Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can cause stomach cramps. Most people with Crohn’s experience frequent and severe cramps during a flare-up, but they can happen at any time.

Most people with Crohn’s will experience periods of mild or no symptoms, as well as periods of more severe symptoms. These are called flare-ups.

During a flare-up, symptoms such as stomach cramps are likely to occur, which can be painful and difficult to manage. Treatments such as lifestyle changes can help to reduce them.

Here’s what you should know about Crohn’s disease and cramps and how to treat and manage these complications.

Stomach cramps are a very commonTrusted Source Crohn’s symptom that typically occurs after eating and tend to be more painful during a flare-up.

Cramps can be caused both directly by Crohn’s disease and by its complications.

Cramps caused by Crohn’s are the result of an inflamed intestinal tract. They happen after eating as food moves through your intestines, causing them to contract. These contractions are a regular part of digestion as moves food through your digestive tract, but they can be very painful when your intestines are inflamed.

Complications of Crohn’s can also cause cramps. For example, a bowel blockage can make digestion difficult and lead to cramping. Other Crohn’s complications that can lead to cramping includeTrusted Source:

  • fistulas
  • strictures
  • fissures

The right treatment for Crohn’s disease cramps depends on the underlying cause, the severity of your other Crohn’s symptoms, and how well you respond to Crohn’s treatment.

There are multiple treatment options for Crohn’s. You might need a combination of treatments to manage it.

Treatment options include:

Lifestyle measures

Cramps and other Crohn’s symptoms can be worse during flare-ups. Certain lifestyle measures can help you avoid flare-ups. This includes:

Tracking your cramps and other symptoms using a diary can also help you manage them. It’s a great tool for finding out what triggers your flare-ups and for identifying which treatments work best for you.

Medication options

Crohn’s can be managed with pain-relieving medications, such as aminosalicylates or corticosteroids. Generally, corticosteroids are only prescribed for severe symptoms and are taken temporarily.

A doctor may also recommend medication that suppresses the function of your immune system to reduce inflammation. Options include immunomodulators and biological therapies. These medications have been the cornerstone of Crohn’s therapy and are often viewed as the best chance of remission.

Bowel rest

A doctor might recommend bowel rest as a temporary treatment. Bowel rest can involve drinking specific liquids or not drinking at all for a few days and instead receiving nutrition through an intravenous (IV) infusion or feeding tube.

Reparative surgery

Sometimes, surgery is the best choice to treat the symptoms or complications of Crohn’s. You might have surgery if you’re not responding to other treatments or if you have complications such as fistulas or bowel obstructions that need to be repaired.

Surgery can remove the inflamed or damaged parts of your intestines, remove blockages, or repair fistulas.

Ileostomy and proctocolectomy

If your Crohn’s is severe, you might need an ileostomy and proctocolectomy. This is a surgical procedure that removes your colon and rectum and creates an opening, called a stoma, on the outside of your body.

The end of your intestine is brought through the stoma and attached so that the stool can pass through it and into a removable external collection bag.

We compiled the most frequently asked questions about Crohn’s — read on to learn more.

What does Crohn’s disease feel like?

Crohn’s can be very painful. Symptoms such as cramping, diarrhea, and fatigue can make it difficult to work, socialize, and complete daily tasks. For most people with Crohn’s, cramps are most often felt in the lower right section of the stomach, but it’s possible to experience pain anywhere in the stomach. Crohn’s symptoms can lessen or disappear and then come back during a flare-up.

In addition to physical pain, Crohn’s can take a toll on your mental health. It can be stressful, frightening, and isolating to have a flare-up. Treatments can help manage your symptoms and reduce flare-ups.

Is Crohn’s disease pain constant?

Crohn’s pain isn’t constant. Symptoms can come and go. Many people only experience pain during Crohn’s flare-ups. Treatment can help reduce flare-ups and can help you maintain an active lifestyle.

What activates Crohn’s?

Doctors don’t know what causes Crohn’s. It’s thought that factors such as genetics or an abnormal immune reaction might play a role, but more research is needed. Lifestyle factors also appear to play a large role in Crohn’s. Factors such as stress, diet, lack of exercise, and smoking are all associated with a higher risk. They can also trigger flare-ups in people who already have Crohn’s. Flare-ups might also be triggered by factors such as medication changes or infections. You can read more about Crohn’s flare-ups here.

Why do people experience cramping as a symptom of Crohn’s?

Crohn’s causes inflammation in your intestines. Cramping occurs when your intestines contract to move food along your digestive tract. This is why cramping most often occurs about an hour after eating.

Crohn’s disease can cause digestive symptoms, including diarrhea, bloody stools, and stomach cramps. Cramps are often very painful and can make it challenging to get through daily activities.

Treatment can help reduce or even eliminate cramps and other Crohn’s symptoms. Options for treatment include lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery.

The right treatment for you will depend on the severity of your cramps, the other symptoms you have, and how well you respond to treatment.

A doctor can help you understand the treatment options most suited to your needs.