 2 to 4 weeks.
Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways, causing them to become swollen and inflamed. It also makes the lungs more likely to be affected by irritants or allergens, which can lead to coughing.
In some cases, a chronic cough may be the only symptom of asthma. This is known as cough variant asthma. It usually requires taking prescription asthma medications, such as an inhaler, to experience relief from the cough.
Allergies may cause the airways to become irritated, resulting in a chronic dry cough.
Allergy-related coughing may be worse in certain seasons or environments. For instance, environmental irritants like pollen, dander, mold, and grass may trigger coughing.
It may also accompany other symptoms such as:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or acid reflux,
This condition can also create a prolonged irritation in your throat, resulting in an ongoing cough.
Certain types of medications may carry a side effect of persistent coughing. These
- angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)
- sitagliptin
- calcium channel blockers
- fentanyl
Smoking can irritate the throat, resulting in a chronic cough.
It can also worsen or prolong symptoms of many issues that cause coughing, including asthma and respiratory infections.
Additionally, exposure to secondhand smoke
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition that blocks airflow and can cause difficulty breathing. Smoking, exposure to air pollutants, and genetic factors are thought to be involved in its development.
Frequent coughing is one of the
Lung cancer can
Some people may also experience chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath, or unintentional weight loss, while others may not notice any symptoms until the cancer is advanced.
If your only symptom is a lingering cough and you feel otherwise healthy, monitor its duration.
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) recommends seeing a healthcare professional if your cough lasts 3 weeks or longer, especially if you also experience:
- bloody mucus when you cough
- shortness of breath
- chest pain
You may need prescription treatment or diagnostic testing to determine the cause of your symptoms.
In children and babies
If your child has a lingering cough, pay careful attention to the sound of the cough.
Any whistling, barking, or wheezing with a cough may indicate whooping cough (pertussis). This is a serious infection that
Get immediate medical attention for severe coughing accompanied by a fever or shortness of breath. Infants younger than age 1 year should see a pediatrician if they have a cough to rule out pertussis or other serious lung conditions.
Pertussis coughing fits may last up to 10 weeks.
If a child experiences a cough with no other symptoms, contact a doctor if the cough lasts longer than 2 to 3 weeks.
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A chronic cough can bring complications that lead to other health conditions. Coughing fits can:
- wake you up from sleeping
- leave you breathless
- cause nausea or dizziness
- cause vomiting
- cause you to lose control of your bladder
- interfere with daily activities, such as talking, singing, or exercising
Coughing can even lead to passing out if it’s severe and ongoing.
Some natural remedies for chronic cough may help relieve your symptoms. However, these shouldn’t replace any treatments or medications a doctor recommends.
Peppermint tea with honey
Peppermint tea
It can also be combined with honey, which has
Thyme and ivy leaf
In one study, an herbal preparation of thyme and ivy leaf was found to decrease cough severity and improve health-related quality of life.
Thyme and ivy essential oils can be inhaled through a diffuser at home or purchased as a tincture at a local health food store.
Bromelain is found in pineapple and is often obtained from the stem rather than the fruit of the pineapple.
In some
What does it mean if I have a cough that won’t go away?
A cough that lasts longer than 8 weeks may be a symptom of several conditions, including asthma, allergies, acid reflux, or some respiratory conditions. It could also be caused by smoking or the use of certain medications.
How long is too long for a cough?
If you experience a persistent cough that lasts longer than 3 weeks, speak with a healthcare professional, especially if you experience symptoms like bloody mucus, shortness of breath, fever, or unintentional weight loss.
How to get rid of a stubborn cough?
Getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated is typically recommended to help ease coughing. You can also try natural remedies, such as peppermint tea with honey, or talk with a healthcare professional about medication options.
How do I know if my cough is serious?
Speak with a healthcare professional if your cough lasts at least 3 weeks or you experience other symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, chest pain, fever, and bloody mucus.
A cough that won’t go away can be uncomfortable, but it can usually be treated at home. Coughing that lasts 8 weeks or more is considered chronic. You may require prescription treatment or further evaluation.
Some symptoms, such as bloody mucus, wheezing, or shortness of breath, need to be addressed by a doctor.
Always get medical care for symptoms interrupting your sleep or interfering with your daily activities.