The paleo diet avoids common food triggers that can lead to ulcerative colitis symptoms while also including foods that may help alleviate flare-ups.
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease that can cause cramping and chronic diarrhea. It can often be managed with medication, but paying attention to your diet is also important.
Certain foods, beverages, and stress can worsen symptoms. Triggers vary from person to person, and there’s
However, diets that limit certain foods may alleviate symptoms. One such diet is the paleo diet.
The paleo diet follows the premise that our bodies are genetically programmed to eat in the same way as our preagricultural, hunter-gatherer ancestors.
This means eating foods like:
- meat
- eggs
- fruits
- vegetables
- nuts
The paleo diet limits the amount of whole grains, dairy, refined sugar, and starchy vegetables you eat. It encourages increasing the amount of “healthy fats” in your diet, including omega-3 fatty acids.
Following the paleo diet means avoiding the following foods:
- cereals and whole grains
- dairy products
- legumes
- processed foods
- refined sugar
- potatoes
- refined vegetable oils
- salt
These restricted foods may include common triggers of UC flare-ups.
Here are some reasons why following the paleo diet may help you manage UC:
Avoids common triggers
Some common triggers of UC flare-ups include:
- whole grains
- dairy products
- legumes and pulses
They can cause gas, bloating, and abdominal pain.
High fiber foods, such as whole grains and pulses, can increase the amount of stool you produce. Whole grains may also worsen symptoms of proctitis, which is a
Dairy intolerance is
The paleo diet eliminates these foods from your diet, so it might help reduce the occurrence of flare-ups.
Reduces gut inflammation
You may get higher amounts of antioxidants in your diet from eating more fish and healthy fats as part of a paleo diet.
Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to have antioxidant properties that encourage healing. They may have a protective effect on tissues,
Helps you get enough nutrients
People with UC
The paleo diet allows you to get
It also includes meat, fish, and poultry, which contain heme iron. Heme iron is
The paleo diet may offer several benefits for those looking to manage their symptoms, but it also has some potential drawbacks, including the increased risk of nutrient and mineral deficiencies.
Anytime you remove entire food groups from your diet, you run the risk of not getting enough of some essential nutrients.
Many people with UC have low levels of folic acid, a nutrient found in whole grains and legumes. Some UC medications can also decrease folic acid levels.
Folic acid has been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer, which is higher in those with UC.
The paleo diet may also be higher in fiber, which is not recommended for those experiencing symptoms during a flare-up. The moderate to high amounts of fats present in the paleo diet may also aggravate symptoms in some people.
There’s always some risk involved when drastically changing your diet. Speak to a healthcare professional and dietitian before you embark on any new diet plan.