HRT for menopause is generally safe for addressing vasomotor symptoms and vaginal dryness. Many options are FDA-approved. But your risk of blood clots, stroke, and cancer may increase on HRT.

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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause, or menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), comes with risks, but for some people, the benefits of HRT outweigh any risks.

Menopause can have many symptoms, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and night sweats, because of a drop in the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

HRT provides Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved synthetic (lab-made) or plant- or animal-sourced versions of these hormones to help relieveTrusted Source these common menopause symptoms.

HRT can also prevent osteoporosis (bone loss) and fractures.

Some risks associated with HRT are increased chances ofTrusted Source:

Talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks of HRT for you. Some benefits might outweigh any risks.

The FDA has approvedTrusted Source several forms of HRT. This includes estrogen-only, progestin-only, and combination medications. Medications are also available in many forms, including:

  • gels
  • patches
  • vaginal rings, creams, and inserts
  • pills
  • injection
  • skin creams

The table below includes some HRT medications but isn’t exhaustive.

estrogen-onlyEnjuvia (synthetic conjugated estrogens)pill
estrogen-onlyVagifem (estradiol)vaginal tablet
estrogen-onlyFemring (estradiol acetate)vaginal ring
progestin-onlyPrometrium (micronized progesterone)pill
progestin-onlyProvera (medroxyprogesterone acetate)pill
combinationActivella (estradiol/norethindrone acetate)pill
combinationClimara Pro (estradiol/levonorgestrel)patch
combinationPrefest (estradiol/norgestimate)pill

For a list of current FDA-approved menopause HRT medications, click hereTrusted Source.

Talk with your doctor if you’re considering HRT for managing menopause. They can provide recommendations based on your symptoms and what you want to get out of treatment.

Several HRT alternatives are available to you:

Lifestyle changes

Try to avoid:

  • spicy foods
  • caffeine
  • alcohol

These foods may add extra heat when you’re experiencing hot flashes.

Regular exercise may also help you maintain a moderate weight and help with hot flashesTrusted Source.

Speak with a doctor or registered dietitian if you’re considering switching your diet and adding exercise.


You might opt for natural menopause management through supplementation.

Some supplements that may help with symptoms of menopause are:

The FDA doesn’t regulate supplements. Before taking supplements, consult a doctor or registered dietitian to avoid adverse or unwanted side effects.

Other medications and therapies

Clinical treatments for menopause besides HRT are available to try:

Other therapies include acupuncture and tai chi.

Learn more about 36 alternatives to HRT.

HRT for menopause is considered a generally safe treatment for common menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and night sweats. Many FDA-approved options are available.

But your risk for blood clots, stroke, certain cancers, and other conditions increases on HRT.

Instead of HRT, you can also try natural treatments, including changing your diet, exercising regularly, and supplements. Other clinical options, like bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and certain antidepressants, are also options.

Be sure to talk with a doctor about HRT or any other treatments you’re considering for menopause management. They can help you decide on a treatment plan.