If you have asthma, running might worsen your symptoms, but there are precautions you can take to make it safer.
Typically, symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath begin about
When this occurs, it’s called exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). The term “exercise-induced asthma” was used in the past to describe this phenomenon, but experts consider it outdated because exercise itself doesn’t cause someone to develop asthma.
On the other hand, you can have EIB without having asthma. But if you already have asthma, EIB can be a feature.
Understandably, you may be hesitant to start running if you’re concerned about triggering symptoms. But with the proper precautions, it’s possible to run safely with asthma.
Before starting a running routine, make sure your asthma symptoms are well-managed. Your doctor can help you with this before you pound the pavement.
Physical activity like running can ease asthma symptoms by strengthening the lungs over time and reducing inflammation. This can make it easier to enjoy daily activities and exercise in general.
To experience the benefits of running for asthma, it’s important to approach it safely. This means working with a healthcare professional, being prepared if symptoms arise, and starting slow before working up to faster or longer runs, if that’s your goal.
For a safe and effective workout, follow these tips for running with asthma.
1. Talk with your doctor
Before starting a running routine, consult a healthcare professional, such as your pulmonologist or primary care doctor. They can provide safety tips and precautions based on the severity of your asthma.
They may also recommend more regular checkups as you develop a running routine.
2. Know your asthma action plan
Work with your doctor to create an asthma action plan.
This plan will include preventive measures to manage your symptoms. For example, your doctor may have you use a daily inhaler for long-term management. This can soothe airway inflammation, which decreases your overall risk of flare-ups.
They might also have you use a rescue inhaler 15 to 30 minutes before running. A rescue inhaler contains medication that rapidly opens the airways. You can, of course, use your rescue inhaler as soon as symptoms arise while running.
Also, ask your doctor what to do if you’re running without an inhaler and have an asthma attack. They can show you the signs to watch out for in case you need emergency help.
Breathing exercises are unlikely to help in such a case — they’re more likely to help if dysfunctional breathing or vocal cord dysfunction is causing breathlessness.
3. Pay attention to your body
While it’s easy to zone out while running, it’s important to stay in tune with your body.
Make sure that you’re familiar with the typical signs of exercising, such as:
- flushed skin
- faster, deeper breathing
- sweating
- feeling warm
You should also know the symptoms of an asthma attack, which aren’t typical during exercise. They may include:
- coughing
- wheezing (a high pitched whistling sound when you breathe)
- shortness of breath
- chest tightness
- breathing that doesn’t slow down
4. Carry your rescue inhaler
Always take your rescue inhaler. This will help you prevent an asthma attack if you experience symptoms while running.
If you tend to forget your rescue inhaler, try posting a reminder near your door, storing one near your running gear, or keeping one in your running belt.
5. Check the weather
Check the weather forecast before running outside. It’s best to avoid running in extremely cold or hot weather, which can induce asthma symptoms. Exercising in cold, dry air may worsen EIB.
Another option is to exercise indoors on very cold, dry days.
6. Avoid high pollen counts
Pollen allergies are commonly associated with asthma. If you have pollen allergies, consider checking your local pollen counts before heading out for a run.
If the pollen counts are high, you can opt to exercise indoors to prevent worsening asthma symptoms. If you don’t have pollen allergies, it may be unnecessary to avoid exercising outside.
Besides the actual pollen counts, other factors, such as windy conditions or thunderstorms, can also worsen symptoms of your pollen allergies and asthma.
7. Reduce your exposure to air pollution
Air pollution is another common asthma trigger. To reduce your exposure, avoid running near busy, high traffic roads.
8. Run in the morning
There are many reasons why running outside early in the day can help prevent asthma symptoms. The levels of certain pollutants are lower in the morning.
It’s also possible that EIB symptoms are milder in the morning. This is partly related to the higher level of endogenous corticosteroids in the morning. Endogenous corticosteroids are hormones our bodies make that lower inflammation and, therefore, allergic reactions.
However, running first thing may not be the best option for everyone who has asthma. Generally, the air is cooler or colder in the morning, especially in the winter or on colder days in the fall and spring. Running in the morning when the air is colder may trigger EIB symptoms.
During the warmer months, grass pollen tends to be highest in the early morning and early evening. This is another reason running in the early morning may not be a good idea if you have a grass pollen allergy.
If you’re allergic to tree and weed pollens, avoid running outdoors at midday and in the afternoon when their counts are highest.
9. Understand your limits
Start at a low intensity to warm up your body for about 10 minutes, then increase your speed over time. As your body gets used to running, you may be able to run faster or longer without triggering symptoms.
Run shorter distances and take frequent breaks. Long-distance running can trigger an asthma attack, as it requires prolonged heavy breathing. Starting with shorter runs will make it easier to manage and help increase your lung capacity over time.
When you’re winding down, reduce your pace for about 10 minutes to cool down your body.
Warming up and cooling down is especially important if you’re entering or leaving an air-conditioned or heated room, as big changes in temperature can trigger symptoms.
10. Cover your mouth and nose
EIB often gets worse when the air is cold and dry. If it’s cold outside, wrap your mouth and nose with a scarf.
Breathing through a loose-fitting scarf or mask may help reduce symptoms because these measures help to warm and humidify the inhaled air entering your airways.
11. Take extra precautions
Run with a friend whenever possible. Let them know what they should do if you experience asthma symptoms.
Always bring your phone, and avoid running in remote areas. This ensures that another person can get help if you need medical assistance.
When done with a healthcare professional’s guidance, running may help manage your asthma symptoms. It has the following benefits:
Improve your lung function
Diminished lung function is a hallmark of asthma. However, in a 2018 study, researchers determined that physical activity could improve lung function in people with asthma.
It can also slow down the decline of lung function, which usually happens with age.
Increase your oxygen uptake
Regular aerobic exercises, such as jogging, improve the oxygen uptake of your lungs and the health of your heart and lungs in general, according to a 2020 review of studies.
The research also found that such exercises can help reduce asthma symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Decrease airway inflammation
According to an older 2015 study, aerobic exercise can help reduce inflammation in the airways of people with asthma. This might ease symptoms caused by airway inflammation.
To improve breathing during physical activity, try the following breathing exercises for asthma. You can also do these exercises before or after running to further manage your symptoms.
These breathing techniques work by opening your airways and regulating your breathing. However, they will only work in the case of breathlessness while exercising if it’s partly due to vocal cord dysfunction or dysfunctional breathing.
It’s important to know that the following breathing techniques won’t specifically help reduce your symptoms if you have pure bronchoconstriction.
Some breathing techniques, such as Buteyko breathing, may help reduce perceived asthma symptoms over time but may not necessarily be helpful when exercise triggers acute bronchoconstriction.
Pursed lip breathing
If you’re short of breath, try pursed lip breathing. This technique helps oxygen enter your lungs and slows down breathing.
- Sit in a chair, back straight. Relax your neck and shoulders. Pucker your lips like you’re about to whistle.
- Inhale through your nose for two counts.
- Exhale through your mouth for four counts, lips pursed.
- Repeat until your breathing slows down.
Diaphragmatic breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing, or belly breathing, expands the airways and chest. It also moves oxygen into your lungs, making it easier to breathe.
- Sit in a chair or lie in bed. Relax your neck and shoulders. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.
- Inhale slowly through your nose. Your belly should move outward against your hand. Your chest should stay still.
- Exhale slowly through puckered lips, two times longer than your inhale. Your belly should move inward, and your chest should stay still.
Buteyko breathing
Buteyko breathing is a method to help slow down breathing. It teaches you to breathe through your nose instead of your mouth, which soothes your airways.
- Sit up straight. Take several small breaths, 3 to 5 seconds each.
- Breathe out through your nose.
- Pinch your nostrils shut with your thumb and index finger.
- Hold your breath for 3 to 5 seconds.
- Breathe normally for 10 seconds.
- Repeat until your symptoms subside.
- Use your rescue inhaler if your symptoms are severe or don’t go away after 10 minutes.
Before going on a run, follow these tips to stay safe and comfortable:
- Take your rescue inhaler 15 minutes before running or as directed by your doctor.
- Carry your phone and rescue inhaler in a running pouch.
- Stay hydrated.
- If you’re running in cold weather, wear a scarf around your mouth and nose to help prevent cold-induced asthma.
- Check the pollen and air pollution levels.
- If you’re running alone, let a friend know where you’ll be going.
- Carry a medical tag or card, if you have one.
- Plan your route so you can avoid busy, polluted roads.
Extreme temperatures can worsen your asthma symptoms. This includes hot, humid weather and cold, dry weather.
Therefore, it’s best to run outside when the weather is mild and pleasant.
Talk with a doctor if you:
- want to start a running routine
- feel your asthma isn’t well-managed
- have developed new symptoms
- have questions about your asthma action plan
- continue having symptoms after using an inhaler
You should also contact a doctor if you think you have asthma but haven’t received a diagnosis.
It’s possible to run safely with asthma. Start by working with your doctor to help manage your symptoms. They can provide an asthma action plan, along with a rescue inhaler.
When it’s time to run, carry your inhaler and avoid extreme weather. Take frequent breaks and practice breathing exercises. With time and patience, you’ll be able to enjoy a regular running routine.