Common eczema triggers may include irritants like soaps, smoke, dander, sweat, certain foods, stress, and hormonal changes, among others.

Eczema is a chronic but manageable skin condition that may cause dry, itchy, and inflamed patches on your skin that may also be discolored.

Although researchers haven’t determinedTrusted Source the exact cause of eczema, they’ve identified several environmental, dietary, immunological, and psychological factors that may trigger or worsen symptoms.

Here are 10 possible eczema triggers.

Eating certain foods may trigger eczema symptoms or make already-present eczema worse. You may experience eczema immediately after eating a certain food, or it may take hours or days to appear.

A 2023 studyTrusted Source of 225,568 people with eczema found that:

Eczema is associatedTrusted Source with a weakened skin barrier, which is the outer layer of skin that helps prevent water loss and protects it from environmental irritants.

Having a food allergy or sensitivity could further weaken the skin barrier, making symptoms of eczema worse.

Eczema related to diet is more common in babies and young children with moderate to severe eczema.

The foods that trigger eczema vary from person to person, but the nine most common food allergies in the United States include:

  • peanuts
  • tree nuts
  • sesame
  • cow’s milk
  • eggs
  • soy
  • wheat
  • seafood
  • shellfish

Try eliminating a suspected food from your diet to see if your symptoms lessen, or see a doctor to get a formal food allergy test.

Dry skin is a common eczema symptom, but it could also trigger eczema.

According to the National Eczema Association, dry skin may crack and become scaly, rough, or brittle, which may lead to inflammation and an eczema flare-up.

Common causes of dry skin include:

  • a lack of moisture in the air
  • prolonged exposure to hot water, such as in a bath
  • not moisturizing enough during the day

Some ways to help prevent your skin from becoming dry include:

Stress is a common eczema trigger, especially chronic stress.

According to a 2023 study, stress may trigger or worsen eczema symptoms because it could affect the immune system, the skin barrier function, and other systems in the body.

Managing your stress could help prevent eczema flare-ups. This may include:

  • practicing yoga
  • trying meditation
  • walking outside
  • writing in a journal
  • exercising
  • engaging in a hobby
  • getting enough high quality sleep
  • speaking with family, friends, or a therapist

Contact with irritating chemicals or allergens is another major triggerTrusted Source for eczema.

According to the National Eczema Association, some common irritants and allergens may include:

  • detergents and soaps, especially with fragrances
  • dyes
  • certain metals such as nickel, chromium cobalt, chloride, copper, and gold
  • bleach
  • latex
  • insect bites and bee stings
  • chlorine, such as in swimming pools
  • hot water
  • clothing materials, such as wool
  • makeup
  • nail polish
  • poison ivy, oak, or sumac

Before buying products, it’s important to look at the list of ingredients. Choose products that are free from fragrances and dyes to help reduce the chance of an eczema flare-up.

You can also try using The American Contact Dermatitis Society’s Contact Allergen Management Program (CAMP) to help find products that work best for you.

Airborne irritants and allergens that you inhale are an increasingly more common trigger of eczema symptoms.

Common airborne allergens may include:

  • pollen
  • pet dander
  • dust
  • mold
  • smoke
  • pollution

Research suggests that airborne allergens may trigger eczema in several ways, such as:

  • damaging the skin barrier
  • increasing transepidermal water loss, which is how much water leaves your skin
  • increasing inflammation
  • altering the skin microbiome and pH levels
  • increasing itchiness, which could trigger scratching

Some ways to help reduce your exposure to these allergens is by:

  • limiting your contact with pets
  • cleaning your house and linens regularly
  • limiting the amount of carpets, upholstery, and stuffed objects (pillows, stuffed animals) in your home
  • keeping your living space properly humidified
  • avoiding exposure to smoke, mold, and pollen

A doctor can perform an allergy skin test to determine whether one of these allergens causes a rash on your skin. They may recommend over-the-counter treatments or allergy shots as a treatment.

Sweat helps your body regulate its temperature when it becomes too hot.

However, it can also affect the moisture of your skin. After sweating, too much water may have evaporated from the skin, resulting in dry, itchy skin.

The National Eczema Association recommends trying the following tips during exercise to help prevent eczema:

  • wear loose clothing
  • do low intensity workouts
  • stay hydrated
  • take breaks to help you cool down
  • use a clean towel to pat down sweat (don’t rub your skin, as this can worsen symptoms)

Extreme weather temperatures can increase inflammatory markers in people with eczema, which may worsen symptoms.

For instance, cold weather often lacks humidity, which can cause skin to become dry. Hot weather, on the other hand, may cause you to sweat more than usual.

Consider using a humidifier to help prevent dry air in your home, especially if you use a heater.

Fluctuations in your hormones may affect your symptoms of eczema, especially during adolescence or later in life.

A 2022 review found that fluctuations in the following hormones may affect eczema:

  • estrogen
  • progesterone
  • testosterone
  • insulin
  • hypothyroidism
  • cortisol

Eczema flare-ups are also common during a person’s menstrual cycle. Research also suggests that eczema is the most commonly reported skin condition associated with menopause.

A doctor could help you manage eczema that occurs around your cycle or during menopause.

People with eczema have a higher riskTrusted Source of bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, which can worsen eczema symptoms.

This may be due to your skin’s weakened protective barrier or due to scratching, which can cause open sores from which infections may enter.

Staphylococcus aureus is the most common type of bacteria that can lead to an infection. Your skin may become more inflamed, discolored, or start to ooze fluid. Viruses like herpes may also cause blisters on your skin.

Speak with a doctor if you have a skin infection. They can recommend treatments to reduce the risk of complications.

Learn more about eczema and infections.

Smoking can also irritate your skin and worsen eczema.

A 2020 study found that smoking and second-hand smoke were both associated with eczema on the hands.

Consider speaking with a doctor about how to quit smoking to help reduce eczema flare-ups.

Learn more about eczema and smoking.

Can stress bring on eczema?

Yes, stress may trigger an eczema flare-up or worsen current symptoms.

What time of year is worst for eczema?

The worst time of year for eczema will depend on where you live and how extreme the temperature shifts are. Some people experience worse symptoms in the dry, cold winter months, while others experience worst symptoms in the hot, humid months.

Does caffeine make eczema worse?

Limited research has examined the direct effects of caffeine on eczema. However, a 2017 study found that 33% of participants reported an improvement in symptoms when they eliminated caffeine from their diets.

Several environmental, psychological, and dietary triggers may contribute to eczema flare-ups.

If you’re unsure of what triggers your symptoms, speak with a doctor. They could help you identify possible triggers and develop ways to manage them.