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What Is Bezzy Migraine?

Community Conversations

Updated December 23, 2024

Illustration by Brittany England

Illustration by Brittany England

by The Bezzy Editorial Team


by The Bezzy Editorial Team


Bezzy Migraine is an online community with peer support, advice, and feel-good stories for people living with migraine.

As humans, we’re wired for connection. Belonging to a community makes us feel safe and supported.

But living with migraine can feel physically and emotionally isolating. It can be hard to do things you loved before your diagnosis and also feel like no one understands what it’s like.

But you are not alone.

Join the free Migraine community!
Connect with thousands of members and find support through daily live chats, curated resources, and one-to-one messaging.

What we’re all about

Bezzy Migraine is a free online community created just for people living with migraine. Here you can read articles, chat (anonymously or not), and share your experiences.

We designed Bezzy as a space where:

  • You feel seen, valued, and understood.
  • Your story matters.
  • Shared vulnerability is the name of the game.

I used to dream about having a migraine chat room to hop into on Friday nights with other migraineurs stuck at home not feeling well. Love that we can all connect here for support. It’s never fun to have to sit something out because of migraine, but I find it stings a little more on weekends.

— mindfulmigraine, Bezzy Migraine member

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What you can expect here

Membership is free, and you get full access to the community, including:

  • Forums: From treatments to relationships to daily living, migraine changes everything. Each forum is a chat room dedicated to a specific topic, from basic introductions to symptom management to community announcements. Whatever you’re feeling on any given day, there’s a forum where you can connect and share directly with other members.
  • Stories: You can check out stories and experiences of people living with migraine under the “Discover” section of the drop-down menu. You’ll also find informational articles written by professional health writers and approved by our medical review team before publication.
  • Messaging: If you’re a Bezzy Migraine app user, you can connect with other members one-on-one through private messaging. (P.S., If you’re not, you can download the app for iOS or Android.)
  • Live chats: Need to vent? Get advice? Share what’s on your mind? Connect with other Bezzy members during hour-long live chats scheduled Monday through Thursday every week. All live chats are text-based (not on camera!) and led by Eileen Zollinger, our amazing community guide.
  • Safety: We take thoughtful steps to build safety, security, and privacy into our platform, so you feel safe sharing your personal stories and experiences.

This article was excellent and extremely helpful for me. It put into words exactly how I feel. I’m 59 years old and have had migraine since my mid-20s. Thank you for the article and thank you for Bezzy. It has been very helpful and informative for me.

— anonymous Bezzy Migraine member

So why do we call it Bezzy?

“Bezzy” is the British English word for a person’s best or closest friend (aka “bestie”).

Inspired by the power of friendship, Bezzy Migraine is a safe space for shared experiences and authentic conversations.

You can also connect with the Bezzy community on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

We hope you’ll join us.

Originally written January 03, 2022

Fact checked on January 03, 2022

Join the free Migraine community!
Connect with thousands of members and find support through daily live chats, curated resources, and one-to-one messaging.

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