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Bezzy IBD is a space for peer support, feel-good stories, and advice. Take a look around and introduce yourself to the Bezzy community.
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Live Chats
Chat via text with your Bezzy guide live every M-Th at 5:30pm PT
Casual Conversations
Connect with other members on hobbies, interests, and more
Living with an Ostomy
Ostomates share advice on living, care, surgery, and support
Personal Community
Navigate relationships and offer tips on living your best life with IBD
Medications and Treatments
Discuss prescriptions, side effects, symptom management, and more
Newly Diagnosed
Get a handle on navigating your new IBD diagnosis
Diet and Integrative Therapies
Exchange tips on nutrition, menu planning, and homeopathy
Mental Well-Being
Share how you practice self-care and prioritize your mental health
Community Pulse
Share your point of view and see how others feel in our weekly poll
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