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Bezzy IBD

Bezzy members are excited to meet you, share advice and stories about their experiences living with crohn's & colitis. Join a judgment-free space with a free profile.

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Happy Tuesday and welcome to our live tonight 🌸 on Spring cleaning your life! Let's share ways we're going to declutter refresh and reset! For fun, share what makes you most excited about for spring!
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This Wise Little Narwhal Has Something to Teach Us All About Invisible Illness

This Wise Little Narwhal Has Something to Teach Us All About Invisible Illness

Migraine representation in children's books is important for everyone, not just kids.

February 21, 2025

by Clara Siegmund

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The Psychology of Misinformation: Why We Buy into BS

The Psychology of Misinformation: Why We Buy into BS

The internet means everything is at our fingertips, even misinformation. Here's why it spreads, plus how to protect yourself and your community.

February 21, 2025

by Stacey McLachlan

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10 Ways to Find Support When You Live Alone with Chronic Illness

10 Ways to Find Support When You Live Alone with Chronic Illness

Living alone with a condition can be challenging, but there are people who want to help.

February 21, 2025

by Beth Ann Mayer

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Diet and Integrative Therapies
Thought this might be helpful to some here. I’ll give it a try myself if I can figure out where to get it. Take care, Steve
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Personal Community
Dear IBD Community, I recently had a bad flare up after living for the last few years in remission. I finally figured out it was linked to the melatonin I had recently started after taking it for almost two weeks. I wanted to warn anyone as a possible contributing factor to IBD even though I don’t have scientific proof other than my experience. I was taking Trader Joe’s 3 mg brand. This is tricky because there is conflicting research about its use with IBD.
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Medications and Treatments
I’m sitting here looking at a bottle of prebiotics and a bottle of probiotics trying to figure out what to take for my moderate UC (Both? One or the other? None?). What’s the difference between these? Thanks, Steve
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Personal Community
Anyone else have crippling insomnia and chronic fatigue? It has gotten progressively worse for me and I’m getting desperate. How do you sleep? Please help, my doctor told me to see if it gets better in time and maybe drink water. Fat lot of help that was.
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Personal Community
Article below(including application) noting a unique opportunity for 1 or 2 within the IBD community, who are currently working in or have an interest in the communication/journalism field. Deadline is 4/15/2025 for submission. Could be a great resume add, for those just starting out, while also gaining some valuable insight along the way- but does require 5k followers on a social media platform and prior experience in educating others on IBD.
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Managing IBD
From medication side effects to symptom management, turn here for the practical support you need to help manage IBD.
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