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How Emotional Repression Impacts Chronic Illness, Plus How to Make Peace with Powerful Feelings

How Emotional Repression Impacts Chronic Illness, Plus How to Make Peace with Powerful Feelings

Being mindful of negative emotions can grant you the freedom to choose how you respond to chronic illness and life. 

February 21, 2025

by Crystal Hoshaw

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Love, Connection, and Chronic Illness: A Dating App Designed for Us

Love, Connection, and Chronic Illness: A Dating App Designed for Us

Dating with chronic illness can involve uncomfortable conversations. This app can make it easier.

February 21, 2025

by Monica Haro

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What Is Emotional Competence, and How Can It Help You Manage Chronic Illness?

What Is Emotional Competence, and How Can It Help You Manage Chronic Illness?

Emotional competence, or feeling, expressing, and coping with emotions effectively, can make managing chronic illness easier. Here's how to get there.

February 21, 2025

by Crystal Hoshaw

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Casual Conversations
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Casual Conversations
image is hidden to protect member privacy. Download the app to meet members of your community.
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Daily Living
A quick question, when discussing oxygen why is 2 the highest mentioned?
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Casual Conversations
Has anyone used cdb oil for copd and did it help
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Daily Living
Just wanted to tell everyone to watch their fluid intake. In an effort to help thin the mucus in my lungs I drank too much water over several days. It washed the sodium out of my system and I ended up in the hospital with an IV to replenish it. I've been on fluid restrictions for about a week and never felt better. I go to my primary doctor tomorrow for a hospital discharge followup. Hopefully I'm back where I need to be. 3 pints per day is not a lot and I have to really watch my intake.
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