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Treatment in as little as 15 minutes. Available 24/7.

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Just $25 per visit. Treat 40+ conditions with a simple form. Get an Rx in as little as 15 minutes.

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people saved on prescriptions in 2023.


annual savings per person in 2023.

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Multiple Rx's or pharmacies? Save time with our discount card.

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Our top FAQs

  • How do I know if I’m eligible?

    Anyone can use Optum Perks. Because Optum Perks isn’t insurance, there aren’t any restrictions or requirements. Just use your coupon or discount card each time you fill a prescription.

  • How does Online Care work?

    Complete an online intake form to help gather information about your symptoms and medical history. A licensed healthcare provider reviews the information you provided to evaluate your treatment options. If prescribed, the provider will follow-up with a personalized treatment plan, just for you. You will be able to send the new prescription to a pharmacy of your choosing.

  • What medications are covered?

    You can use Optum Perks to save on most prescription medications. Optum Perks partners with a leading pharmacy benefit manager to negotiate discounted prices on many of the medications you rely on to live a healthy life.

  • Do I need to pay for Optum Perks?

    No, Optum Perks is free to you. We negotiate bulk pricing with retail pharmacies and pass the savings directly to you. You will not be charged for using Optum Perks.

  • How do I use the drug coupons or discount card?

    Just show the discount coupons or discount card to your pharmacist and save up to 80% on the price of your prescriptions without using insurance.