Certain surgeries, missing chromosomes, autoimmune disorders, and specific medications may cause early menopause. Treatment is often similar to that of natural menopause symptoms.
Though the average age of menopause is 51 years, it can happen any time between the ages of 45 and 55. It also can happen at even younger ages.
Premature menopause, also known as primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), occurs when you begin menopause before the age of 40. Early menopause occurs when you begin menopause before 45 years.
Often, the symptoms of menopause, early menopause, and POI are similar or the same. But why you begin early menopause or POI may be for a number of reasons.
Those who have premature or early menopause will be at higher risk for osteoporosis due to the early decline of estrogen production. This reduction may also increase risk factors for ovarian and colon cancers, cataracts, and gum disease.
We use the term “women” in this article to refer to those assigned female at birth, but we acknowledge that sex and gender exist on a spectrum.
Such surgeries may
Early menopause may also develop as a side effect among those who have cervical cancer surgery or pelvic surgery.
Chemotherapy and pelvic radiation
Being born with missing chromosomes or having a chromosomal condition
Turner syndrome, for example, occurs when a woman is born without all or with one incomplete X chromosome. This syndrome causes your ovaries to function improperly and have irregular menstrual cycles.
This often causes people with Turner syndrome to enter menopause early.
An autoimmune disorder occurs when your immune system attacks your own body because it mistakes a part of it as harmful.
Rheumatoid arthritis, for example,
Thyroid disease may cause premature menopause due to hormone levels that are either too high or too low. But treating the thyroid condition can alleviate symptoms and prevent early menopause.
Encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) may cause:
- extreme tiredness
- weakness
- muscle and joint pain
According to the
Some medications reduce the amount of estrogen in your body (antiestrogenic agents). This may result in early menopause.
Tamoxifen, for example, blocks and reduces estrogen. It’s used as a preventive method for those who are at a high risk of developing breast cancer.
Other conditions, such as endometriosis, that are also treated with antiestrogenic agents
Those living with HIV and who aren’t receiving proper treatment may enter menopause early. Some research estimates it may occur at least 4 to 5 years earlier in those with HIV compared to those without it.
Some cases of early menopause are unavoidable, such as genetics and genetic disorders. Other times, you can take steps to begin menopause closer to the expected age range.
Tips include:
- Avoid smoking or speak with your doctor about a smoking cessation program.
- Exercise regularly, which can help you maintain a moderate weight and prevent obesity and menopause-related weight gain.
- Use natural skin care products that are free of hormones.
- Eat whole foods as much as possible (especially those rich in phytoestrogen), and avoid ultra-processed foods.
Coping with early menopause
If you experience grief during menopause, know that you’re not alone. Online communities such as Early Menopause offer support, resources, and information for thousands of people coping with early menopause.
You can also seek therapy or mental health counseling if you experience depression brought on by early menopause.
Menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but sometimes it may begin earlier. When it happens before age 40, it’s called primary ovarian insufficiency. Menopause before age 45 is called early menopause.
While symptoms of natural, early, and premature menopause are typically the same, why it may occur earlier varies. Some risk factors include smoking, missing chromosomes, and autoimmune disorders.
Treating the underlying conditions, if any, may be part of your plan. Since symptoms are similar, you can typically use many of the same symptom management techniques as you would for natural menopause.