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How 2 Sisters with Chronic Illness Have Grown Closer Than Ever

How 2 Sisters with Chronic Illness Have Grown Closer Than Ever

When my sister got sick, I felt like someone finally understood my experience with chronic illness.

February 21, 2025

by Hannah Shewan Stevens

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Community Pulse
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Mental Well-Being
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Community Conversations
I've been feeling anxious and a little down lately. I'm worried about my son's upcoming military training. I'm trying to limit my news intake due to the upsetting global events. My 20-year-old son has some pre-existing mental health conditions and a learning disability. I have complete faith in his intelligence and ability to complete his training. My concern is whether he'll be able to cope with the pressure and intensity of boot camp. Does he fully understand how stressful and challenging this experience might be, and how difficult adjusting to different cultures in other countries could be? I'm feeling quite overwhelmed.
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Community Conversations
Morning Somedays I feel like this man in the lighthouse. Surrounded by things beyond my control and about to be overwhelmed. I pray we all find our fortress and refuge to weather our storms. Have a Day
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Daily Life
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