Medicare pays for short-term home health services such as skilled nursing care, physical therapy, and occupational therapy if you cannot leave home and your doctor orders these services.

If you have a medical condition that makes it difficult for you to leave your home, home healthcare may be a more convenient, less expensive, and effective way to get the care you need.

From time to time, Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) may cover medical care given in your home if you’re unable to leave home. Medicare may also pay for some in-home help with your daily needs for a short period after an illness or injury.

But if you need long-term help with daily activities in your home, it’s important to know that Medicare typically doesn’t cover those caregiving services.

Whether Medicare pays for in-home caregivers depends on the kind of care you need, the reason you need care and the length of time you’ll need it.

If it’s difficult for you to leave home because of an illness or injury, you can use Medicare home health benefits if any of the following apply:

  • You can’t leave home other than for short outings, such as going to the doctor or religious services. (There is one exception: You can still receive in-home care if you go to adult day care.)
  • Your doctor verifies that you need at-home care and writes a plan outlining the care you need.
  • You need skilled nursing care (less than 8 hours per day and no more than 28 hours per week for up to 3 weeks).
  • Your doctor thinks your condition will improve in a reasonable, or at least predictable, amount of time.
  • You need a skilled physical, occupational, or speech therapist to design a program to help you improve or maintain your current health or prevent your condition from worsening.
  • You need a home health aide to help care for you while you recover.
  • The home health agency providing your care is Medicare-approved or Medicare-certified.

To remain eligible for in-home care, you’ll need to see your doctor fewer than 90 days before or 30 days after you start receiving home healthcare services.

Medicare covers many services, some of which may be provided in your home. Here are some services and the Medicare rules that apply to them.

Physical therapy

If a physical therapist treats you in your home, Medicare is likely to pay for these types of services:

  • assessment of your condition
  • gait training and exercises to help you recover from surgery, injuries, illnesses, or neurological conditions such as stroke
  • postoperative wound care
  • wound care for injuries, burns, or lesions

Occupational therapy

If an occupational therapist treats you at home, you can expect to receive these kinds of services:

  • help with establishing daily routines for taking medications, planning meals, and taking care of personal needs
  • training in strategies to conserve your energy and reduce stress
  • training to help you carry out daily tasks safely
  • help to regain the ability to function, given your needs and condition
  • help with carrying out your doctor’s orders

Speech therapy

If a speech therapist works with you in your home, here are some of the services you may receive:

  • help with remembering or recognizing words
  • therapy to help you regain the ability to swallow
  • therapy to help you eat and drink as normally as you can
  • education about other ways to communicate if you cannot speak
  • education about new ways to communicate if you’ve lost your hearing

Nursing care

If a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse comes into your home to care for you, they may:

  • change your wound dressings
  • change your catheter
  • inject medications
  • provide tube feedings
  • administer intravenous drugs
  • teach you about how to take your medications and care for yourself

Home health aides

Home health aides, on the other hand, are likely to help you with these kinds of services:

  • monitoring your vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature
  • making sure you’re taking your medications the way you should
  • evaluating whether your home is safe for you, given your needs and condition
  • checking that you’re eating and drinking in a healthy way

Other services

You may also be eligible for in-home social services. If you qualify, you may get help finding resources in your community to help you adjust to your condition.

You may also receive social, emotional, or psychological counseling related to your condition.

A 2023 industry survey on home health costs found that the median cost for a home health aide was $6,292 per month.

The following is an overview of which Medicare parts cover home caregivers and how much it might cost if you have coverage:

  • Part A: If you were admitted to the hospital for 3 consecutive days or if Medicare covered your stay in a skilled nursing facility, Medicare Part A will cover home healthcare for 100 days. Most people’s premium is $0, but you’ll need to meet the 2025 $1,676 deductible before you get full coverage.
  • Part B: If you need home health services but weren’t admitted to the hospital first, Medicare Part B covers your home healthcare. In 2025, the premium for Part B starts at $185, depending on your income, and the deductible is $257.
  • Part C: Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) plans should offer the same coverage as Original Medicare, but their costs vary depending on your plan and where you live. The plan may also require you to get home healthcare from an agency in the plan’s network.
  • Part D: Medicare Part D plans cover some or all of the costs of the prescription drugs you may need during your home healthcare period. The costs of these plans depend on your location.
  • Medigap: These plans may help you pay for home healthcare costs that Medicare doesn’t cover. The costs of Medigap also vary depending on the available plans in your area.

If you or your loved one has exhausted your financial resources by paying for in-home caregivers, you may want to consider a long-term care insurance policy to help you cover the cost.

Medicare doesn’t typically cover caregivers who help you with the activities of daily living unless this type of care is necessary for a short time while you recover from an illness or injury.

For instance, it won’t pay for services like cleaning, shopping, or laundry, which are typically part of custodial care. Similarly, it also doesn’t cover help with bathing, dressing, and restroom assistance if these are the only services you need.

Medicare also doesn’t pay for:

  • 24-hour care in your home
  • full-time skilled nursing care
  • transportation
Your home healthcare rights under Medicare

Medicare guarantees you certain rights and benefits. You have the right to:

  • choose your home health professionals
  • have your belongings and your home treated with respect
  • get a written copy of your health plan
  • make your own healthcare decisions
  • know if your care plan is changing
  • have your privacy protected
  • choose a family member or representative to make decisions if you’re unable to make them for yourself
  • be informed (in writing) of what your costs will be
  • contact the home health hotline to report fraud or abuse
  • get written information about how to appeal Medicare decisions and how to report fraud or abuse

If you want to research certified agencies in your area, Medicare has a tool to help you find a home health agency. Once you find an agency near you, you can use Medicare’s home health agency checklist to determine whether the agency will provide the level of care you want.

Your State Survey Agency keeps an up-to-date report on the quality of care given by home healthcare professionals. You can check Medicare’s State Survey Agency directory to find the website or telephone number of the agency in your state.

Medicare lets you receive care from only one home health agency at a time. If you decide to change the agency you use, you will need a new referral from your doctor. You’ll also need to inform your agency that you’re switching to another agency.

Medicare doesn’t pay for an in-home caregiver when custodial care services, such as housekeeping and personal care, are all you need. Medicare may pay for short-term custodial care if it’s medically necessary and your doctor certifies that you cannot leave your home.

But, Medicare does pay for home health services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, skilled nursing care, and social services if you are unable to leave home after a surgical procedure, illness, or injury.

Your doctor must certify that the services are medically necessary, and your home health agency must be Medicare-certified.