Our picks for the best multivitamins for women over 50 may be useful in filling nutrient gaps in their diets. Females older than 50 have different nutrient needs than their younger counterparts.

As a woman over 50 years old, minding your health and longevity requires different nutrients than in your younger years since your body is experiencing:

  • reduced nutrient absorption
  • metabolic shifts
  • declining bone density

Although it’s possible to meet most nutritional needs through diet, getting all the necessary nutrients from food alone may be difficult. A complete multivitamin can help fill the gap, especially when specifically formulated for your age bracket.

Here are the best multivitamins for women over 50 years old.

Disclaimer: Some of the products tested below were provided for free to Healthline editors or writers. Our opinions are ours alone and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by the product manufacturers.

A note on price

$ = under $1.25 per serving
$$ = over $1.25 per serving

Dietary considerations
Third-party tested
6 daily
2 daily
• certified gluten-free
• tested for pesticides and herbicides
2 daily
• vegan
• has omega-3 DHA
1 daily
• certified gluten-free
• certified kosher
• non-GMO
2 twice daily
• non-GMO
• vegetarian
4 daily
• gluten-free
• has DHA and EPA omega-3s
• non-GMO
2 daily
• certified organic
• certified vegan
• certified gluten-free
  • Quality standards: We prioritized products that are thoroughly tested for purity and potency, ideally by third-party labs, and included supplements that are manufactured according to the current good manufacturing practicesTrusted Source established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Nutrient quality: We considered the types and amounts of ingredients included, as well as the bioavailability of the nutrient forms used from the information collected.
  • Ingredients: We chose products that are free of artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and other additives.
  • Brand reputation: The products below are manufactured by brands with sound reputations for producing quality supplements and that provide all information about testing their products.
  • Price: We included the best multivitamins to suit a range of budgets.
  • Vetting: The products have been vetted to ensure they align with Healthline’s brand integrity standards and approach to well-being.

Because there’s no one best product for everyone, the supplements on our list are not ranked. We recommend choosing the product that best fits your dietary needs and preferences.

Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article uses the term “women” when discussing people assigned female at birth.

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Photos provided by Rita Mauceri

When shopping for the best multivitamin, it’s best to first consult a healthcare professional to understand any specific nutrient needs that you might have. Additional factors to consider when searching for the best supplements include quality, formulation, and your personal needs and preferences.

Look for products produced by reputable manufacturers and tested for label accuracy

There’s no shortage of supplement companies to choose from. Because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate supplements the same way it does pharmaceuticals, it’s important to purchase from vitamin brands that are known for producing high quality products.

Ideally, the best supplements have been tested by accredited third-party labs, like:

These organizations help ensure that the contents of your supplement bottle match what’s listed on the label — and contain nothing more.

Look for multivitamins that are specifically formulated for women over 50

In looking for the best multivitamin for over 50, you may choose a supplement that contains nutrients of special importance for women in that age group, such as B12, B6, vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium. Sometimes, looking for the best multivitamin for females over 40 provides a wider selection.

Remember that women with suboptimal vitamin D levels and those deficient in vitamin D may require much higher dosesTrusted Source of this nutrient to reach and maintain optimal levels.

If you’re concerned about your vitamin D levels, have a healthcare professional test them before taking them. Depending on your level, they can recommend an appropriate and effective supplemental daily dose.

Likewise, women deficient in vitamin B12 may require high dose vitamin B12 injectionsTrusted Source to reach optimal B12 levels, which is why it’s important to have a doctor test your B12 levels.

Choose a product that fits your preferences and budget

Because many multivitamins are available, your final decision on the best multivitamin for over 50 ultimately comes down to which product best fits your needs and preferences. Some factors to consider include:

  • Supplement form: Are you OK with swallowing pills, or do you need a chewable or gummy form instead?
  • Daily dose: Are you OK with taking multiple pills per day? Or do you prefer a once-a-day formulation?
  • Dietary needs: Do you follow a special diet, such as gluten-free or vegan? If so, you’ll want to choose a compliant product.
  • Budget: Find a meeting ground where the best budget vitamin coincides with the one that best meets your needs. How much are you willing and able to spend on a multivitamin every month?
  • Availability: Do you prefer to order supplements online? Or do you want a product you can pick up at your local grocery store?

As women grow older, their nutritional needs change.

For example, women over 50 require lower amounts of certain nutrients, like iron. However, they are at a higher risk of developing deficiencies in several other vitamins and minerals, like vitamin B12.

Here are a few nutrients that are particularly important for females over 50 years old:

  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is a nutrient for cognitive health and metabolism. A person’s needs increase with age due to decreased absorption, increased breakdown, impaired nutrient activation, and decreased intake of B6-rich foods. Studies suggest that maintaining optimal levels can help promote cognitive functionTrusted Source and prevent cognitive decline in older adults.
  • Calcium: Women over the age of 50 have greater calcium needs than younger women. However, while calcium supplements could be helpful for certain women, such as those with bone conditions like osteoporosis, researchers have linked high dose calcium supplements with a higher risk of cardiovascular diseaseTrusted Source. For this reason, experts advise that most women aim to increase their calcium intake by regularly eating calcium-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, beans, and greens.
  • Vitamin B12: Older adults have a decreased abilityTrusted Source to properly absorb B12 due to a condition called atrophic gastritis. This condition involves inflammation of the stomach lining with low stomach acid excretion. Additionally, many women over the age of 50 are taking medications like acid-suppressing drugs, which can interfere with B12 absorption. Because of this, experts recommend that adults over the age of 51 years supplement their diet with B12.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D deficiency is commonTrusted Source in older adults due to factors like reduced vitamin D intake, less time spent outdoors, and decreased vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Vitamin D deficiency can negatively affect physical and mental health by increasing the risk of depression, osteoporosis, and several other conditions. The current recommended daily allowance (RDA)Trusted Source is 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day for adults ages 51 to 70 years and 800 IU for adults over 70 years. The best multivitamin for women over 70 contains larger amounts of vitamin D since the body’s ability to make vitamin D decreases with age. Many experts agree that most people require higher than the recommended doses of vitamin D to maintain optimal levels of this critical nutrient.

In addition to the nutrients listed above, several other vitamins and minerals, including zinc, manganese, and magnesium, are essential to health among older females.

Studies showTrusted Source that systemic inflammation, which is more common in older people, can deplete levels of several micronutrients, including zinc and manganese. This may impair the body’s ability to fight off pathogens and maintain a strong immune response.

While other nutrients are important for aging women, choosing a multivitamin with the vitamins and minerals listed above can increase your chances of meeting most of your micronutrient needs.

Do women over 50 need supplemental iron?

Most women over 50 years old have stopped getting their period, which reduces the body’s need for ironTrusted Source due to less blood loss. Because of this, most women over menopause don’t need to take supplemental iron, which is why supplements specifically designed for older women are usually iron-free.

However, talking with a doctor is important to determine your iron needs. Some women, such as those with iron deficiency anemia, may need additional iron.

If you’re experiencing menopause-related symptoms like hot flashes or sleep disturbances, some supplements may help.

For example, black cohosh, found in Garden of Life Organics Women’s 40+, has shown promise in decreasing certain symptoms of menopauseTrusted Source, including hot flashes, when taken as a supplement.

Evening primrose oil is another example of a natural ingredient that may benefit women experiencing symptoms of menopause. Evening primrose supplements are effective for reducing night sweats in women going through menopause.

Other herbs and compoundsTrusted Source that may improve menopause symptoms include maca, wild yam, and pollen extract.

It’s important to note that you should not take supplements for menopause symptoms unless you clear it with a healthcare professional first. Many ingredients, like herbs, have the potential to interact with certain commonly prescribed medications and aren’t safe for everyone.

Also, if you’re experiencing significant menopause-related symptoms, it’s important to make an appointment with a healthcare professional. You should not use supplements as a replacement for medical care, and some women may require medical treatment, like hormone replacement therapy, to feel better.

Although many women can benefit from a multivitamin, some women over 50 may need a more specialized supplement regimen.

For example, if you have nutrient deficiencies, have an underlying health condition, or take one or more medications, it’s best to seek supplementation advice from a healthcare professional who understands your personal information.

It’s also important to get appropriate care from a doctor if you’re experiencing symptoms like:

While supplements may help you feel better in some ways, they’re not a substitute for medical care and should never be used in place of medications.

Women ages 50 years and older require adequate intake of:

It’s important to consider that nutritional needs change with age.

For example, women older than 50 years may have a higher risk of deficiencies in vitamins B12 and D, but they need less iron. They require more calcium, but there may be risks with taking too much in supplement form.

It’s always best to talk with a healthcare professional for specific recommendations based on your personal information.

You can take multivitamins at any time of day, but it’s always a wise idea to take them with food, as some nutrients’ absorbable forms require other nutrients found in foods, such as fat.

The best multivitamins for women over 60s might focus more on bone health, featuring higher amounts of calcium and vitamin D. The best multivitamin for women over age 60 could also include higher doses of B vitamins for cognitive function.

We like the MegaFood multivitamins, like the MegaFood Women 55+ Advanced Multivitamin.

Multivitamins designed for women over 50 years old are generally safe when taken as directed. However, in some cases, they may cause mild side effects, including gastrointestinal discomfort such as nausea or diarrhea, especially if taken on an empty stomach.

Taking multivitamins with a meal can help minimize these issues, but follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional before taking any new supplements.

While it’s possible to obtain essential nutrients through a balanced diet, multivitamins may be a useful supplement for women over 50 years old if they aren’t getting their nutrient needs through diet alone.

Additionally, aging often causes changes in nutrient absorption and metabolism, which could make it challenging to meet all nutritional needs solely from food.

That being said, individual nutritional requirements vary, so it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making your choice to determine if a multivitamin is right for you and to receive personalized recommendations based on your specific health needs.

Women over 50 typically do not need as much iron as when they were younger. However, this may not be true for everyone. It is best to consult a healthcare professional to make sure your iron levels are sufficient since it can help prevent anemia.

We rated Thorne Women’s Multi 50+ as the top multivitamin for older women, but there are many effective multivitamins available today. The most effective one ultimately is the one that best meets your needs and has the green light from a doctor or dietitian.

The best multivitamin for you will also fit your budget and cause the fewest side effects or interactions with your other medications.


Choosing the right multivitamin can be challenging as nutritional needs evolve with age, and not every woman over 50 needs a multivitamin.

If you choose to use a multivitamin, it’s essential to look for one that is tailored to your age and sex and addresses specific needs, such as bone health or heart support. Lastly, it’s wise to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure your chosen product aligns with your needs.