Medications that help treat chronic insomnia include Ambien, anti-anxiety drugs, and OTC medications. These treatments are intended for short-term use and may have dangerous side effects.

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Chronic insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by recurring difficulties falling or staying asleep. Treating chronic insomnia with medication is one way to re-establish healthy sleep patterns. But vitamins, supplements, and alternative treatments can also help.

Insomnia is considered chronic if it continues for more than 3 nights per weekTrusted Source for at least 3 months.

The first treatmentTrusted Source for insomnia is usually changing your sleep habits, for example, trying to get to bed at the same time every night. Doctors typically prescribe medication as a last resort. And even then, most are intended for short-term use.

Read on to learn more about medications for chronic insomnia, including how they’re used, their effectiveness, and side effects.

Over-the-counter medications used to treat insomnia include:

Products that contain antihistamines

Certain antihistamines used to treat allergies are sometimes used off-label to treat insomnia. This is because drowsiness is an expected side effect. Using a medication “Off-label” means using medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat a condition other than the one they were approved to treat (in this case, allergies).

It’s important to talk with a doctor before taking antihistamines for insomnia. They’re often not recommended because tolerance to their sedative effects tends to develop quickly. They can also cause symptoms such as daytime drowsiness or agitation.

Learn more about antihistamines for sleep.

Melatonin supplements

Melatonin is a hormone produced by your pineal gland. It helps regulate your body’s sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin supplements contain a synthetic version of this hormone.

ResearchTrusted Source hasn’t found melatonin supplements to be effective at treating insomnia, but they may be helpful in certain cases. ResearchTrusted Source suggests that melatonin may be effective at reducing jet lag when changing time zones.

Melatonin is available in doses from 0.5–10 milligrams (mg). It’s generally considered safe but may cause some side effects, such as nausea, headaches, and dizziness.

Learn more about melatonin.

Prescription medications used to treat insomnia include the following.


Benzodiazepines are anti-anxiety medications that promote relaxation and drowsiness. But they have a high risk of dependence and can cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking them after long-term use. Doctors generally only recommend taking them for about 7–10 days.

Some types of benzodiazepines a doctor may prescribe include:

Brand namesDoralHalcionProsomRestoril
Dose (mg)7.5Trusted Source before bed0.25 before bed1 at bedtime10–20

Benzodiazepine receptor agonist

Benzodiazepine receptor agonists tend to work faster than benzodiazepines and generally have a better side effectTrusted Source profile. These include:

MedicationZolpidem ZaleplonEszopiclone
Brand names• Ambien
• Edluar
• Intermezzo
• Zolpimist
Dose (mg)5 for females and 5–10 for males, immediately before bed10Trusted Source before bed1–3Trusted Source before bed

Orexin receptor antagonist

Orexin receptor antagonists block the effect of orexin, a neurotransmitter that stimulates wakefulness. These medications are usually not recommended for long-term use. Orexin receptor antagonists that are FDA approved in the United States include:

Brand namesSuvorexantDayvigoQuiviviq
Dose (mg)10 within 30 min of bed5 before bed25–50Trusted Source before bed


Tasimelteon (Hetlioz) works by increasing the effect of melatonin on your brain. It’s FDA approved to treat sleep-wake disorders and Smith-Magenis syndrome. The recommended dose is 20 mg an hour before bed.


Doxepin (Silenor) works by blocking histamine and other receptors in your brain. For treating insomnia, the recommended dose is 3–6 mgTrusted Source before bed.

Many natural supplement supplements are marketed for treating insomnia. The levels of evidence to support their use are mixed.

SupplementDescriptionUsual dose
Valerian rootan herb native to Asia and Europe300–600 mg
Magnesiuman essential mineralunder 350 mg
Lavender oilan extract from the lavender floweraromatherapy
Passionflowera flower grown around the worldtaken as a tea
Glycinean amino acidaround 3,000 mg
CBD oila nonpsychoactive extract from hempvariable

Learn more about natural treatments for insomnia.

If improving your sleep habits alone doesn’t cure your insomnia, a doctor may recommend cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). CBT-I is a 6–8 weekTrusted Source therapy.

Doctors often recommend CBT-I before trying medications for insomnia. During this type of therapy, you attend therapy sessions in where you may learn:

  • to employ relaxation techniques
  • to identify and end ineffective habits
  • to reduce sleep-related worryTrusted Source

Some ways you may be able to treat insomnia at home include trying to:

  • make sure your bedroom is cool and dark
  • avoid looking at electronics before bed
  • go to bed and wake up around the same time each day
  • avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine close to bed
  • get regular physical activity
  • avoid napping throughout the day
  • minimize stress

Learn more about home remedies for insomnia.

Chronic insomnia can be very disruptive to your life. It’s a good idea to talk with a doctor if you have persistent symptoms that don’t respond to changing your sleep habits, such as:

  • trouble falling asleep
  • an inability to stay asleep
  • waking up earlier than you want to
  • not feeling refreshed after sleeping
  • feeling excessively sleepy during the day

Read about tips for talking with a doctor about insomnia.

The first treatment doctors recommend for chronic insomnia is usually making improvements in your sleep habits. Doctors may recommend medications if these changes, and a type of therapy called “CBT-I,” don’t relieve your symptoms. Some sleep-promoting medications, such as benzodiazepines, can have serious side effects and aren’t intended for long-term use.